battery technology may allow more off-grid living!

Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 1 month ago to Technology
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this is the extrapolation of the long-life lithium-ion
batteries in cellphones -- a big one for your home! -- j


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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
    More impractical rubbish from Elon. He does know that the elite has the money, so his products are all for them. Space X is the only thing he is connected with that makes sense to me, and that is also currently impractical.
    The real problem with his projects is they waste involuntary taxpayers money supporting products with no market in the forseeable future.
    Musk is a dreamer and a looter. They admit that for the system that cost $18,000, over $12,000 was paid for by taxpayers and it hadn't been used in the 6 months since installation.
    Unless there is no gasoline available, this system can't even compete economically with a $350 backup generator.
    Musk insisted it “is within the power of humanity to do.” Fine, Elon, you pay for it with YOUR money. Stop guzzling at the public trough you fat looting pig.
    I respect people following their dreams, but not if they are stealing from others to do it.
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