Dr. Ben Carson 2016?

Posted by Wonky 9 years, 6 months ago to Politics
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I happened to be re-reading “Philosophy: Who needs it” last Thursday, and had just finished “The Metaphysical Versus the Man-Made”. Remember that essay on the serenity prayer?

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

While Rand makes it perfectly clear that she disagrees with Reinhold Heibuhr’s ideas in every fundamental way, she finds a certain value in the prayer and uses it to introduce the topic of her essay on distinguishing between the metaphysical and the man-made and how to treat each.

So, later in the day (or maybe it was Friday), I hear that this fellow Dr. Ben Carson (who, up until then, I’d never even heard of) is considering a presidential run. Well, that set off a fast and furious google/youtube catch up session, and I’m now in part 2 of Ben Carson’s “One Nation”, and I watched “A Breath of Fresh Air” Sunday.

I found myself (as usual), trying to overlook (and translate) the bits about “If it’s God’s plan for me to run, then I will”, and praying for wisdom (do I want a president who might pray for answers to real problems and use divine revelation to choose the way he leads?).

In keeping with my tradition of “thinking out loud” Gulch posts, I really like this guy. He seems to exude a serenity that is the antithesis of what Rand describes as the men who “spend their lives in futile rebellion against the things they cannot change, in passive resignation to the things they can, and - never attempting to learn the difference - in chronic guilt and self-doubt on both counts”.

So I whipped out my personal decoding toolbox, because this is too important to ignore... a distinguished, “non-politician” actually talking about “serving” in a public office... definitely too important to ignore.

Here is my cheat sheet for translating religious language to rational language:

1. Prayer = meditation = settling extraneous thoughts to allow one’s entire attention to be focused on the topic at hand without making the error of allowing extraneous thoughts interfere with the process of assessing the topic.

2. God = the “spirit” of man = the “essence” of man = the “nature” of man = that part of every man which is common with every other man (that he is a rational animal, if you will).

3. God’s will = (in accordance with the previous translation) that which truly rational men must conclude is in their best interest.

This is no science, to be sure, but it works for me when assessing earnest men on either side. If Mr. Carson says that he is praying for wisdom with respect to running, I’m willing to interpret that to mean that he is settling his mind in order to bring his full attention to bear on the situation he would be placing himself into. Every indication is that he is capable of objectively discerning between the metaphysical and the man-made... how can any good medical doctor not? If Mr. Carson says that he will run if it is God’s will that he run, I’m willing to interpret that to mean that he thinks it is in his best interest as well as the best interest of other rational men for him to run.

I’m wondering how other members of the Gulch feel about him as a presidential candidate.

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  • Posted by Animal 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    It's a bit early to give you rankings, but Id' rather see a former Governor. My early picks would include Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, and (although he's most emphatically not running) former Colorado Governor Bill Owens. That second choice, I admit, is driven by the fact that Bill was once our State Representative, his kids went to school with ours and I've known him for years on a very casual talking-to level.

    Moving on from there, I do like Rand Paul, but haven't decided if he's executive material yet. Ditto for Paul Ryan.

    As for Dr. Carson, I'm sure he's a fine man in many respects, but I have two primary concerns with him as a Presidential candidate:

    1) He is no more qualified for the Presidency than Barack Obama was in 2008.
    2) I am suspicious of anyone who can not comment on any issue without bringing religion into it. I am not religious in any sense, and I think that religion (or lack thereof) should be a personal matter, not something to repeatedly pronounce in public.

    Admittedly, the country will not elect an atheist President in the foreseeable future - but they will also probably not elect a man who has regular two-way conversations with God and talks about it in public.

    I would certainly not be averse to placing Dr. Carson in one role where I do think he would be very well placed - Surgeon General.
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  • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 6 months ago
    I like Ben Carson also, unfortunately he will never make it as president. The reason? A question that was asked of Obama, though tongue in check and meant to be humerous, pretty much captures it.

    One question: How does it feel to be the last black president?

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  • Posted by teri-amborn 9 years, 6 months ago

    I am SO proud of you! You translated perfectly.
    I am sure that you have heard the phrase "The Kingdom of God is within you.". You are certainly showing proof of that.
    God expects reasoning from us but sometimes reasoning becomes far too often rationalization in Washington.
    I am certain also that you have experienced times when thoughts occur to you that seem to come out-of-the-blue that help you to solve a perplexing problem. That is because you have "built the kingdom within you" or as we would say in modern language: You have programmed your inner computer very well.
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  • Posted by bobbyboynyc 9 years, 6 months ago
    He is a goodly man, and God knows the Republicans have enough RINOs and Neocons. If we do not clean house, but slide like when our "Contract with America" fell apart, we miss our only chance to save the nation. The leftists are literally driving hordes of aliens across our borders, by giving arms and protection to the drug cartels that murdered thousands and corrupted the police in Mexico. Just last week I read the US shipped grenades to the gangs down there. Obama is a Marxist through and through, and will stop at nothing to destroy America. Some people allege he was groomed for president by powerful people behind the scenes, at the level controlling both capitalism and (secretly) communism, those who use politics to create a dialectic so they can get their way by defining the middle. They put in an extreme, Bill Ayers-type radical, so the moderate leftist agenda they desire will not seem unacceptable after Obama. Obama is a straw man, his policies were meant to fail, so less radical leftist programs would not be opposed after the trouble Obama has made. This is called "pushing the Overton Window" to the left. Please read (watch, listen to) Glenn Beck.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Agreed. I think the man is basically honest and he isn't going to be as tainted as the rest of the field (Jeb Bush) because he hasn't spent his life in politics, but like khalling, I share some policy differences with the man. That being said, I wouldn't have any problem voting for him over Hillary Clinton.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 6 months ago
    I wonder if we will even have a 2016 election campaign. Unless Obama is impeached and thrown out of office, he has put everything in place to declare marshal law and execute a coup. Until there is an actual transition of power, I'm not going to cede the possibility.
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  • Posted by bsmith51 9 years, 6 months ago
    What Carson offers is leadership by example. As vice-president he would have a national stage on which to offer teaching and encouragement to those, especially blacks, whose concept of family has been destroyed by the welfare state, and yet see no alternative course to finding "family" in antisocial ways.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I don't think that really exists. Politicians absolutely do have an object of worship: power and themselves. I'd LOVE to have a politician in office where those two things DIDN'T run their world - where they honored truth, thought, and Constitutional principles. Sadly, those are the true minority.
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  • Posted by khalling 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    Where did all life come from? natural processes that occurred because of chemical reactions
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  • Posted by mikelange 9 years, 6 months ago
    Dr Carson is the ultimate success story, coming from a single parent household in abject poverty to chief of staff and world renown neurosurgeon at John Hopkins. Here is his coming out party, notice the complete dolt to his right. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KpiryahO...
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  • