Fukushima Radiation Found in Sample of Green Tea from Japan

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 2 months ago to Science
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Sometimes you need tree huggers to catch the people who would just as soon kill you....Don't drink the tea...and tuna ain't looking too good either....
SOURCE URL: http://ecowatch.com/2015/03/16/radioactivity-green-tea-fukushima/

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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 2 months ago
    I have a tough time giving much credence to articles like this since their terminology is incorrect.

    Radiation is a form of energy released from radioactive matter in the form of particles or pure energy. Radiation itself is not identifiable to a specific source.

    The radioactive material producing the radiation is. However this requires "fingerprinting" the isotope ratios to match them to a possible source.

    I see no mention of this in this article, instead they use the term radiation. They document no ratios of Cesium 137 to its other isotopes, which would also be present.

    It reads as typical scare mongering.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 2 months ago
      I agree it was vague, but it raises concerns, especially since the Japanese govt has invoked a "secrecy" law in regards to the site and the status. They are censoring all materials now, which is not a good sign for all of us. There is a metric cubic butt-ton of material there, a lot of it got slagged and is now a mixed bag of fissionables with moderators making it highly unstable. They found a really big mess in 3 mile Island when they tried to clean it up and they are still not done. Not a good thing at all...
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      • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 2 months ago
        Without proper context these articles have no value.

        Tell us HOW MUCH radiation is produced and what type. What does the exposure measure and mean to the individual. More or less than a cross country airline flight? The article doesn't say, and generally that means to miniscule to be of any significance.

        An outcome common sense makes plain given the volume of the contaminants Vs volume of ocean in which it dissolves.

        Example - Radon testing and mitigation

        A scam and a half, especially where I live. Radon is naturally outgassed from various rocks, especially granite.

        I live in "The Granite State" hence radon is all around and collects in depressions. It is heavier than air and collects in every basement, sewer, storm drain, etc. There is no way to avoid it, and "mitigation" consists solely in pumping the "contaminant" back out into the general environment. Which accomplishes exactly nothing except allow the EPA and everyone else involved in the scam to extort money out of your wallet.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 2 months ago
    Fukushima is the 300# gorilla in the room for the northern hemisphere and especially the northern Pacific. What little I've read about how they are keeping it cool really throws up red flags.
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