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  • Posted by Lnxjenn 9 years, 5 months ago
    I still contend that Harry Reid is really an Alien.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 5 months ago
      No, I've contended in posts elsewhere (maybe also here--can't remember) that Dingy Harry is an old woman with a short haircut who wears men's business suits. It's all about his voice.
      I think Obama is a space alien. Ever study his head?
      Maybe that mole is an alien intelligent parasite.or his "helper." Sort of like a familiar is to a witch.
      And those ears? Maybe he can flap them. In case of an emergency such as an uprising, Obama can detach his head and fly back to the mothership.
      Only to return with an army of narcissus armed with blasters.
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      • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
        Oh boy... just go look for the movies on you tube that claim that, they have the red slit eye thing down pat..looks pretty good too. He ought to consider contacts..
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 5 months ago
    ''I already posted the answer. Astronauts went to the moon. While their they observed aliens. When they came back the aliens who had boarded for the return trip disappeared. NASA disbelieved them and covered it up." Answer - When on the moon the astronauts were the aliens.Not only that but undocumented. Fearing another drop in popularity Obeyme canceled the program.

    On the Chesapeak one day I was asked if I would visit DC. I said No I don't have my passport and without that they might not let me back in the country. Easily understood by anyone who lives West of Mississippi or closer.
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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 5 months ago
    aside from being in wa. they also populate nasa.

    while i do not believe we are the only planet with life i do think there will not be any communication with what ever is out there for a very very very long time. the reason is because we are eons away from actual space travel. if aliens were here in the past i find it interesting that they have stayed away since biblical times as is postulated on the alien history channel.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      Oh boy, open a can of worms and read "We have Never been alone", it takes that theory and provides a lot of circumstantial evidence across a whole bunch of disciplines to make that claim. I thought it was a good alternate interpretation of a lot of "facts".
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  • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 5 months ago
    I read the headline last night and just laughed. This is science? Why not 2020 or 2030? What evidence?

    Will we find them in time to save us from Global Warming? Will it coincide with the Second Coming, so they can be saved to?

    Most importantly: will they be legal or illegal aliens? I believe that will be a function of the party in power, or who they'd vote for. And if our rocket ships will be advanced enough to get them to the polls...oh, wait...interstellar voting will take care of that...
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      The alien question is the real funny thing, Men IN Black sort of dabbed at it, but District 9 really addressed the idea. Then we will have to distinguish between real aliens, sort of aliens and legal aliens....too many aliens...give them all drivers licenses and register them to vote...Democrap of course...
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      • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
        Speaking of MIB, why didn't the Justice Department sue the studio for racism? It's all over the movie title, inside it, they treat aliens bad, give worms guns...
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 9 years, 5 months ago
    Who are they kidding! They are already here or is it out there? NASA must think the American People are stupid. By the time they get around to show us the proof it's going to be one big yawn.
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  • Posted by marshafamilaroenright 9 years, 5 months ago
    The article is pretty thin on the facts as to why they think this. And the chief scientist didn't say 2025, she said "strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade, and I think we're going to have definitive evidence within 20 to 30 years" so the title is pretty misleading!
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 5 months ago
    I think that ten years is a bit optimistic, but I certainly wouldn't mind for it to happen. Something I have been pondering: If so-called alien life is carbon based like us, is it truly "alien?" Inasmuch as the life-form would likely have evolved similarly to us, wouldn't it in that sense not be alien? If life evolved based on some other element, like say, silicon -- now THAT would really be alien.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago
    I'm really surprised NASA is still looking into anything other than Muslim outreach. Obama tasked them with it several years ago as their top priority.

    Realistically speaking, it isn't going to be governmentally-led initiatives that get us into space. They're far too worried about power and control over this planet to worry about another.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
    All right, her is my prediction--as bold as any of the Triumvirs of Atlantis could have made it.

    They'll find life, all right. The best candidates: Enceladus, Ganymede, and Europa. But especially Europa, with its subglacial ocean beneath thin ice, and being close enough to Jupiter for some tidal pumping.

    But that life isn't going to be any different from what we find on earth.

    Because 5300 years ago (give or take a hundred years), this earth had a subcrustal ocean. It broke containment in the most violent event you can imagine--an event so violent you're afraid to imagine it. A hypersonic jet shot straight up into the air and through the air--fast enough to blow a hole in it! Four percent of the earth's mass escaped into space on that terrible day, and in the days that followed. The escaping mass included mostly water, with plenty of rock and mud. All of which would have some of the seeds of life--mostly microbial.

    It would take an extremophile to survive the passage, but extremophiles are known on earth. The jet might even have carried some seeds.

