Anyone fed up with Hillary Clinton give me a thumbs up! Please.

Posted by mdk2608 9 years, 7 months ago to The Gulch: General
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Lets see how many Gulchers are sick and tired of more of the Clinton family lies give a thumbs up.

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  • Posted by Aristocrat 9 years, 7 months ago
    The entire political system has become so corrupted, it really doesn't matter who our new dictator is. (I must admit however that I am sick of hearing about the Clinton and Bush dynasties). There is no incentive for any leader to respect the Constitution so they don't. The only hope for this country is for someone to figure out a way to reduce government by 80%, eliminate all of the unconstitutional laws (which is most of them), get rid of the Fed, the IRS, the Department of Education and at least 100 other agencies that suck the life out of the people and eliminate the "privileges" enjoyed by our so-called "elected" representatives. If anyone knows how to make this happen please let me know because I would be happy to dedicate the rest of my days to make that happen.
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 9 years, 7 months ago
    Actually, the stealth candidate is Michelle Obama. Once it becomes obvious Hitlery is self-toasted, the big push will be for the "popular" First Lady to take up the banner. Fauxcahontas Warren would be too late, and Biden is a joke. The whole Presidential race is more about celebrity than ability anyway. The most frightening thing is that unless the GOP unscrambles its brains, we might have another Obama administration after all.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years, 7 months ago
    Just reading her 92-pages on the glorification of Marxism, should send voters running, but sadly they are now too dumbed down to read it. Most never heard of Saul Alinsky, yet Obama has been using his methods for his whole two terms.
    Hillary tried to try out Agenda 21 before the UN named it, asking who had spare rooms, promoting the trials of population density on Portland, etc. I still want to know what she knows about the death by yet another accident of JFK, Jr. just when he was thinking of challeginer her NY race. Shades of Ron Brown's plane crash, after telling her husband if he went down, he would take Clinton with him, he went down, literally.f The Clintons just have too little respect for the law or the Constitution. Hillary has too little respect for women, who treats bimbos that way! Brutal. She is not fit to be the first woman president, we deserve better.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      I have never read her views on marxism. Where can I find it? I agree with your points +1
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      • Posted by $ Stormi 9 years, 7 months ago
        Actually, finding the entire thesis has suddenly become more difficult. There is mention of it on Wikapedia. There was a Sept. , 2014 "New American" article on it. There are several references and analysis of it by doing a search for Hillary thesis. I have the entire 92-page document on two PC and burned to disk, so I would never forget. She glorifies her idol, Marxist Saul Alinsky in it. There is also record of a letter she wrote to Alinsky as well if you do tht search. She is Obama all over in a pantsuit. She wrote about to to Alinsky, while Obama attended a training school to learn his methods. Hillary also supports the one world UN Agenda 21 which will change ever aspect of our lives, from the loss of private property rights to what we eat and how we procreated. So, if you want a woman president, keep looking unless you favor Marxism.
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  • Posted by Crushmore 9 years, 7 months ago
    They put the "Teflon Don" to shame. I am not so sure that the main stream media will give her a pass and carry the water for her like they do for Obama.
    They may be excited for the fact that this may open the door for Elizabeth Warren.
    Remember, the Obama machine crushed the Clinton machine last time. They may still be able to muster the power once again.
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  • Posted by Bob44_ 9 years, 7 months ago
    I've been fed up with Hillary for the last 22 years. I remember when she was so important she was going to ramrod health care and Bill was womanizing just like he had in the Arkansas governor's office. I remember the guy who distributed republican staffer's personal information. He worked in the white house, but no one knew how he got there. Hillary knew. He worked for her at the Rose law firm in Little Rock. She has a long history of lying and breaking the law. Is that what women want as their president? If so, it doesn't speak well for women. Barbara Boxer I can understand. And then there is Hillary's two political prostitutes, Lanny Davis and James Carville. Aren't we lucky to have them. Carville comes direct from Louisiana and governor Edwin Edwards who had to spend a few years in a federal pen. I guess the very best is attracted to Carville and Davis. And now, Hillary.
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  • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 7 months ago
    I have Clinton & Bush fatigue in general.

