What the Gulch is... and what it isn't.

Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 2 months ago to The Gulch: General
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We have a few members leaving the Gulch today. Their reasons are theirs, but suffice it to say the Gulch is no longer meeting their needs. They arrived of their own freewill. They stayed of their own freewill. And now, they will leave of their own freewill. With 20,000+ members, the Gulch continues to grow daily and, as with any growing community, we will suffer growing pains from time to time.

We thank them for their significant contributions to the Gulch.

For those of you remaining in the Gulch, we want you to know that we are listening to you, you are a priority, and we will continue to take strides daily to make your Gulch experience the very best it can be.

Who we are... and who we're not:
1. We are advocates of Ayn Rand's ideas.
2. Our mission is to propagate those ideas.
3. Although Politics is a hot topic in the Gulch, we are not a political organization. The Gulch supports no particular political party.

What the Gulch is... and what it isn't:
1. The Gulch is a "net" which looks to catch the curious, the familiar, the like-minded, and even... the occasional enemy (of reason).
2. Once snared in the net, the goal is to start a conversation, to prod, to push, and to educate - all in the hopes of illuminating.
3. The Gulch is not an "Objectivists Only" forum.

As you'll see in the attached Venn diagram, there are different sections of the Gulch:
1. The Public Gulch forum ( http://www.GaltsGulchOnline.com ) - This is where all the intense debate happens. Everything from religion, to politics, to ethics and morality, are discussed and debated vigorously.
2. The Producer's Lounge ( http://www.GaltsGulchOnline.com/g/produc... ) - This is where we (advocates of Ayn Rand's ideas) go to seek refuge. This is a private section of the Gulch intended to be a place with little debate - a place for the like-minded to relax and enjoy each other's company.

Again, it is our sincere hope that your experience in the Gulch is an enjoyable one and we will continue to work every day to make the Gulch great. It's going to be intense. People are going to disagree... vehemently. People are going to argue... passionately. People are going to contradict themselves... with certainty. And, we're going to propagate Ayn Rand's ideas.

Oh... and Zombies. Look out for the Zombies.

Thank you for being part of Galt's Gulch Online,
Scott DeSapio
Associate Producer, Atlas Shrugged Part 3
CIO, Atlas Distribution Company
Chief Admin, Galt's Gulch Online

- - - - -

"Speak on any scale open to you, large or small— to your friends, your associates, your professional organizations, or any legitimate public forum. You can never tell when your words will reach the right mind at the right time. You will see no immediate results—but it is of such activities that public opinion is made."

- Ayn Rand
Philosophy: Who needs it? "What can one do?"

- - - - -

P.S. Those members that will be leaving the Gulch may join in the resulting conversation on this post. Please be patient and give them the latitude they deserve. Their concerns are valid and should be heard - regardless of how they choose to deliver their message. If they choose to return, they will always be welcome in the Gulch.

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  • 17
    Posted by kevinw 9 years, 2 months ago
    Really? So now we're shrugging from the gulch? How do we possibly get to that point? Were there threats of violence? Are we forgetting what we're here for? Is sharing and debating, learning and educating of the ideas that brought us here becoming too trivial to bother?
    I was just reading a quite heated debate on one of the threads here with DB and some others while I wanted to comment a few times the thread was a few days old and DB and others had handled it very well I did realize that while I came away somewhat irritated that some Gulch members could be that irrational over that subject while quite rational on some others it did help me settle a few things in my own mind and reaffirm my own knowledge.
    You guys get into these heated debates and I'm sure it must get very frustrating when your best efforts can't sway the irrational ideas that another is professing but I can guarantee you that someone out here is learning.
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    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 2 months ago
      Hello kevinw,
      There are some behind the scenes disagreements going on. I for one hope they are resolved because some of the most productive, valued long term contributors are not happy... I am hoping for a positive resolution.
      It is good to be reminded that some are still gaining value. Sometimes we lose sight of this.
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      • 16
        Posted by kevinw 9 years, 2 months ago
        Thank you O.A.,
        I don't say a whole lot on here, mostly just lurk in the shadows and soak up information. But to see someone who is here for exactly what the gulch is here for leaving because of someone(s) who are here possibly just to stir up trouble is very disturbing. I'm convinced that the only thing that is going to save the USA is widespread education in Objectivism and at the very least rational thought becoming far more mainstream. That means an uphill battle for those of us who haven't shrugged yet and believe there is still a chance. The growth of the Gulch, the production of this movie, the possible TV show, all this is very promising. It shouldn't all be for nothing.
        To those thinking of giving up I would say "Stay strong, stay in the battle." If it falls apart in here, how can it hold together out there.
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      • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 2 months ago
        O.A.: I have appreciated your contributions.
        I would hope that you would not abandon the ship. I believe with Khalling: I will not leave. I will stand my ground. I will have to be required to leave.
        Yes, there is a time that comes when you have tried everything and you know that's it. Hank stayed and persisted, he fought and then, he too
        left accompanied by one of the "original" Gulchers- d'Anconia. Cannot someone here in our Gulch speak the reasons that would convince all of you to stay?

        Sdesapio, has presented some valuable points. I cannot help but think of the young man that had been put in charge of Rearden Steel by the moochers. Hank had a name for him, other than "kid", something like "Mr. No Decision" (memory lapse). If you remember his evolution, while spying on Hank, you saw his slow and torturous self-realization. He did learn and he honored Hank with finally making his own decision which he gave his life for to try to save the person he loved- Hank. A most poignant and enlightening Rand character. Maybe we should let "cg" find his own way. It might take time. He might never find it. Yes, it is frustrating, it causes confusion and screams out- "What are you doing here?"

        It is true, however, that this Gulch should represent/contain individuals that 'know' where they are, that have taken the 'oath' and that exchange 'value for value'. It is extremely frustrating to have someone land in the Gulch that has to be "babysitted" in hopes they will come full circle and find themselves. How to resolve this issue... a site for new members where they are vetted and verified first before being invited to the Gulch?
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        • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 2 months ago
          The difference is whether someone is honestly trying to learn and honestly trying to present their positions and honestly trying to reason. When someone overtime proves that they are not in any way engaged in these activities and when they have proven that they are trying to undermine this site and objectivism, it is time for them to go.

          Wetnurse what not doing that.
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        • Posted by blackswan 9 years, 2 months ago
          The purpose of the movies was to bring Ayn Rand's ideas to the general public. I thought that was what this site was for also. If so, then we must expect many who know nothing about objectivism, and who will bring the drivel that they were brought up with to the discussion. It's the job of the objectivists to teach, explain, argue, etc. with the neophytes, to show them where their arguments don't hold water. If they refuse to take this on, in the manner intended, then they are ne'er-do-wells out to make trouble. If they do take it on, perhaps they will eventually become objectivists. Look at how long it took them to get Dagny, and even the Wet Nurse came around eventually.
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  • 16
    Posted by coaldigger 9 years, 2 months ago
    I am astonished! I participate is several forums and this is the most tolerant, urbane and civilized I have encountered on the internet.
    My favorite forums are sports forms related to my undergraduate university and the passion is outrageous but it is why we love each other. This school has an us against the world attitude and it is the university of a hard scrabble state. Although an amazing number of us are pretty successful and have advanced degrees from this and other schools we can devolve quickly to our more barbaric behavior learned on the school yards of rural America in blue collar towns. After a particularly nasty brawl there are some that pick up their marbles and go home but most end up forgiving, forgetting and returning. Some are put on time out by the moderators and the wait patiently to rejoin the fray.
    Sometimes people make emphatic assertions just to stimulate the discussion. Sometimes people touch a nerve in someone inadvertently that they regret. Sometimes without body language or facial expressions, words take on very different meaning. Everyone needs to be less thinned skinned so open discussion can be conducted without everyone feeling that they are walking on eggshells.
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    • Posted by MinorLiberator 9 years, 2 months ago
      I hear you. But I have no details on the issues involved...so I shall remain...astonished!
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      • Posted by khalling 9 years, 2 months ago
        ok. please ask questions. I will happily give you any information that I can
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        • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 2 months ago
          Hmm...I've not been around much the last couple of weeks, outside issues to deal with. Obviously something happened.

          Are there some links you could drop in here to allow me to get up to speed on what is happening / has happened?

          Or a PM if you prefer.
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          • Posted by khalling 9 years, 2 months ago
            5 Producers left yesterday because they felt they were not being supported by Admin. As Zenphamy put it best:
            "I've got the [deleted] commenting on my posts as if he agrees with my comments on the posts. He never has before and he doesn't now. I simply choose to not have to deal with him anymore or the problems he's causing."
            We have a hide feature that we can use on posts we originate. I am using that feature now. But, other members think there should be an additional tool to use against contradictory comments or some other solution.
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            • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 2 months ago
              That is a shame. I know I often have disagreements with people, and on many postings there is significant conflict between the Atheist, the Religious those with the "higher" degrees and those with none.

              As long as we all apply reason, and provide "reasoning" behind our comments, there is no reason we all cannot have spirited debates.

              I know I can provide a tremendous amount of actual empirical evidence to support my perspective this Global Warming thing cause by man is a total hoax. Others who choose to use "reason" provide their own set of evidence.

              Only when we let unreasonable dogmatic "belief" taint our tolerance for other view points to we see people "take their ball and go home."

              Let REASON prevail....
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            • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 2 months ago
              Not all trolls are overtly nasty.

