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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 1 month ago
    Excellent article, Walter.
    We must go outside the DemRep party if we want to limit government according to the original intent of the constitution.

    Please tell that website admin to redesign it so I don't have to eat 15MB of rubbish to get to your quality 15kb article (on two pages when one would easily suffice)? What a bandwidth hog that site is!
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  • Posted by Poplicola 9 years, 1 month ago
    As long as we confine ourselves to accepting the false choice of a Democrat or a Republican (or one of the *current* minor parties), we don't have a choice!

    This is because control of the current Political Parties has been captured by a small class of self-selecting insiders, who have structured their organizations' nominating processes to exclude ordinary citizens from consideration.

    They have accomplished this by perpetuating two myths.

    First, that ideas are irrelevant, since any alternatives to the status quo are "off the table".

    Second, that as a result of this "reality", big donor fundraising from supporters of the status quo is the sole path to electoral victory.

    This is only the case because neither party will offer the voters the opportunity to vote for a candidate who rejects collectivism, artificially low interests rates in support of exponentially increasing debt, the wholesale abandonment of the Constitution, open borders, an ever weakening defense infrastructure, and the use of class warfare, racism, guilt and envy to control the masses.

    That said, I firmly believe that with a well crafted substantive message and savvy use of social media, a New Party fielding *trustworthy* outsiders could form a Governing Coalition (drawn from Objectivists, Economic & Religious Conservatives, Libertarians, Classical Liberals, Blue Collar Producers, Small Business People, and even Poor People who value independence from Government control) that could win over the course of several electoral cycles. But we need to start thinking beyond the current election cycle and develop a long-term strategy if we want *real* alternatives.
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