Why the "rich" already pay their fair share

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 3 months ago to Economics
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The liberals just like to re-define "rich" on the fly to be "those whom I want to punish". Sound familiar at all?
SOURCE URL: http://www.theblaze.com/stories/2015/02/16/do-the-rich-really-pay-their-fair-share-ucla-economics-professor-breaks-it-all-down/

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  • 15
    Posted by Non_mooching_artist 9 years, 3 months ago
    We have already paid a substantial 6 digit figure in taxes thus far, and have $70,000.00 in reserve, which will ALL GO TO THE FUCKING IRS. If I hear one more person say I don't pay my " Fair Share", I'll kick them so hard, their great grandchildren will feel it!!
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    • Posted by RonC 9 years, 3 months ago
      Further, consider the people you employ. Whether they are statutory employees or contractors they pay taxes on the revenue they receive that was actually initiated by your desire to accomplish something. The progressives never consider this. If I were debating one of the great progressives I would point out "they didn't create that, NMA did!"
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    • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 3 months ago
      That's because limousine libs are fine with "income tax"... they just don't want a "wealth tax". As long as they don't have to work for a living like the little people, its their way of making sure they are always the high-society folk.
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      • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 3 months ago
        Just curious, not trying to argue. How did they get their wealth? I was going to have some of that wealth until Enron, especially Ken Lay and his boys decided they didn’t enough millions, so they took my retirement and 28,000 others.
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        • Posted by scojohnson 9 years, 3 months ago
          I group most of those into the actors/entertainer types that earn a lot of passive income that is not taxed at the full income rate... for example, royalties can be distributed to a corporation, and paid out of there as dividends (15% tax, regardless of amount). Nothing is taxed as high as earned income..

          Pelosi, for example, pushes for a minimum wage increase everywhere except American Samoa... where her husband employs half the island with their small family business (Starkist Tuna). She never discloses that though, just sticks an American Samoa exemption in the bill every time.

          Feinstein's scam is a little more unique... her husband (best known for CBRE), is seemingly gone from being a commercial real estate broker for his entire lifetime, to suddenly the whiz of solar power - with multi-billion dollar loans from the Dept of Energy to build solar farms in Nevada of course a loan isn't income either... But would the average joe on the street get a multi-billion dollar DoE solar energy loan with pretty much zero experience in solar energy (or electricity / utility markets for that matter). Unless married to a Senator. He's also apparently a railroad tycoon, as he won the contract to build the first leg of the California High Speed Rail project... hauling migrant farm workers on their long commute from Fresno to Bakersfield. (It is actually much faster to drive that in a beat-up pickup truck than to mess around with train stations, tickets, etc.)
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  • 10
    Posted by woodlema 9 years, 3 months ago
    6a : marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism

    Any taxation system whereby one person pays a higher percentage of anything is by definition UNFAIR.

    FAIR would be very simple. EVERYONE pays 10% of all their income, EVERYONE pays 50% of their income, EVERYONE pays 5% of their income NO dedications, NO exemptions PERIOD.

    Anything other than that is unfair to one group over another. Also by simple math lets just say a flat 10% income tax was to be paid by all. The person who earns $10,000.00 pays $1,000.00. The person who earns $500K pays $50,000.00.

    The wealthier still pays MORE but the percentage of income is the SAME, THAT is fair.

    I personally would just prefer a 10% flat tax on ALL products except for Food you consume.

    Then you are in TOTAL control of what you pay in taxes. The "rich" person who buys that Bentley would pay 10% on that million dollar car would be paying 100K in tax. The poor person who buys the $1,000.00 dollar "beater" pays $100.00. Again totally fair.

    This would meet the "equal protection" under the constitution also. Anything that requires one group to pay more than any other group as a percentage is "unfair"
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    • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 3 months ago
      I'd like to see a flat tax coupled with a limit to what the government can spend. No money coming in no spending going out, month by month. And no cutesy accounting or politic tricks
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  • Posted by iroseland 9 years, 3 months ago
    this was a good read in that it lays things out nice and clear.

    Me and my wife fall into the top 10%, The result isd that federal income tax alone accounts for the same price as a new Audi A3 meanwhile I am still driving a 2001 golf with 275K miles on it..

