Diplomacy out, blunt talk in as Obama gets tough on GOP

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 1 month ago to Government
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"I think the president since the election has kept these guys on their heels," Griffin said. Obama and his aides "have come to understand that you don't get the attention of these guys and the attention of the country without having some edge."

OR in plain English: If the Obamanation can't have the useless idiots he wants, he will cry moan and bitch until he gets it. Hello Obamanation: You gave us Holder, one of the most useless corrupt, partisan, racist AGs you could ask for. You topped the previous record held by the Republicans with John Mitchell. Is it any wonder no one wants to let you have Idiot number 2? You have exceeded your quota of idiots, and color is not a ticket in. Get over it. Arrogant jerk.
SOURCE URL: http://news.yahoo.com/diplomacy-blunt-talk-obama-gets-tough-gop-072503045--politics.html

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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 1 month ago
    It's tactics: bludgeon your opponent with enough public limelight that makes them look bad (with the ever-present help of your media goons) and they'll eventually capitulate. It's worked for more than 4 years so why stop now?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 1 month ago
      Sad, but true, but goes back a lot further. Clinton's and Rove turned it into a viable tactic, before that it was amateurish (like being gay,playing with Senate pages etc). Now they just say you are trying to steal the peoples money for your own ends, but that is said so often it has become true.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
    No, it's just part of the plan. Obama has to give the GOP some excuse for doing absolutely NOTHING but CAVING after promising AGAIN to defend individual liberty. Instead the GOP will rubber stamp Obama's illegal amnesty plans, Iran "diplomacy", and leave Obamacare untouched. Lying traitors.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 1 month ago
      The republicans are Democraps with a different set of special interests. They do not have the honor to have a moral position they will stick too. More argument for a third party.
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  • Posted by Clairity 9 years, 1 month ago
    Loretta Lynch was responsible for the push to not prosecute HSBC, saving them lots of money so yea who better to place in this position. We will never have a fair election till we take back the county election boards forcing them to publicize the write in candidates
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  • Posted by term2 9 years, 1 month ago
    so the democrats want to tax us and print money for their projects, headed by the kind of arrogance Obama. the republicans want to tax us and print money for THEIR projects, and each of them vetoes the others' projects. the problem is that both of them use government power to get the money out of one group and give it to another. That is just wrong and is at the bottom of our problems. Of course there is gridlock- there has to be, and actually we should be thankful for that !!!! Keeps government spending lower
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 1 month ago
      This is one of the points of Atlas Shrugged: Government is not for the good of the country, rather the good of the government. AKA greedy little trolls, and party is just a different coat of paint on the same cockroach.
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  • Posted by smichael9 9 years, 1 month ago
    I don't want to bash Obama on a personal basis, a tactic that he has taken recently when talking about his GOP counterparts. When your argument begins to fail, many people just raise their voices, assuming that a louder volume will make their position clearer.

    We need to remember that Mr. Obama served 3 terms as a state senator in Illinois, a state just short of bankruptcy due to mishandling by state government. He was then elected to the US Senate in 2004. He has never held a position in business, finance, foreign affairs, the military or governance. His primary accomplishments prior to becoming president consist of becoming chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee for the State of Illinois. It should be noted that he recently chided Marco Rubio for Rubio's lack of foreign policy experience.

    We have placed the future of our country in the hands of an individual who lacks the necessary experience to deal with the problems that our country faces in today's political environment.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 1 month ago
      Uh, for 2 terms. So what does this say about the electorate that elected such a noob to power? Either they are really stupid, bought off with lots of promises never to be kept, pandered to by special individual interests, or just"I always vote Democrap" and hold their nose. Or a mix of all the above, of course there is a light possibility the election was rigged, there was video of a voting machine (in Ohio I believe) where the guy pressed the Republican button and it kept coming up Democrap. At any rate, he won on a Kennedy like race method of smooth talking and "We can fix this" stories. And they were stories.
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 1 month ago
    Not disagreeing with the headline, and that once again, it's "my way or the highway" for Obama...

    But someone remind me...when exactly was Obama ever diplomatic, not blunt, not tough, or even civilized in his dealings with the GOP? Or anyone else who dared cross him?
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