              Some trolls prefer the slow drip of poison to overt combat.

              I've seen it on other sites before, and they are truly destructive, more destructive than the overt ones.

              There is something wrong in this picture when producers who are paying to be here and helping to support the site fiscally, are being driven out either directly or indirectly by a non-producer only here through the largesse of others.

              To the ones leaving, we will miss you
              Please pop back in from time to time.
              Who knows, the situation might resolve for you.
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  • 12
    Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 2 months ago
    I am very glad that I was not involved in all the ruckus. Scott, I know that you see CG as young and misguided, but I respectfully disagree. I think it would be easier to deal with an open and avowed collectivist who was 100%. CG is somewhere in the middle, which is more evil, saying collectivist statements at times and espousing other things at times. Personally I think he is malignant and harmful, even if he does it unwittingly. He is doing a lot of harm here in the Gulch. I value the Gulch and my way of dealing with CG is to completely ignore him. Once after trying so hard, I commented, "OK. I give up."
    But I also feel strongly that for good and decent Objectivists to leave is allowing that malignancy to win. I certainly cannot judge what any person's limits are, but I hope that a few of the people I admire most here in the Gulch will find their way clear to stay. You are needed.
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    • 12
      Posted by BeenThere 9 years, 2 months ago
      "....my way of dealing with CG is to completely ignore him."

      Roark to Toohey in Fountainhead: "But, I don't think of you."

      + 100
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
        CG voted for Obama TWICE.
        It is beyond my comprehension how someone who hangs in the Gulch can actually do that.
        But I'm just an old dino.
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        • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 2 months ago
          To me it is fascinating that the people who "BELIEVE" in Obama, do so with every bit of religious dogma the most staunch ISIS rebel has for Mohammad. Everyone I have debated with blindly follows Obama, and ignores any and all reason. They have unadulterated FAITH in a man who has demonstrated complete 100% lies. His entire administration is littered with this same ilk and yet the faithful continue to believe. When you show FACTS and present REAL empirical information directly FROM his administration they all try to blame Bush.

          If I vote for Hillary this year it will be because the other candidates are simply Hillary light, and I will help push this car right off the cliff so it can be reset. And the sooner the better.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 2 months ago
            woodlema, that last sentence is really something radical to contemplate.
            Very interesting.
            Wonder if I'm up to that?
            I'll consider it if I'm looking at Jeb Bush.
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        • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 2 months ago
          And he pushes AGW, Obamacare, the economy is doing just fine, to name just a few.
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          • Posted by LetsShrug 9 years, 2 months ago
            Yeah...he's not your typical rude, condescending, troll cuz he chooses polite sounding words, but his actions (self admitted voting practices, campaigning, fund raising, and vocal support for the evil doers and freedom destroyers) prove that he is anti reason anti freedom and anti objectivist. Why he is allowed to darken the gulch after 18 months is illogical to me and others. How much of our Valuable time has been wasted on him and on trying to convince the powers that be the he is a troll of another kind, more dangerous than the typical troll. Because admin refuses to see this HE IS WINNING... and the gulch is losing. At this point it's more the admins fault than cg's. His motto must be "it's not who is going to let me...it's who is going to stop me." No one! We've practically begged for him to be stopped, no. We've asked for tools to alert others to his contradictions, no, instead we got a confidence meter. And more of our valuable time, our precious minutes and hours, our LIFE is being wasted in a war over this troll with admin who insist on resisting its biggest supporters and O promoters by letting him stay... which begs the question, why doesn't admin support US? The gulch's base? And is it worth sticking around where you're obviously not wanted?? I say no... my life has meaning and this has turned into a nasty war of accusations and verbal slaps about behavior and manners and boundaries. This place is getting ruined from the top down. If you use nice words then you're welcome to stay (regardless of your goal or mission or purpose) but if you use blunt, to the point, honest words to promote O philosophy then you're a pain in the ass. Admin! Figure out who the trolls are. WE HAVE A LIFE!!
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            • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 2 months ago
              Yes, but without someone to present the other side for us to disagree with, it's pretty easy to forget the passion we have.

              Yes, they are frustrating to deal with because they do not use their minds. But as far as liberals go, I have to say CG was at least polite. That's far more than I could say about many others.
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              • Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 2 months ago
                So is Obama - in fact it was part of his strategy - use our politeness against us.
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                • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 2 months ago
                  So you would allow them to induce your temper and goad you into ceding logic for the passion of argument? I can't see where doing that leads anywhere but to irrationality - their court. And if their goal is to goad and inflame the passions, if we allow ourselves to be so goaded do they not win the argument? Patience and forbearance are wisdom in and of themselves and demonstrate mastery over emotion.