    Granted, at this point I am tempted to get it all the way up to 333K so I can say I got a 3rd of a million miles in that thing..
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
    I believe this group-XYZ-doesn't-pay-its-fair-share is just whining. It's esp absurd when they're saying the rich, who pay most of the taxes, don't pay enough. The gov't generally taxes 20% of income. Half the people pay almost nothing. Upper-middle class earners pay 20%. The rich pay in the 35% range, not counting state. The problem is the gov't is spending too much, not that someone else isn't pay enough taxes.
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    • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 3 months ago
      This problem exists because of the people you vote for CG. Don't you see that?
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
        " the people you vote for CG"
        How do we break the cycle? How do we get a viable libertarian candidate if well-meaning libertarians like me won't vote for them until they're viable?
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        • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 3 months ago
          Being Libertarian is more than just NOT being Republican or Democrat. A Libertarian President would put forth free market solutions to problems. You campaigned and voted for Obama whose solutions are always based on Socialist principles. We break the cycle by electing politicians who promote freedom, liberty and capitalism.
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
            "We break the cycle by electing politicians who promote freedom, liberty and capitalism."
            That's factually undeniable. If a majority voted libertarian, we'd have more libertarian policies. Contributing them feels like pissing in the wind, though, even though it's the right thing to do. Hating everyone who work with mainstream candidates means you hate the vast majority of the US.
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            • Posted by richrobinson 9 years, 3 months ago
              I don't do the hate thing. I disagree with anyone who supports progressive or in my opinion socialist policies. I believe that Obamas economic failure provides an opportunity for someone to make the case for a different approach. I like Scott Walker or Rand Paul. You have said that you will be supporting Hillary Clinton. She is just Obama in a pant suit.
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              • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
                "Obamas economic failure provides an opportunity"
                We haven't seen the effects of the economic decisions. We're in the expansion phase of the economic cycle, and it's not due to the gov't. The gov't keeps running up this debt, though, and maybe it is causing the expansion to be tepid. It definitely will be mini-crisis when rates rise.
                "You have said that you will be supporting Hillary Clinton"
                I probably said that, but I have not made up my mind. I don't work in a political industry, so I can go to competing candidates' fundraisers. It's not like anyone cares who CG endorses.
                Even though I'm not in politics, it seems like I know so many people who know Hillary. I feel like I could have the tiniest bit of influence on her. If Rand Paul ran and operated like Ron Paul in wanting to reduce the gov't influence, it would be amazing. I don't think most candidates want that, even deep in their hearts. They just want to do whatever they need to go get elected and figure if they get the votes they're doing a good job.

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        • Posted by khalling 9 years, 3 months ago
          tonight you are a libertarian. last night you were an Objectivist?
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          • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
            "tonight you are a libertarian. last night you were an Objectivist?"
            I think of libertarians as the political group that most reflects objectivism. I haven't read about objectivism beyond AS and Fountainhead, so I certainly may be misunderstanding objectivism. I agree with the tenor of the books; I'm not sure that makes me an objectivist.
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        • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 3 months ago
          How do you vote for a libertarian when the Dems and Reps won't let them get truly in the game? If you don't get party money your chances of winning an election get smaller.
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  • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
    I used to be rich, by one of their definitions. I thought it was middle class in the lower half but one year I actually made the grade by working 11 1/2 months 7 days a week with no break. That was the barely over $100,000 year everything included and was a direct result of war. After taxes I wasn't rich anymore.

    Now I've adopted an Alfred E. Neuman approach.

    With whatever I have and it's all tax paid safely out of the country - What? Me Worry? It's not coming back. That paid for the house and boat the rest is in a non interest earning place.

    But what I do still earn as a retiree each month is still four times as much as I had planned for figuring things could go wrong and half what I would need to afford living in the USA. Having retired to the upper lower class but still paying taxes. The answer was move to where I could live a comfortable middle class retirement life.

    Besides I don't like single party systems of government and miss the Constitution.

    PS The Boat is for just in case.

    The $100,000 was combination of military retirement and 11.5 months of work.

    The Russian insult used to be "May you live on your pay." In the USSA it may well be "May you live on your pension."

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    • Posted by sumitch 9 years, 3 months ago
      Move to Texas. At least you don't have a state income tax.
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      • Posted by $ MichaelAarethun 9 years, 3 months ago
        1. From Washington the real one, to Florida, through Texas and kept going.
        2. Expat status at present. I show up once or twice a year to check the incoming retirement and ensure the taxes are on time.
        3. As for Flat Tax it is still an income tax which means government control as opposed to an end user consumption tax which puts the citizen in control. One is left wing flat, scaled or serrated and the other is right wing. One is by and for those who believe in government control of citizens. The other is Constitutional Centrist and right of that for those that believe citizens should control government as employeesl

        the right used to be the domain of government by divine right. Still is but not a King. Under the Constitution it became the divine right of citizens. Until they gave it back. i think they meant for some government but went too far. Maybe it's why the establishment left wing is so anti-religion. God knows you can't vote for either one of them and be a Christian or good any one of the other eight Golden Rule religions.

