Obama Loses the Trust of the Nation

Posted by $ MikeMarotta 10 years, 6 months ago to News
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 10 years, 6 months ago
    I remember after actually reading sections of Obamacare (almost nobody did) and plainly seeing the text spelling out that people would lose their coverage. And, then hearing him over and over saying, "If you like your insurance, you can keep it." I just thought, "This guy is a grade-A liar." Now...I think he might just be an ill-informed puppet. Either way...the result has been the same. The media may refuse to point out that lie but it was in everybody's face, over and over. This is the result.
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    • Posted by Genez 10 years, 6 months ago
      I believe he is a liar. When you read between the lines of some of the things he has said and done, you can see that, while he attempts to act as one at times, he is no idiot. He is perpetrating deliberate and considered destruction of our way of life. Just like in AS where there were a few on the moocher side who understood and approved of the destruction of the producers, so does he. This particular system is a power grab to control a vast portion of the economy and an important part of peoples lives. He will do and say anything to sell it until it is too thoroughly ensconced into the economy and society to be removed.
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    • Posted by Eyecu2 10 years, 5 months ago
      Personally I believe that he is both a lair and a puppet. While I am unsure of who pulls his strings and I do not believe that he is an idiot. I am certain that there is some evil plan behind the reckless way that Obama and the various parties keep pushing this country.
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      Posted by Boborobdos 10 years, 5 months ago
      The big lie isn't that Obama cancelled anything.

      It's the insurance companies who have been caught offering rip-off plans who withdrew them when they got caught being below the standard.
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      • Posted by $ brewer37 10 years, 5 months ago
        I disagree. It's part of the plan to nationalize, move to single payer (oxymoron) healthcare. Of course, when that doesn't work they'll have to nationalize something more profitable in order to pay for it. Then when that industry stops producing (which it must), we'll just have to invade a wealthier country. (ancient Rome, empirical England, Nazi Germany, USSR, Etc...) Wash, rinse, repeat... Humans love trying to get something in exchange nothing they have produced.
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      • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
        What standard? The standard of the customers who wanted to buy them? Because it is only the standard of the customers that matters.

        Whatever arbitrary standard Obama wished to apply based upon his own agenda is irrelevant.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 10 years, 5 months ago
    I always knew my fellow travelers elected Mister Thompson as President. (Note: I used the word "travelers" deliberately. I agree fully with Rand: some words just don't fit after those to whom they would otherwise apply, debase the concept. I don't call them "citizens" for the same reason Rand refused to use "President" for Mister Thompson, nor "Congress" for any legislature who would ever delegate such power to such a man.)

    To hear Obama speak is to hear someone not able to make up his mind, whether to be Mister Thompson or to be Wesley Mouch. ("I can't help it! I can't do anything about it! I need wider powers!") At least Mister Thompson knew what he was about--most of the time. He hired Floyd Ferris to build him Project X, for example.

    But I kept waiting for the picture to white-out, and "a man's cold, implacable voice, the kind that [has] not bee heard on the airwaves for years," say:

    "Ladies and gentlemen, Mister Obama will not speak to you anymore. His time is up. I have taken it over. You wanted an explanation of the failure of the latest government program to work as advertised. I am the man who will now give you one."
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  • Posted by jimslag 10 years, 5 months ago
    Actually if you look at the election maps by county for the last 2 Presidential elections, he won the vast majority of urban centers but lost the majority of rural counties. It makes me wonder if the rural counties are more towards personal liberty and personal responsibility. Personally I live in a rural county and see what goes on here. It is mostly agriculture and the railroad, with the service industries bringing up a close third. The area voted for Romney last election but decide to vote for Rep. Lujan, a liberal Democrat for their representative and Tom Udall and Martin Heinrich, more Democrats for their Senators. So I am torn as to their motives in voting and their ideals for their own liberty.
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    • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 5 months ago
      All politics is local. Remember that one? The political figure who does the best job of selling how they can "bring home the bacon" to their local constituents is the one who wins. Negative campaigning also works, so if the Democrats did a better job of ridiculing and demonizing their opponents, it just shows they're better at the game.
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    • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 5 months ago
      Jim, I came to a similar deduction some time back, but from this direction:

      Forgive me for massive generalization, but I think it's not inaccurate: Generally, folks in rural areas don't have tons of services and infrastructure to "supply their everyday needs," while urban/city-dwellers MUST rely on tons of "government services" and support infrastructure in order to merely survive... from massive power stations to garbage pickup.

      So, where there are tons of people who rely on "government" for their comfort, they're going to vote for someone who promises to continue those deliveries, while other "kinds of people," more accustomed to fending for themselves and helping their neighbors because their neighbors help them WON'T vote for those kinds of "free teats."

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      • Posted by $ 10 years, 5 months ago
        Begin with the premise that "farming is everybody's bread and butter" and add to that a distrust of cites, bankers, and the marketplace. When the prices of commodities are not profitable, farmers want subsidies and price supports. So, they vote for anyone who promises them free treats.

        It cuts both ways.

        I agree that rural areas are more Republican these days. (Many Democrats also have support in rural areas, of course, as noted above). But it is a matter of tradition, inertia, habit. From that, people make up reasons for the beliefs they begin with.

        Just by comparison, in Detroit, pro-union Democrats are often NRA members. "You dance with the one who brought you to the party."

        The self-sufficiency of the farmer is just the icon of a myth. The story is that they support themselves on their own land and sell their surplus in the village to buy finished goods and tools. That might have been true in frontier times, but even so, without those finished goods and tools, instead of a plows and harrows powered with tractors, they would be walking their plots, using sharp sticks to plant seeds.

