Petraeus: His testimony key to Benghazi

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 4 months ago to Government
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What I think is remarkably hypocritical is that the Democrats are using his "marital infidelity" as a blackmail tool when they don't even believe such a thing exists in the first place!!!

I want to see both Petraeus and Hillary Clinton grilled by Trey Gowdy and Louie Gohmert over Benghazi.

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  • Posted by Mitch 9 years, 4 months ago
    When Clinton, the commander in chief at the time, committed adultery and which was egregious enough to be considered “prejudice of good order and discipline in the armed forces” was simply dismissed by the progressive left as only sex. But in actuality it was the act of committing perjury that was the great crime. The simply sex argument successfully swept the scandal under the rug.

    As far as I know Petraeus did commit adultery, didn’t lie about it and was forced to resign due to his actions. Another case of just sex, but why come down so hard on him when the left obviously didn’t pursue Clinton to this degree?

    Hypocrisy drives me nuts…

    When this happened, anyone with an ounce of common sense knew the true reason why Petraeus was forced to resign. The whole Benghazi scandal needs to be over-with, why is the investigation taking this long? Is Trey Gowdy really investigating Benghazi or simply going to brush the whole mess under the rug like Mike Rogers did? I want to know why we had so many people from the CIA on site but none of them have been interviewed? Why the Benghazi Consulate was so ill prepared for an attack on 9/11? Why did so many other US embassies get attached in 9/11 and no one is asking anything about those attack, or was that just more presidential BS? I would also like to know what Petraeus will say under oath that caused him to loss his career.

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