        The center we now think of is the center of the left. Both the democrat face and the republican face. Not a token of difference. Just a choice between evil and more evil. I don't flush my vote down a bankrupt toilet.

        Move to Texas? It's far safer on the other side of the border for one thing. Texas, Houston especially or anywhere up there has far too high a crime rate. Last I checked Houston 12 shooting deaths per hundred thousand, Texas was 5-6 per. USA average 3-4 and of those million USA citizens that reside south of that border it's just under 2 per hundred thousand counting those involved in criminal activity. Trick is those folks live more than 50 miles south of the border. I'll have to check that again when the new figures come out and then for accuracy since it's legacy and legend (fairy tale) building time. They change and the above may be a bit off the mark.

        That's just one choice. In the US I use a carry permit. Where I reside there is no need. TEXAS?

        Point is there is a choice at least once the working life is over - the other reason I moved elsewhere. Better standard of living and safer. The second reason I visit up north is to vote against evil. Don't shirk my Constitutional responsibility nor vote for enemies domestic. Which excludes all left wing candidates such as the RINOs and DINOs. The first as an aside now means Republic In Name Only. the second is unprintable.

        Anyway...think about those taxes again. Flat tax will just get you the same thing. Maybe think about recall in places that don't have it instead. Can't lop off Medusa's Heads aim for the ankles. Grass roots. Government party types show up turn your back and say, "Get behind me." Give them zero, zip, nada, goose egg support. Things like a Soft Money Eradication Act or a Honest Voting Act. If nothing else it will scare the crap out of them and perhaps solidify the disenfranchised and unrepresented. Who knows? Might even get the Constitution back one of these centuries.

        I don''t Serve The Party' Do you?
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  • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 3 months ago
    the govt is just drunk on power, and it's fueled by $$,
    so they use their power to get more $$ so that they
    can get more power -- downward spiral. -- j

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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 3 months ago
    rich people are always using their funds to to paxes on what they earn, if the employ people they are paying taxes on them and of course they spend some of their money on personal things, food, vacations, cars etc and those monies are taxed as well.
    poor people don't necessarily contribute taxes and if 0 has his way they will not ever. So rich people are responsible for more than their fair share.
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  • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
    I never made the 1% or even the2,3,4,or 5%. But since we employed people, I was called a labor exploiter. When the union wanted to unionize our mail order firm, we decided that rather than put up with all that crap, we would close up the mail order, sell off the inventory, and concentrate entirely on our publishing biz. The fellow who tried to bring the union in, tried to emulate our mail order. He lasted less than 6 months. Businesses always look better from the outside. They rarely understand the hard work, and business acumen that goes into it.
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    • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 3 months ago
      Boy, this comment says so much about business and the real world, and the idiots in it.
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      • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
        By the way, we were a small business and only employed 18 to 20 people in the mail order. The publishing employed three. Myself, my son and a secretary. We later added a bookkeeper.
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        • Posted by Mamaemma 9 years, 3 months ago
          That's 18 to 20 jobs lost. Think our rulers will ever figure out what happened to the jobs?
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          • Posted by Herb7734 9 years, 3 months ago
            You should have sen the Union proposal. We'd have had to hire a person just to keep track of employee negotiations, complaints, rules, etc. Actually it would have been worse for the employees as we were small enough to loosely run. There were no time clocks. We shut down for an hour at noon. If someone was a little late coming back or took a longer break, nothing was said so long as the work got done. That wouldn't fly with a Union. Everything had to be timed, verified, etc. It was running a factory with hundreds of people. We ran it like a family.
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            • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 3 months ago
              "Everything had to be timed, verified, etc. "
              This is *so* bad b/c work that can be quantified by time is done by machines now. The real value comes from committed people thinking of ways to solve problems... little decisions like hand-delivering something to a customer whose order was lost or finding a way to reduce mindless e-mails by making something less confusing for customers.
              The union idea only made sense, if it ever did, in a world where work what mechanistic and tightly linked to time. It makes no sense today.
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  • Posted by rbunce 9 years, 3 months ago
    Well per MMT taxes are to regulate the money supply and maintain the viability of the currency... not needed at all to support spending. So for the progressives a graduated income tax is about income redistribution as well as those other government finance bookkeeping items.
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  • Posted by DennisKebrdle 9 years, 3 months ago
    same old crap, if yhou have it, we want it and have the guns to take it! if there was less spent on redistribution, less taxes are needed. mismanagement at the government level in all cases is a core issue on fairness. ayn predicted the stock market run up for the insiders and the other phoney looks at saving the mob. time to ratchet it all down and get real. let's tax consumption and reward wealth accumulation. there will be new "million dollar familes" pretty quick and theyu won't just be the Asters! legal theft has run it's course
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