                  "Pain leads to fear. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hatred leads to suffering. Such is the path to the dark side." - Yoda
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            • Posted by kathywiso 9 years, 2 months ago
              LS, you forgot a few things... The Ayn Rand gulch is an invitation only place, there are paying members in here that have been attacked by the administration...You. It is wrong and that is why we are shrugging. Let's Shrug is a voice of reason. She is one of the reasons I stayed as long as I did. I've been scarce, I shrugged my business and now, yes, I am shrugging the gulch. When the likes of a Mimi can come into a pm and put down a member like LS and get away with it, be defended by Scott, then it is time to find ANOTHER gulch. Ok Scott, maybe it is time to make that PM public and with ALL the facts, let other Gulchers know the truth. That's all I have to say. I'm Outta here. Let's Shrug, you are a true Objectivist...one Ayn would be very proud of and I thank you for that.
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              • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 2 months ago
                First off, it was my PM. I would prefer if anyone, including the likes of Kathy wants to continue ranting in public about my PM, they find a way to do so without divulging the beginning of the PM, or any of the condolences from any of the members referring to that private part of the PM to also not be put forth publicly. If you do, I would hope that management will remove your post for me.

                I don’t care what you share about my comments about CG, dogpiling, or LS’ open rudeness. Go for it.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago
    I'm afraid I have to disagree strongly with Scott's representation that I am leaving the Gulch because it no longer meets my needs. My leaving has nothing to do with the Gulch. It is based on principles and values that I'm being asked to compromise. I've lived a hard life and the biggest thing that's not only gotten me through it (with some scars, but otherwise whole), but allowed me to do so with dignity, success, and accomplishment has been those Objective principles and values.

    Some of AR's quotes are appropriate for this discussion:

    1. “It is eminently reasonable that men should seek to associate with those who share their convictions and values. It is impossible to deal or even to communicate with men whose ideas are fundamentally opposed to one’s own (and one should be free not to deal with them).”

    2. “In a free society, one does not have to deal with those who are irrational. One is free to avoid them.”

    3. “The truth is not for all men but only for those who seek it.”

    4. “When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit.”

    5. “I shall choose friends among men, but neither slaves nor masters. And I shall choose only such as please me, and them I shall love and respect, but neither command nor obey. And we shall join our hands when we wish, or walk alone when we so desire.”

    I'm not a big quoter of AR. I've lived an Objectivist life since I was a child. I was raised that way, so in discussions about Objectivism, I much prefer to speak from my own reasoning and observations of life. But at times, her statements can so clearly state an issue so much better than I that I will fall back to her brilliance. Such are those above, and in this situation, though all apply, #'s 1 and 2 really speak to me.

    As much as this Gulch and its mission, the friends I've made here, and the joy of sharing this Objectivist philosophy means to me, asking me or even suggesting that I set those aside for the good of all, that it would be better for me to 'go along to get along', and that I just ignore insults to those principles, convictions, and values is abhorrent to me and my integrity.

    There is a price that we've all had to pay, willingly, in order to live a life of this philosophy. We are few among many, in our world, our nation, our community, and even in our families. We are often misunderstood and almost always misrepresented. We are those that are asked, even expected, to help. Help our families, our communities, our nation, the many-- and we have to say no, unless it's in our personal interest to do so. And we are often despised, hated, and denigrated by those we say no to. But those costs are worth it.

    At this point I've had to say no again. It's not having to say that so much, as who I'm having to say it to that is causing me to step away and spend some time resolving this issue in my own mind. I may return, I may not. But either choice will be with my principles, values, and integrity in tact.

    I wish each and everyone of you success in your search for truth and thank you for value I've gained before this.
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    • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 2 months ago
      A most sincere thank you for your participation here in the Gulch. I truly enjoy your intellect. It has been a good ride... I am hopeful that you will remain.

      Your comments addressing this issue takes me to the comment that D'Anconia makes to Rearden:

      "It is against the sin of forgiveness that I wanted to warn you."

      I know the story well and the abuse that Hank endured, yet I still fight with myself on how far do you go?
      I call upon this Rand thought for support and I find that it is pertinent to the current ongoing situation here:

      "Those who grant sympathy to guilt, grant none to innocence."

      [edited for clarity]

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      • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 2 months ago
        Excellent comment, JC. It is good to be reminded of that quote. Zen, you will be sorely missed. You are needed here
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        • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago
          Mama; I'm not stepping back to be missed, but Txs for the sentiment. But if I return it will be with my integrity, convictions, principles, and values intact. If I can find a way to do that, I'll not only return, but jump back in with both feet.
          Again, Txs for the comment.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago
        JC; Txs for the comment and particularly for the reminder of more AR. It will never cease to leave me in awe that we can find so much in her thoughts that directly impact and match the struggles that we find ourselves in.
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    • Posted by conscious1978 9 years, 2 months ago
      Zeus' Electrified Nads!!!

