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  • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 2 months ago
    I'm not sure if Seattle restaurants are doing this but I have read that some places are using a computer ordering system. The waitress just brings the drinks and meals which means they should be able to wait more tables. I had also read that Home Depot and Lowes are working on a type of "robot" to help customers. You can ask for or scan an item and the robot takes you to where it is and points at it with laser pointers. You can also use it to scan for prices. The higher the labor cost the more automated we become.
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    • Posted by khalling 9 years, 2 months ago
      frankly, I'm for the robot concept. here's an example. where I live, you have no choice, someone pumps your gas and gives your windshield a bad wipe over. you tipo. I sort of enjoy the freedoms of a self serve gas station and an ATM. there are things I like service for. a nice restaurant and anything remotely technical. also, I want a real bartender. a robot one will get old fast. The problem unforseen with the rising minimum wage is how servers have been traditionally paid. They work for tips. their wages are mostly insignificant-unless they stink as a server. the govt sucks at managing planning anything. serves Seattle right though. watch those coffee shops fold too
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  • Posted by SaltyDog 9 years, 2 months ago
    When all is said and done, as an employer paying $10/hour you'll need to generate at least $10.01/hour, or liberate enough of my time for me to make the additional money. And that's exclusive of any benefits. $9.99/hour means it's costing me money to know you. THAT, my friends, is the simple, brutal calculus involved. It's no more complex than that. When I find a good employee, I pay as much as I can. But make no mistake...when the rubber meets the road, I'm the one who needs to make out best of all.

    And that, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, economists and politicians is what matters most to me.

    Therein endeth the lesson.
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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 2 months ago
    Bunch of greedy, cheatin' bastards!
    Seattle should raise the minimum wage to $25.00 per hour and really stick it to 'em!

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    • Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 2 months ago
      INTERVIEWER: What was your last position?
      HIPSTER DOOFUS: Processed Beef Rotation Engineer.
      INTERVIEWER: And how much did you make?
      HIPSTER DOOFUS: Fifteen bucks an hour.
      INTERVIEWER: And how long did you work there?
      HIPSTER DOOFUS: A day.
      INTERVIEWER: One day?!?
      INTERVIEWER: What happened?!?
      HIPSTER DOOFUS: They went out of business.
      INTERVIEWER: Really?
      HIPSTER DOOFUS: Yeah, right after I found out I was going to be making fifteen bucks an hour and not nine.
      INTERVIEWER: Are there any references we can contact?
      HIPSTER DOOFUS: There are, but nobody's been able to reach them in a while... Hey, does this job come with benefits?
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  • Posted by davidmcnab 9 years, 2 months ago
    In high-tipping nations such as the USA, $15 seems a generous minimum wage. Understandable that some restauranteurs would find their energies can be spent more profitably elsewhere.
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    • Posted by cranedragon 9 years, 2 months ago
      When restaurant servers make minimum wage, will they stop guilt-tripping everyone to "tip" them even for poor service? My Pet Peeve. And when did 15% become the low end of the tipping range, and 20% become the new 10%? Sigh....
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      • Posted by davidmcnab 9 years, 2 months ago
        Most of my life I've lived in nations where the default tip is 0%. If the wait staff perform beyond the call, there can be a tip from $1 to over 50%.
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        • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 2 months ago
          To Insure Prompt Service - Polite may be used as well. If it isn't prompt nor polite lay down one penny. That used to be the signal for bad service.

          The worst was the numbskulls that sloshed my cup full of coffee when it wasn't empty and without asking. I think the price of coffee cured that bit of major rudeness. That one was pandemic and saved me ten to fifteen percent on many a bill.

          If I see tip automatically included I get up and walk out. Easy answer. It's not there call it's my decision.

          The other cure is don't return to those establishments.

          But the silliest I've seen is a tip jar in a self service facility.

          $15 sounds like the Ashland Oregon restaurant tax. Never returned to that town for that specific reason. There was nothing special about any of their eateries anyway.

          Wait Staff? What for. I don't want to Wait. I want service. Sends a bad message that is sadly usually true.
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