Here’s the Skinny on Obama’s 10-Point Administrative Amnesty Plan

Posted by $ Your_Name_Goes_Here 9 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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Here's the deal, apparently. Our Dear Leader, The One, Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm), knowing better than the lawmakers who put into place immigration laws many years ago (a bunch of old, fat, white guys no doubt), will decree that we the people have a new class of the population to more robustly support with our entitlement system(s).

I'm feeling really good about this. How about you?

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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 6 months ago
    did you notice that he (0) was BRIEFED before he left town that this plan should be past or executed by him. one more time he was not required to think, something he can not do a nut shell these actions further decimate the USA as we knew it if you are old enough to have known it since the beginning of WW2 as i have. i have no confidence that the "r" party will actually stop this. keep in mind every last one of them to include their staff are on the public dole and as a result they will not do anything to harm their incomes.
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  • Posted by NealS 9 years, 6 months ago
    Would it not be simpler and more productive to just invade Mexico and annex it to the USA? Think about that, a lot of people there want to be here, not because of the weather but because of the jobs, the work, the money. If we annexed Mexico to the United States we could actually have the 57 States Obama was talking about. Also there would be no border for the drug cartels to smuggle their products across, and no illegal aliens. All Mexican would become citizens immediately. Our new border on the south end of Mexico is a lot small and easier to control than the big one we've got now. And later if Canada got out of hand, who knows what could happen. It sounds like a great plan to me. (And Putin might even approve of it).....
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    • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 6 months ago
      we'd have to watch out for the kids coming in from
      and we might not have to use force;;; mexico might
      just jump at the chance to become part of the u.s.
      we would be increasing our "foreign aid" !!! -- j

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  • Posted by RevJay4 9 years, 6 months ago
    10x NO! On all points. What is it that the left does not understand about the word "illegal"? These folks have already broken the laws of the nation and are criminals by doing so. So, where's the problem with deporting them? Let the exodus to the south begin.
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