Countering the emotional argument lies againt capitalism

Posted by Grendol 9 years, 1 month ago to Culture
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Most of the time I see people from a liberal viewpoint discuss capitalism, they immediately act as if capitalists are only greedy thieves that are not interested in anything but themselves. The arguement that I seem them push is that capitalism is a grave ethics failure destroying the moral fiber of a society. Also, I see them try and make the claim that capitalists want to enslave people. While I know personally that I truly do care about others, and I am not what these people say (that I wish to enslave, that I am incapable of compassion, that I would never give to charity) I see these argument fallicies repeated too freely. From the perspective of trying to change people from being supporters of self enslavement to a socialist society, does anyone here have methods of arguements they would suggest (practical and real ones that are not intended to be snarky)?

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  • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 1 month ago
    How can you not be snarky when the first things out of their mouths are lies?!? Just refer them to "The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie," by Napoleon Hill. It might also be a good idea to have them study a bit of American history, especially from the 1830s through WWI; that was the time when America was transformed from an agrarian to an industrial society. The socialist talking points are always about "fairness" and "equality," never achievement, pluck and innovation. Capitalism is a system designed for the independent, innovative, self driven entrepreneur ("the business of America is business"); everyone else is along for the ride, getting benefits that they'd never even thought of. If that wasn't the case, everyone would be producing, and there would be no problem of "inequality." The fact is, most people aren't ambitious or talented enough to make a dent in the universe. Yet they want the rewards of those who are. That's the long and the short of it. If there was no money, only "attaboys," the knuckleheads would want to deny the producers of that. They don't want to recognize the producers in matter or in spirit. The only response they deserve is, "if you think you're man enough, come and attempt to get it."
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
    Capitalism is the only practical system that actually has worked - ever. Socialism is touted as the ideal system, but it FAILS every time its tried and people just ignore the failures. Look at Venezuela- socialism is a dismal failure overall. It doesnt even help the poor as its "supposed to". People have to just see the everyday practical results of socialism. Capitalism doesnt guarantee everyone will be equal in terms anything but individual rights, but it does allow anyone who wants to improve the chance to improve unfettered by cronyism in government, and outright threats by others. Socialism is replete with threats from every mob that gets government control and it actually gets in the way of people improving their lot in life. We have to attack socialism at the level people actually live. Not with some sort of lofty Objectivist talk. We have never really had capitalism- mostly cronyism since our country started. The Constitution was a good start, but it was violated in so many ways right from the beginning- slavery, wars against indians, mexican territories, and non-christian believers. So people dont know what real capitalism would be like.
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    • Posted by Maritimus 9 years, 1 month ago
      I believe that you are confusing issues in an attempt not to disclose you aversion to capitalism.
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      • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
        I am a total supporter of capitalism like I said in my first sentence. Perhaps I didnt make that clear enough. My 1 st point is that so many people seem to look for any excuse to trash capitalism, but ignore the obvious failings of socialism. My second point is that we have to point out the failings of socialism and not let them ignore them. And my third point is that we are so far from the general populace understanding the philosophical underpinnings of capitalism that it is more efficient at this point to point out the obvious failings of socialism in life today.
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