Racist! Sexist! Bigot! Homophobe! - "The Tolerant Ones" by Papa Possum

Posted by Eudaimonia 10 years, 5 months ago to Entertainment
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An oldie, but a goody.
Perfect for today's oh-so-tolerant notions of Free Speech.

Note: this satire is written as a song and is meant to be sung.
One day I will score the melody.
I think the feel should be obvious from the metre.

Also, stop by website and check out the new layout.
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Also, also: This is *satire*.
If you tell me that you are offended, I will hear only that I did my job correctly.

Enjoy, or not.


The Tolerant Ones

The song lyrics to the anthem
of our Politically Correct

How can you live with your... self
when you won't think like everyone... else?
While you might have your own point of... view,
if you don't think exactly what we tell you to,

Then you're a racist,
sexist, bigot, homophobe.
If we had sticks and stones
we'd smash your frontal lobe.
We know you're burning crosses
while you're wearing robes,
'cause you're all racist,
sexist, bigot, homophobes!

You'd better watch what you... say,
we've got lots of “ism” cards to... play.
And while you might have your freedom of... speech,
if you don't repeat exactly what it is we preach,

Then you're a racist,
sexist, bigot, homophobe.
Your speech is hateful
and it's warming up the globe.
If we had sticks and stones
we'd smash your frontal lobes,
'cause you're all racist,
sexist, bigot, homophobes!

We are The Tolerant... Ones.
We tolerate you all so much we're... stunned
Maybe you all might evolve one... day
but until then we hope you'll die and rot away,

'Cause you're all racist,
sexist, bigot, homophobes.
We'd like to tap your phones,
subject you all to probes.
We know you're burning crosses
while you're wearing robes,
'cause you're all racist,
sexist, bigot, homophobes!
Sinners! Sinners! Sinners! Sinners!
Racist, sexist, bigot, homophobes!

The Tolerant Ones, Copyright © 2009 Papa Possum


Thank you. I'm here all week.

Hear the audio stream here: http://papapossum.blogspot.com/2009/03/t...

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