        The "massive power stations" are a perfect case in point. In 2003-2005 we lived so far out in the woods that our neighbors were turkeys and deer and our home got electricity from a local co-operative. Show me a farm that runs from its own windmills today.

        In fact, speaking of icons... You know the movie, The Wizard of Oz. Think about how POOR that farm was: no paint on anything. The incubator broke down ... but the myth is that Uncle Henry (or his three helpers) could fix anything that broke. Obviously, they could not.

        Farming is just another industry. In fact, division of labor - which originated in the cities - was taken to the farms: in the Middle Ages, plowboys and milk maids worked for hire from farm to farm. And of course, the smithy was historically an independent craftsman upon whom rural people depended. Moreover, even shoeing a horse took two crafts: the smith and the farrier.

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        • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
          "But it is a matter of tradition, inertia, habit. From that, people make up reasons for the beliefs they begin with. "

          I disagree. You have proof for this assertion? Considering that this 'rural State' has two conservative Senators, Republican representatives, Republican governor, and now Republican controlled legislature, I don't think it's a matter of inertia, tradition or habit. I think that people in this State, by and large, listen to what someone on the left says, conclude they're a loony, then listen to what the Republican or conservative says, and recognizes common sense, and votes appropriately.


          I love how people talk in generalities that span centuries. "Back in Roman times"... as if the Rome of the founding was the same as the Rome of the Empire or of the dissolution.
          "In the middle ages"; as static as they were, systems *did* change. In the early middle ages, plowboys and milk maids didn't work for hire from farm to farm. Farmers pooled their resources, forming villages, because oxen, horses, horse collars, plows, and so on were expensive.
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          • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 5 months ago
            Thank you both for your comments and perspectives. I did try to set the stage by warning about "generalizations," but hey,...http://www.plusaf.com/falklaws.htm#2nd

            Falk's Second Law:
            "Never trust generalizations."
            (Beware of people who don't get that one......)
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    • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
      Past two elections, the Republican candidate, however repulsive, took every single county in Oklahoma....
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      • Posted by DrZarkov99 10 years, 5 months ago
        Democrats in OK were like swimmers trying to stay afloat carrying an anchor, with the Party's platform so foreign to the state culture. Since oil & gas make up the dominant economic force here, the Democrats' demonizing of the entire industry definitely didn't help.
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  • Posted by crankyman 10 years, 5 months ago
    Harvard lawyers and Harvard MBA's, that seems to be a common theme and makes this OSU grad wonder if they even teach ethics at Harvard anymore.
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    • Posted by plusaf 10 years, 5 months ago
      Cranky, as a very smart person pointed out to me a while back, if you look under the covers, ALL of the "big MBA schools" basically teach from the same "playbook," so anywhere you look, you'll find their grads agreeing with each other that they're smarter than everyone else and that everything they do is "right."

      Mental illness, perpetuated and passed on by tenured professors.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 10 years, 5 months ago
    For those who haven't seen it yet, check out: 2016; Obama's America http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SLa-poeH...

    I really don't know of anything the man's said that rings true. His goals don't seem to have any relation to anything he's done or represented in public positions. He's a tool and a talking head, but he's very, very dangerous to the citizenry of this nation. He pays no attention to the Constitution and seems to have no trepidation of his legacy after (I hope soon) leaving office.

    But to me, the truly scary thing is that he won, twice. Equally scary, IMHO, was the two men the Republican's chose to run against him. It's almost as if they helped him win by choosing who they did.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 10 years, 5 months ago
    If the Nation and the media had done their homework, they would have known from the beginning that both Hillary and Obama adored the methods of Marxist Saul Alinsky before Obama was elected. I even wrote O"Reilly, but he softballed the interview with Obama.Most still do not know that both husband and wife have either had their law licenses revoked or given them up to avoid prosecution.
    Obama is a puppet to the likes of Valerie Jarrett and George Soros, and not nearly as smart as he is given credit for being. he is not the master mind, just the trained pet who does the bidding as he is told. His main skill was and still is community organizing aka: community dissention. Even a dog can learn to do tricks for a master. Saul Alinsky's methods were his training manual.
    The fact that he ever had the trust of the nation is more a measure of the apathy and stupidity of the citizens than the brilliance of anything his handlers did.The facts were there if citizens cared to find them on their own.
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  • Posted by redoty09 10 years, 5 months ago
    Obama is and has been all along, a lying deceptive communist. He is doing everything he can get away with to destroy the USA. Raised in Kenya and Indonesia where he attended a Catholic school, where he learned about Islam??? Why did a Catholic school teach Islam? His father and step father were both Muslims. He has no American values or ideals. If a white Republican did what he has been doing, the liberal media would be all over him screaming for impeachment! By the way, his wife Michelle said Kenya is Barack's home country! If that is true how was he allowed to even run for president?
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    • Posted by Retired24-navy 10 years, 5 months ago
      He's not a communist, its call socialist; that's where the Gov is in charge of everything as in 1984-the book. Its commin and only a revolution can stop it, but it must happen soon.
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      • Posted by redoty09 10 years, 5 months ago
        Socialism and communist are just about the same thing. Obama has spent a lot of time with communist teachers and others that have had a communist influence on him. You need to check your facts! Zbigniew Brzezinski Said the only thing wrong with Russia is that they were not Marxist enough. Because in a pure Communist society everyone would have equal things and that is what Obama is pushing for in this country, which makes him a Communist not a socialist!!!
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        • Posted by Hiraghm 10 years, 5 months ago
          Porayto, potahto.

          communist, socialist, fascist, nazi, progressive... different words to describe the same mindset and philosophy.
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