      This disappointingly sucks. I'm not asking you to stay for any of us; I'm asking that you not undervalue the enjoyment and satisfaction you get from interacting on this website...in Spite of any errors by an Admin. Continue to be yourself, here, and comment according to your values. If you are removed, then your case is clearer and stronger; if you are not removed, then it's likely we've all gained value from the ensuing education and interaction...site management included.

      I make this same selfish appeal to LS, RMP, NMA, and any others thinking of leaving. Yeah, it's just a website, but I'd wager that you enjoy more here than not.

      Ticks are temporary and y'all being here is the best medicine.

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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 2 months ago
      Zenphamy, you quoted several of my favorite AR quotes. You and several other producers will be sorely missed. I do not plan on leaving the Gulch, but without the several Gulchers who are likely to leave, I probably won't spend as much time here anymore.
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    • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 2 months ago
      What made you leave? I am leaving.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 2 months ago
        Matcha; we haven't met or interacted much on the Gulch yet, but please don't fall prey to 'borrowed offenses'. All I've said so far is that I'm stepping of the field to do some self evaluation and review of my participation in the Gulch. There is nothing in my choice or the other things being talked about here that should cause you to not participate with the many, many on this site that are strong advocates for Objectivism, AR, and AS--and each other.
        I'm sorry in a way that I commented on the public forum. It wasn't my choice to bring everything into everyone else's front yard. This should all have been handled off the public area. But it wasn't. Objectivist, as any group of humans, can have personal differences of opinions, and Objectivist some of the strongest.
        But please give the Gulch a chance. I think you'll find much wisdom and enjoyment in sharing here, as well as some pretty good debates.
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      • Posted by khalling 9 years, 2 months ago
        I don't know who dinged you matcha. Please stay. Why would you leave? We have 20k members and abundant value on the site. Learn about Objectivism, the works of Ayn Rand and share with us your knowledge.
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  • Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 2 months ago
    I myself, am not involved with the detailed structure of being objectivist. I had to stick to high level explanations and decide if it fitted what I felt. After listening to the whole AS novel, I felt that AR understood what was going on a long time ago and I had a great respect for that. My take on discussions is that I cannot be pulled down by people who may or may not be deliberately baiting or manipulating me, I do not have the time or the patience to worry about it. Our situation on this earth is so dire because of the Looter structure taking everything out of it and stifling innovation that one troll or arguer or just cantankerous person is not something I want to try to judge on. If a person seems particularly vicious or vindictive I just down vote and hopefully a couple others will validate that and it will go bye bye. Other than that, maybe someone who voted twice for Obama might actually be so confused that they cannot separate fact from fiction, and so seem to wobble all over the place. Maybe I never got into the discussions that generated the angst over this, but I would ask the Producers to please consider that fighting with one idiot does not a battle make: we have a whole civilization to try to convince is crazy. I do not see us ever changing them as they are to addicted to the Looters payoffs... but hopefully we can find a way to start over after they whole thing tumbles down. And we all know it is doomed to tumble, no Looter civilization can continue if just because entropy will take over and squish it.Thisquote I put at the bottom of everything I can in the hope someone will realize how true it is:

    “The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody has decided not to see.” - Ayn Rand
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  • Posted by lrbeggs 9 years, 2 months ago
    I am reeling. I started a new job a couple of months age and have since been a very rare lurker in the gulch. I don't know what I missed but I am stunned to discover that long time, relevant producers/contributors are leaving or considering leaving this forum, stung and insulted by other members.
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  • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 2 months ago
    I truly love GG but after reading these posts feel intimidated. I feel lf I were rejected here it would sting. I would feel rejected by people who share my world view. I think it might inhibit what I write. Usually I post without editing because I think I change what I feel or want to say when I don't just go with it and I don't have much time either.
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    • 11
      Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 2 months ago
      Matcha - You have been dropped into the public middle of a set of conversations which have been going on privately for quite a while, which means that you have no context. I'd be scared and confused.
      If you want to get context, work your way back to when CG joined this group and read everything [yeah, I mean everything] he has written, and what others have responded to what he's written. Then you will begin to have context.
      Then, think about what CG has written AS YOU READ IT, not as someone may have reported it, and compare that to your understanding of Objectivism, Ayn Rand, and the writings of other Objectivists.
      Remember, there are NO contradictions. If there appears to be one, there MUST be error on one of the sides.
      At that point, you will be beginning to understand what is happening with the situation you are observing.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 2 months ago
      Matcha - It has been nice getting to know you over the last few days. Several of us have been participating in a "troll patrol" for some time now behind the scenes. It is a lot of work to make sure that Galt's Gulch Online is a place where people of reason can gather together and find others who are reasonable. Frankly, troll patrol is more effort than it is worth.

