Texas Moves Closer to Approving Open Carry, Campus Carry

Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 3 months ago to Government
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I've concealed carried for 20 years. Never leave home without it. Would be SO MUCH MORE COMFORTABLE if I didn't have to "hide" it anymore. C'mon Texas!
SOURCE URL: http://thelibertybeat.com/texas-moves-closer-to-approving-open-carry-campus-carry/

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  • Posted by davidmcnab 9 years, 3 months ago
    This could prove an effective deterrent against those loony campus shooters, and would be better and less intrusive than metal detectors at every campus access point.
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  • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 3 months ago
    In the state where I live, the state legislature has rescinded the permitting requirement for concealed carry/open carry. It is a crapshoot whether our liberal governor will veto or not.

    If the governor signs it we will no longer need carry permits.
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  • Posted by IIGeo2 9 years, 3 months ago
    This will also kill business as I will severly limit going out. I have a TX CHL and practice often, that being said I have seen many who occasionally shoot and its not who they are aiming at that scares me, its who will get hit when they miss. Now while it could make random acts of violance to a rational person less likely, the reality is quite different as you can simply stroll into a crowded area and start shooting, so who responds another person who is armed now cop arrives on scene and who is who This is a slippery slope.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 3 months ago
      Historically, the proven slippery slope is having weapons only in the hands of governments or their agencies.

      When seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

      That sums up the problem in an nutshell.

      Police are reactive and have a significant lag time until they arrive. If something is happening RIGHT NOW, waiting for the police is a luxury you may not have.

      Attacking crowds can still happen whether people in the crowd are armed or not. Criminals, terrorists, and nuts do not obey the law, expecting them to is insane. At least armed people in the crowd have a shot (no pun intended) at limiting the damage the instigator does.
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      • Posted by IIGeo2 9 years, 3 months ago
        I also agree as well , but we are not talking about a Galt's gulch producer who complies with the law practices with his weapon and probably has a good head on their shoulders. My concern is the I was beat up through high school and now I have a weapon which is now the great equalizer. I am all for the second amendment and as stated I have a TX CHL, 10 hour course not the new 5 hour class. The question is having a right and imposing the right upon others are different conversations. Or am I to trust that everyone with a gun is intelligent, thoughtful and not given to anger? Looking at the me, me me society where each one of these wannabe hero's has his own BLOG, I have serious concerns. So the bill passes and now each of my fellow Citizens is a potential threat not because they want to harm me its because its when they miss I am worried about. Now if they want to change the training requirements and include a requirement to pass a scenario based training regiment similar to a police academy I am all for it because now, we can say there is at least an attempt to train in the proper use of when and if deadly force should be used. and I agree Criminals, Terrorist and Nuts do NOT obey the law, BUT I don't want to make it easier for them to walk into a mall unchallenged because of a right to carry then suddenly go bat shit. At least now there is a delay and when gun is pulled its obvious who is the issue and a cop or a responsible CHL can take action. The arguments on this subject are good on both sides and I appreciate the conversation. But how many will be carried by 6 when the untrained self appointed responder is being judged by 12? How many domestic arguments will be ended by a third party coming to save the day? This subject is a what if nightmare.

        Again I appreciate the comments love posting in the Gulch and my interactions with persons like yourself have caused me to think and seek to educate myself. So I thank all of you. :)
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