    There are only a couple of prospects that I think I could get even a little excited about.

    Unfortunately, I think its a combination of the 2-party system, and the polarization of the base of each party that is to blame.

    Would Hillary or Elizabeth Warren's values (or lack thereof) be palatable to the non-convention-going Democrat? Doubtful.

    Does the average Republican voter identify more with Romney or a Bush, or Joe the Plumber?
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  • Posted by DaveM49 9 years, 7 months ago
    I don't much care. We have a looter's government and which fanny sits on the throne at any given time doesn't make a nickel's worth of difference. I believe I am going to start voting for "none of the above".
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  • Posted by straightlinelogic 9 years, 7 months ago
    I'm fed up with her, but unless we get the long overdue Second Great Depression, she's going to win in 2016. There are almost no differences between the mainstream Republican candidates and Hillary on any important issue, especially the most important issue: American military intervention and the national security state. She will have the infamous 47 percent, now probably grown to 49 or 50 percent under Obamanomics, and how many women are going to vote for her because she's a women? Her supporters don't care one bit about her scandals. They privately applaud her email strategem as a way to keep them safe from the vast Right Wing Conspiracy. Unfortunately for the Republicans, the scandals are really all they have, because the party is just as statist as the Democrats and so they cannot differentiate themselves from the Democrats. The Republicans sputtered through 16 years of Clinton and Obama, and they're going to sputter through up to 8 years of Hillary.
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    • Posted by term2 9 years, 7 months ago
      I agree thats why she has gotten where she is. I am so sick of electing "historic" people. Obama is historic alright- he is the worst president we have had ! Hillary would be right up there if she gets elected, but in the privacy of the voting booth, I dont think its going to be another "historic" election.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 7 months ago
      I'm beyond fed up with just seeing her face on TV. I was not fed up with just seeing Obama's smiling face until shortly after his first election.
      Unfortunately, the sheeple who voted for double the debt Oliar's reelection after Obamanationcare was shoved down our throats along with scandals galore really don't care about any Benghazi Killary scandals or how many there may be. Baa!
      I fear what used to be a republic has been slimed and degraded beyond apathetic repair.
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    • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 7 months ago
      Not every GOP potential candidate is a proven liar like her. Plus she seems to think that "isn't it time for a woman president" is a good campaign issue.
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  • Posted by JCLanier 9 years, 7 months ago
    MDK: You can count me in!

    I do not believe her record/actions as Secretary of State proves she is capable of that position much less a higher level, i.e. President...

    She will never be able to whitewash (not Whitewater) her responsibility for the Benghazi tragedy.
    And, when called on the carpet, she negated the responsibility of her position, showed no integrity and further compounded the political intrigue by consenting to the Rice debacle cover-up.
    How can she even be considered Presidential material? I don't get it.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Thank you JC. It is amazing how dumb the Clintons think we are. Hopefully this incident will remind Americans how slippery the Clintons. Help us if she is elected. May this incident be her undoing. Then again we may have a better chance if she stays in the race otherwise a new, younger person may prove to be more of a challenge.
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  • Posted by GaryL 9 years, 7 months ago
    I am not at all fed up with Hillary. We here have known who she is right along. I am completely fed up with the liberal fools who continue to vote those who are destroying our country in to office. The only good reason I can think of to go and vote is to cancel out some idiots vote.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 7 months ago
    Even the "Lame-Stream" Press couldn't let the e-mail kerfuffle just disappear. B & H have long acted as if there is a right way, a wrong way, and a Clinton way. And they've been getting away with it until now. I hope the Republicrats can make a real big deal out of it before it fades into oblivion as so many other left transgressions in the last five or six years.
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  • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 7 months ago
    I am fed up but consider this.

    Hillary is being used as a distraction. Republicans are spending so much time, energy and effort on trying to get Hillary OUR of running, I think they are missing the REAL strategy.

    When push comes to shove, and it will, Hillary is NOT the 2016 candidate and never was.

    Elizabeth Warren is. GOP, Tea Party and everyone else is expending so much capital and political capital on Hillary Elizabeth Warren the REAL darling of the left is going to swoop in and capture the Presidency of 2016.
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