Another police vs civilian tussle, except in this case, it was the officer who got shot

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 5 months ago to Culture
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What is it about the black culture that out of all the stories we see in the press, a black minority is involved in the violence an unrepresentative amount of time?

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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago
    I think the question about black culture in this case is inappropriate. Instead, I salute the cop for trying to resolve this with less than lethal and I'm sorry he got shot.

    On the other hand, I regret this situation arose over the smell of a plant and the desire of some in society to control others' behavior.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
      How else do you account for the disproportionate number of these incidences stemming from blacks? You can see the mentality being pushed by race hucksters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, and even our own President and his Administration (see Eric Holder) play the race card over and over again. Look at popular culture. Rap "music's" #1 audience is blacks, and the lyrics to that stuff glorify violence against women, violence against cops, animosity toward authority, etc. And most rappers have a "rap" sheet to enhance their "street cred". I think to ignore these aspects of a culture many blacks identify with is to overlook the main cause of the problem. Larry Elder (a black columnist) and Thomas Sowell (black economist) have already pointed out these issues and questioned them in the same manner I have. You are welcome to disagree, but I don't believe one can get at the root of the problem without recognizing it.
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      • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 5 months ago
        blarman, these are some of the most derogatorily racist comments and ideas I've ever encountered on this site. Minorities may well be a convenient target of opportunity for the police vs. citizen we're trying to discuss, but this problem impacts whites, browns, blacks, reds and asians throughout the nation . Whatever hay the race baiters try to reap from this does not detract from the impact on all Americans.

        And comments such as yours only serve to support the divineness that the Administration and the statist are attempting to push I'm left wondering if you're more tool than troll, but regardless they don't belong on a site dedicated to AR and Objectivism.

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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 5 months ago
          Is it racist to point out to someone that they are choosing to engage in behaviors and cultural values which run counter to productivity? I don't believe it is, and as I stated before, there are several well-respected BLACK columnists who are stating exactly the same things.

          Here are the facts: In the 1950's, the black divorce rate was the same as the white divorce rate and rate of out-of-wedlock births was similar. The crime rates per capita for each sector of society were also the same. What has changed in the last 60+ years? The black society has seen a steady rise in their unwed motherhood (currently 72%!!!) and they have seen a corresponding rise in incarceration rate. See Good grief, even the liberal Huffington Post had to admit that it merited attention:

          Societal studies have confirmed that having a father present in the home is a HUGE factor in whether or not a child ends up in the prison system. There is a definite causal link and empirical evidence. If you want to ignore the evidence and play the race card, that's your choice. It doesn't change the facts. And I would challenge you to listen to some actual rap music for even a couple of "songs". Look at the artists and then look at their audiences and then look at the lyrics and tell me that these are irrelevant and have no influence.

          I would also point out that in no other part of society are there race hucksters like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, etc. You don't see Chinese Americans segregating themselves from society and continuously stirring up their "racial" heritage or going off on how they are continually being singled out because of their skin color. They had abominable treatment here in the US that was on par with anything the blacks had - especially in the Western US. You don't see Mexican Americans clamoring for it either - neither Vietnamese Americans nor Irish Americans nor Japanese Americans, etc. I would also highlight the example of the Congressional Black Caucus, who rejected the membership of black Republican Tim Scott (South Carolina) and accused him of being a sellout or Uncle Tom. Mia Love (newly-elected Republican Congresswoman from Utah) was treated similarly. I view this as more evidence that there is a strong culture of self-segregation in the black community.

          Do all blacks agree with this mentality? Of course not. The aforementioned examples demonstrate this. But a large portion do and continue to think of themselves as black first, and American second. We see them in their videos about "Obama phones". We see them in their passionate defense of Obama just for being black. We see them at Ferguson and New York City. We saw it in the race riots in LA.

          I choose not to ignore the evidence in front of my face. I choose to look at how to solve the problem, and that is through elimination of the victimhood mentality which unfortunately pervades black culture disproportionately when compared to every other portion of US society . If that is racist, judge ye.
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