      I would far rather just pick and choose which threads I participate in. Trolls in general don't bother me as much as they bother some people, but it does become tiresome. We are here for our enjoyment.

      As for the intimidation aspects, realize that you and everyone else in this forum will be upbraided for your opinions at some point. As Zenphamy just pointed out, “When I disagree with a rational man, I let reality be our final arbiter; if I am right, he will learn; if I am wrong, I will; one of us will win, but both will profit.” Your ideas will either stand up to the other Gulchers, or they won't. Either way, we all will profit.

      I have occasionally edited my posts for clarity because it is not uncommon for the written word to lose some of the inflection or emphasis that you hear in your mind as you are writing it.

      As for being rejected by those who share your world view, I don't think that will happen. However, there are some here who do not share your world view that may seem to share your world view. While I earlier wrote that troll patrol is more effort than it is worth, it is necessary to some extent so that new contributors like yourself are NOT intimidated by those who may appear to be of like mind.

      I am willing to do some education of people like Tony the Wet Nurse (in Rearden's steel mill) in the hope that they will change (as the Wet Nurse did), but only to a point.
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 2 months ago
      And that’s why I stood up for him. Over the few months I have seen people like yourself engaged in conversations with him where there was great interchange. Perhaps the comments missed the ‘objectivist perspective’, but otherwise, his manner was polite, civil, and others like yourself were engaged with him. until one or more of our group would step in to confront CG and ruin the entire thread. CG isn’t my only concern, it’s people like you who don’t know what the heck is going on who have their conversations interrupted by members who prefer to ‘patrol’ the board for trolls then comment on the actual topic. I’m not saying they didn’t have good intentions,they thought they were doing you a favor, protecting you from contradictions, but lately this patrolling has been more disrupting to the harmony of the board then anything else. Now, my name is mud for people I considered my friends for being honest about what I was seeing.So be it. I’m not in this world to live up to other's expectations. Iv’e got my own compass. I want friends who respect that.
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  • Posted by jconne 9 years, 2 months ago
    Scott, thank you for you administration efforts.

    I'm thinking another strategy here is to encourage participants to first state that they will not respond to one who has lost their respect and then do it. Or just ignore such posts, i.e. never engage them.

    That's open to like-minded agreement among participants and encouraging such non-response. Problem solved?.

    I do that on a variety of discussion groups in many domains including professional ones. And I'm sure some people view me similarly and ignore me. That's the free market at work.

    Would the noise level be intolerable to have this as a recommended solution?
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  • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 2 months ago
    OK. I get it. This is a place where there is no room for independent thought. We either tow the line on what we think and get judged by how closely we don't stray from group thought. You have to be a fundamentalist. I read Rand's books in at 19 years old. I have applied her philosophy to my life since then. I did shrug, moving to another country. I appreciate what you do and I love the movies. I wish you luck but this is not a place for me.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 2 months ago
      Not at all Matcha. We encourage independent thought and want to hear everything you have to say. You are bound to find those that agree and those that don't. And, that's OK. The idea is to promote respectful debate and civil discourse. You're doing fine.
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  • Posted by jconne 9 years, 2 months ago
    I think you do everyone a disservice by calling "all others" zombies. How can you attract the potential newbies if you insult them first?. They may actually read what you wrote.
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    • Posted by ewv 9 years, 2 months ago
      The entire "outside world" is called "Zombies" and public discussion here is called an "attempt to raise Zombies from the dead" That has never been my understanding of rational discussion with all kinds of people with differently mixed premises and degrees of knowledge in different areas. I doubt it has been the understanding of Scott or almost any other participant here either, and it's poor attitude in general. So what's with the "Zombie" line?
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  • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 2 months ago
    Exchanging ideas and having conversations is one thing. When I read AS and talked about the book I experienced group think trying to pull me back into the existing current and religious thought. You cannot tell people what to think. If they allow you to do that they are emotionally needy and looking for group validation. Learning is a process people have to go through. You can't skip the process. I feel, not think, people are basically seeking answers to philosophical questions to have more meaning in their lives. I was lucky to have been born extremely disadvantaged but with very hardworking and independent parents. They believe the same thing you believe but it was their culture and they didn't read it in a book. I married into a very educated family so I also learned from that. Then there was starting a business with loans and great success. Later court, another lesson. To get back to now, this country is in a free fall and iwe are unable to discuss things in a way that will bring more people to our philosophical point of view. The failure is because we are developing a business model and applying it to every aspect of life. I don't disagree with this logic but you have to have a rational argument that this is better. The guy who has lost his home because of government forcing banks to make bad loans backed up by Fanny and Freddie doesn't care about philosophy unless he can see how it will make life better for him. He's been screwed and probably doesn't have clue how it happened. Those are the people who need to be reached. They won't sound pretty or educated posting. It will take a while for them to hear you. As we refine our views we go back and forth for a while. But to have conversations with only those who already think as we do will change nothing. The world is in a bad place and while we have answers if we cannot relate to people our cause is lost. I really don't FEEL the wheels in motion can be reversed. We have lost our freedom to Corporate and Government bad guys. If there is any hope people outside our philosophy have to be influenced to join us. The 20 something's are another problem. They are looking at the world in a different way. They have been deeply influence by government schools and progressive thought. These are just the problems I see. I would find a way to reach more people. You might find yourselves a very small group in a Country with very little freedom.
    I did not edit do I would've lose meaning. Forgive errors.
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 2 months ago
      We are a very large group. In fact, the most members of any Objectivist site by far. We realize that the movie fans or those new to Ayn Rand come to the site to learn and to share knowledge. Go comment and post! You will find that we are a pretty fun bunch.
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    • Posted by $ jbrenner 9 years, 2 months ago
      Groupthink is not something I have observed in Galt's Gulch Online. What does happen frequently is that people who agree on >= 95% of topics generally talk more about the 5% they don't agree on, but we all learn from that. Welcome to Atlantis, Matcha.
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  • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 2 months ago
    By the way, I do know there's a lot more going on here than CG. My rule of thumb is that If I can't engage someone in a civil manner, then I just don't engage.
    I was taught don't ever get in the mud and fight with a pig; all that happens is you get dirty and the pig has a good time!
    In the few videos I ever saw of Rand, she was firm, but always polite.
    Edit: clarity
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  • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 2 months ago
    Reading many of the comments, it seems to me the issue, the REAL issue is that many, many posts divert from Objectivism to anything but...and this is what is really causing some contention.

