Obama set the immigration trap, and the GOP walked in

Posted by $ nickursis 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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Wow, the LA Times actually carried a piece that makes sense and seems to have a very well reasoned scenario. They make more sense than Bonehead does.
SOURCE URL: http://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-jacoby-republicans-immigration-republicans-trap-20150219-story.html

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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 3 months ago
    The LA Times is a looters rag.
    They paint a picture based on the view of looters and socialists.
    They may be right about the GOP. It hasn't done anything to defend the rights of American individual liberty in generations.
    But the Times is wrong about the political ramifications and they know it. Lots of looter media is trying to give the GOP cover from the people who voted republican, and those people want the illegals tossed out ASAP and the border secured. When the GOP caves on this issue (as they have repeatedly on other issues) those voters will be disappointed again, as they have for the past 50 years. They will not suddenly support liberal policies and vote Democrat as the Times seems to conclude.
    Will those voters finally learn that actions speak louder than words?
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 3 months ago
      I read it as a rather good assessment of how Obama has played the Republicans as fools, he threw down the gauntlet and rather that ignore it and move on to some useful solution (you will NOT get mass deportations and enforcement of immigration status today because there are way to many people who have sabotaged the system from one end to the other) that tightens laws, removes the fake licenses, voter registration etc that they have slipped in here and there in every state, and seals the borders in an actually functional way. They opted to kick and scream at him, and now the larger number of "I can vote, and not have to be a citizen" people will join with the Liberals and 2016 will be another "toss them out" election. That is their point. They fell for it. You have not seen any useful legislation come from the Republican led senate or House, yet. They are wasting time and money fighting with the Obamanation, rather than hammering him with better legislation (not that we need any more of either parties legislation, they have successfully screwed everything up). Even if you want illegals tossed, it will never happen as they have a million options in a million places, such as Beautiful Oregon, home of the Corrupt Govenor. They come here and get licenses, register to vote and no one checks, but I need DNA samples, original birth certificates and 8 pieces of ID to get my license renewed that I have had for 20 years. Fair? Not on your life. That is the problem with Democracy, when the stupidity virus infects 51% of the voters (and they fake an additional 10%) you are plainly screwed. I think Ayn Rand saw that coming.
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  • Posted by Ranter 9 years, 3 months ago
    Obama took the attitude that what he wanted via immigration rules was necessary, and therefore, if Congress wouldn't pass it he could implement it by Presidential decree.
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