"Thoughts and Commentary" Peace Without God" and Poems,Essays and Stories

Posted by Tuner38 9 years, 4 months ago
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My book, "Thoughts and Commentary" ( http://www.amazon.com/Thoughts-Commen... ), consists of a series of essays covering a wide range of topics and viewpoints. Many of the topics cover contemporary issues, some are more universal and there are two sections that cover eclectic selections entitled “Open Commentary” and “Inquiries About Common Assumptions.” These essays are designed to stimulate your contemplative urges and as essays, can be read and reread in the leisure hours when contemplation about an issue seems appropriate.

These essays were written over several year’s time and represent thoughts captured and generated about current events, popular and unpopular notions, seemingly unsolvable dilemmas, major news, mysteries and methods. This book was not written as a something for everyone tome, but a multitude of topics that need more analysis and reflection than is provided by the popular opinions viewed in the media. This book usually offers a different “take” on the common opinions voiced in editorials, news analysis and platitudes.

It is the author’s hope that there are readers looking for insights that reflect genuine real world solutions, techniques and direction. This is the kind of writing I wanted to read and found I had to produce it to see it in print. The enjoyment I feel is what I wish to impart to the reader. To whomever finds that enjoyment, I dedicate this book.

Watch the trailer for my book, "Thoughts and Commentary": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBas3...

Other books of mine can be found here: https://www.amazon.com/author/dalenet...

I also have two books on iBooks. "A Love for Keeps" and 'Religion and Imagination".

My latest book," The Soul Fallacy " is now available on Amazon.

If you would like a signed copy of any of my books, send an email to: mailto:dnetherton@me.com

A pre-purchase option for my latest book"The Random Universe" is not available and will be released February 17th.
SOURCE URL: https://www.amazon.com/author/dalenetherton

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  • Posted by Bill54 5 years, 2 months ago
    With more than half a century of my life as an adult behind me there have been few true encounters with godless intellects. They have all reflected an inability to hold on to proven truths. They would prefer to be their own constitution without a higher power to express the rights of man. Conclusion, they are lonely in their thoughts.
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    • Posted by 5 years, 2 months ago
      A proven truth is an adherence to reason which I assume you are attempting to present on this issue. Lonely thoughts are often preferable to common bromides.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year ago
    Congratulations for taking the time and effort to publish. Having written and published a book myself (also available on Amazon and in the Gulch Marketplace) I understand what an enormous undertaking it is.

    Question: did you self-publish or find a publisher? Did you hire a freelance editor? Did you purchase a book cover or have art designed just for you? Just comparing notes with my own endeavors...
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    • Posted by 1 year ago
      I have published through Xlibris,Amazon,Apple and Publish America. Cover designs have been with publishing packages and or self designed from free images. I did hire some editing especially on Thoughts and Commentary. Anything else?
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 8 months ago
    This advertisement mentions "erroneous" thoughts and methods that "make certainty possible". Is it his contention that certainty is impossible? I am not arguing in favor of supernatural things, but I believe that in the real world intelligible to man's senses, certainty about things is possible. Though it is not necessary to believe in imaginary beings to find it. For instance, one can be certain of certain Aristotelian axioms, after examining them, reasoning about them, and understanding them.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 8 years, 4 months ago
    Always try to support other authors, gota stick together, right.
    I put yours on my wish list because my list is overloaded...not to mention writing my next which, by hook or crook-(not really) it's going mainstream.

    Good luck Dale...can't wait to read your perspectives.
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  • Posted by Eudaimonia 9 years, 4 months ago
    Dale, I am interested in buying a copy of "The Manipulators", but it does not look like Amazon is directly carrying it.

    I don't want to order it unless I'm sure that you'll be receiving some sort of return on the sale.
    If you will be, let me know.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 4 months ago
      You can order directly from me and get a signed copy if you wish. The price is $13.00 plus S&H. I can take Pay Pal or a check. S&H is 3.00. Send the order and payment to Dale Netherton 26070 Hawk Drive, Farmington,Iowa 52626 and you can email me at dnetherton@me.com if you have any questions. Thanks. Dale
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  • Posted by 5 years, 5 months ago
    I have a new book available entitled, "Peace Without God" in paperback or Kindle. Can be seen at the above link where my other books are found.
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