    Perhaps the format of this particular Gulch needs radically modified from pretty much open forum to a strictly moderated question and answer.

    Where each thread is ended when the Admins close off a thread. There are many successful forums and if the intent is to be myopically focused ONLY on how Ayn Rand's explanation of Objectivism is to be considered perhaps this would be the answer.

    Following the interviews I have watched with Ayn Rand, she was not shy about discussing her point of view on any topics at all.
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    • 10
      Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 2 months ago
      I respectfully, but very strongly, disagree with your suggestion, woodlema.
      I have learned much from posts that veer off from their original point., even when it was Objectivism. I have learned much about Objectivism from posts that did not begin with a comment about it.

      I would immediately pull my support, financial and otherwise, and remove myself from any "Forum" in which the Admin decided that we were done speaking about some subject.
      Sounds like Public School [and if you have read anything I've ever written, you know that that phrase is "talkin' dirty"].

      If you re-read Scott's couple of paragraphs on what the Gulch is, and isn't, the point is made that this is NOT strictly a venue to discuss Objectivism. It is intended to be wider than that, I think especially by those who pay to be here.

      More strictures is never the answer, no matter what the question is.
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      • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 2 months ago
        Thank you Blarman and Winterwind, that was indeed the point I was trying to make. Please note I was posing my post as a question more so than any to spur some thought and draw out what it is that this particular "free" market wants to see. I know personally I have changed a few of my viewpoints due to these spirited debates.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 2 months ago
      Disagree. The whole purpose of Objectivism is to discuss how people view reality in a structured and thoughtful manner. EVERY idea, concept, ideology should be on the table for discussion. Then we should look at the principles which espouse _reality_ and adopt them. THAT is Objectivism. The problem is that people get tied up in the emotion of their arguments rather than looking at them from a purely "objective" does-it-match-reality-or-not-discussion. And once reason cedes the field to emotion, civilized discourse and joint opportunity turns into a contest of ego. The best way to demonstrate Objectivism is to void our conversations of the petty ad hominem attacks on those whom we disagree with. And we must also be willing to give them their say, because they might spur us to contemplate some idea that might be beneficial.
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  • Posted by H6163741 9 years, 2 months ago
    I am not a Jerry Springer viewer or a 'rubbernecker' but I have to admit that I am really curious about what happened...
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 2 months ago
      There has been much frustration over the contributions of a member of the Gulch. The result of which, several top producers on the site participated in a type of troll watch for the board. Despite many attempts to rectify the situation with available tools and MUCH patience, I noticed that producers that would otherwise be over on the public board posting and commenting were hanging out in PMs, as a way to let off steam about the issue. Several producers made specific posts about this, culminating in an admin post called "Confidence." http://www.galtsgulchonline.com/posts/24...

      There was another recent PM in which the admin were invited to attend. Several producers were upset over comments made in that PM-the upshot being you could play nicer. that's my take. After months of frustration and alerting of the admin, it came to stalemate. Comments such as this one from Scott do not show the support these fine producers deserve:

      "P.S. Those members that will be leaving the Gulch may join in the resulting conversation on this post. Please be patient and give them the latitude they deserve. Their concerns are valid and should be heard - regardless of how they choose to deliver their message."