    The launch controllers of the Galileo mission were smart: they crashed Galileo on Jupiter so it wouldn't risk crashing on Europa, breaking the ice, and contaminating its ocean. Who knows what we might find there, on a mission to break through the surface with a missile deploying a robotic submarine?
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    • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 5 months ago
      As Arthur C. Clarke postulated in "2001, A Space Odyssey", Europa is incubating life, and that's why humanity must not go there. At any rate, since we have not been contacted by life forms equal to us or more developed, most life forms out there are probably still at the micro-organism or bacterial level. It will take a while before they have language and can communicate with us with Star Trek's universal translator. Bear in mind also that the Earth's most populous life forms are bacteria. We are virtually powerless against them except for those who live in symbiosis with us, and without those we could not exist.
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      • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
        I'm not looking for any extraterrestrial civilization. I would imagine we will find bacteria, fungi, and plankton--both phytoplankton and "animal" plankton, in enough balance to produce an elemental ecology.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
          I think it is wrong to write off another intelligent race able to travel through space in some manner. We constantly find new things out that are hard to explain. Go look up "The Man who calls Aliens", while there is a lot of controversy and cries of "fake" a lot of the various films and pictures are hard to explain. With billions of possible locations in the spiral arm that could have evolved life, it is irresponsible to not allow for something more advanced to be there. A lot of sci-fi postulates they contact the "government" but with ours, that may be a big mistake. Not that there are many others better, it seems the idea of government universally decays into a dictatorship of one form or another.
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          • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
            Why, then, has not one of those scouts made a direct contact with someone--if not the UN or even the USA, at least with one or more captains of industry? Can you imagine the kind of technological advancements a trade expeditionary might offer? Can you imagine what the Boeing Group, or Airbus Industrie, or General Dynamics, or Israel Aerospace Industries, might give to get their hands on ground-effect hovercraft, directed-energy weapons, and the like?
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            • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
              Ok, who says they have not? Our government, being known for it's openness and honesty, surely would have told us? In casae you didn't see it, the Navy has fielded a couple of Lasers that destroy drones and small boats, and screw up some ship sensors just this year. Isn't it a bit weird we just sort of stumbled from vacuum tubes, to silicon, transistors, then IC, then microprocessors, to today where Intel just announced a 147 Petaflop supercomputer for 2016 for the government? The question cannot be answered because we do not have truth, and facts. There are rumors by the bazillion, but what you say is entirely possible...or not, depending on how you want to interpret history and what "facts" you can find.
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              • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
                I don't think that's all that weird. I don't see anything in what you describe, that I could not conceive.

                Here's the problem, and I don't see any way around it: any extraterrestrial civilization must also be extrasystemic. Now you're talking either about a generation ship--meaning a gigantic floating city, or even a group of them--or else a ship able to fly faster than light.

                Even an amateur astronomer, with a telescope you could buy in a store, ought to have been able to spot a generation ship or generation fleet. And FTL travel? One mission would consume the total mass-energy of the planet Jupiter. Either way, you would expect to see the expeditionaries in orbit around either Jupiter or one of the Galileans--probably Callisto.

                So where are they?

                And the kind of ground effect I'm talking about? How about total gravity manipulation. The dream of the flight sciences. Any civilization capable of jumping the gap between stars, would have this. Count on it.
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                • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
                  Good points Temlakos. I am not going to lock myself into a specific limitation to space travel, in that, I point to the "If man was made to fly he would have wings" gang. For years, the idea of jet propulsion was an idea that was "impossible", and supersonic was going to destroy the plane. All based on what was percieved as scientific fact. That is what I like about Objectivism, it is based on your interpretations of the facts, and reality. I am going to allow that since we were wrong in the past, because of incomplete, or misinterpreted data, we can easily be wrong today in assuming we need multi generational ships, or that light is the top speed limit. Warping space is a sound scientific principle proven by Einstein, but even then our knowledge is imperfect because we cannot produce a Unified Field Theory that reconciles all differences. I would prefer to think maybe there are things I do not know, but have reason to suspect, may exist, and possibly can exist. Without proof though, it kinda becomes like religion, except we have a lot more proof to work with here. So much Sci Fi has come true, and is hard fact, that it is an accepted method of doing initial engineering studies for far out ideas. We are not beaten yet, just handicapped by certain elements of society that want to control all of us, rather than enjoying our natural freedom.
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                  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 5 months ago
                    I'll hold you to that--about the difference between fact and interpretation. I dare say many of my interpretations of certain facts on the ground, and in our solar system, would shake most members of this community to the core. For instance: the idea that the crust of this earth cracked open and let out an unimaginable torrent of water that not only washed out all of human civiliation, and all of humanity except eight people who built the most genius craft of all time, but also caused the earth to shed four percent of its then-extant mass in the form of anything from comets to subglacial oceans on Europa and elsewhere.

                    On the other hand, my research has led me to accept certain things as real, that others try to use to shake my particular metaphysical construct. Like finding microbial, or even more complex, life on bodies in our solar system other than earth. Life forms that modern man did not put there as part of any space program in this century or the last.
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