      I agree with Scott that we'll go through "growing pains" and the site will carry on and create great content and many friendships will be made. But right now I'm just bruised and hurting over this.
      We have the world to win, h
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      • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 2 months ago
        I have great respect for the producers who have chosen to leave. I wish I could do something to change your minds because we are much stronger with you than without you.

        To anyone else considering leaving the Gulch.
        In my opinon, leaving plays into the hand of the enemy. If we show weakness, the enemy wins.
        Stay here and stick to your guns. I may disagree with you on some things, but I value your rational arguments and your willingness to share your wisdom.
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      • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 2 months ago
        Khalling: Your explanation brings a much different perspective to this issue. There are details that I was not aware. I am closely following the comments of the Gulch members that were here before me and there seems to be a lot of consternation over the inaction of the Admin to remove cg.
        I certainly do not have all the facts... however, I too witnessed cg's disruptions and thought to myself, 'Man you're in the wrong forum'. I really did not think he would have survived the antagonism he created.

        Based on the knowledge that I have and based on the results created by this issue whereby some of the primary members are poised to leave for viable reasons I believe it necessary to foster these fellow members.

        At this point, it is my opinion that the Admin should intervene and ask cg to go.
        He could be reviewed in the future and if he has made significant progress (documented) then he could be re-admitted on a trial basis. Until then, Gulch members would not be forced to endure his tirades.
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        • Posted by khalling 9 years, 2 months ago
          thank you jc. that's just the thing. cg does NOT tirade. He comments on posts across the board and has followers on the site. Admin are frustrated that we did not use the down voting like we could have much earlier. Currently, he has been denied Producer status.

          The admin are probably (I'm speculating) pretty bruised in this too. Usually, we do not involve admin until things are out of control. As cg is patiently making benign comments all over our posts, producers see this as almost a taunting. It is possible this may not be the case. However, to tie our hands, to tell us to "give this one to me" had everyone on edge weeks ago. A very important concept here is that when admin say anything, it is heard as 10 times. When producers wait and make comments to admin, they have to say things (not all ) 10 times. So by the time they reach the 6th time, when they would prefer to self-police, admin should not be surprised that emotions are already high.
          Right now there is an option on the table. We'll see if those who decided to walk away, would find it acceptable. I think it offers a possible solution. stay tuned. gah!
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  • Posted by Turfprint 9 years, 2 months ago
    My first exposure to Aynn Rand was at a social gathering at a small condo in Tiburon Ca. around 1970. I had been asked to tag along with a friend of mine who thought I would be interested. And I was interested, but it seems they weren’t that interested in me. They were having a party later and I was not invited, according to my friend the host felt I was not the “right type” Referring to my self-educated status and not inclusive of business acumen. To me those attending this Aynn Rand social event appeared more interested in how their conversation sounded than what it communicated. For my part I wasn’t interested in talking about the philosophy of living large, I was busy doing it. Nonetheless through the BS filtered enough about Aynn Rand to pique my interest. So I went to the source, read her books, checked up on her ideas, and fell dead in love with her.

    Just recently I was reminded of that 1970’s historical party. I went to my attorney / business partner with a well thought out legal position. Part way through my theoretical justifications I observed him in pantomime masturbation or elsewise stated… He was doing the crazy hand jive motion with his hand. He then told me, “George, it is important in life not to believe your own lies.” And ‘that’ reminded me of my first and last Aynn Rand social gathering.
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    • Posted by jconne 9 years, 2 months ago
      Too bad Turfprint. I've enjoyed many social gatherings over 50 years in many locales around the world with people interested in Ayn Rand's ideas. I recommend you cast a selective net wider.
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      • Posted by Turfprint 9 years, 2 months ago
        Knowing my experience was not the norm it nonetheless made me sensitive to certain esoteric tendencies of some few who adhere to the pure theoretical aspects of Aynn Rand’s philosophy. While to me her ideas are direct and practical tools for everyday use.

        As an aside point, this all in turn started a ‘cold war’ between me and the hallowed halls of academia. Even though admittedly I am the principle party of this war since academia basically doesn’t know I exist. Meanwhile back to the main point, the theoretical objectivist and the tangible objectivist need to give each other a little room. And I was wondering if members leaving the Gulch had any correlation to my first experience.
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  • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 2 months ago
    In our attempt to explain to the people who don't get what has happened maybe pointing people to Anonymous Documentary 2014-2015. Sometimes, just like with the AS movies, a visual explanation helps.
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  • Posted by Matcha 9 years, 2 months ago
    I am not new to the philosophy at all. I am 30 years living it. I may not be a fit. I am not being rude because I respect you. I may have a different view of it's application. I appreciate your words.
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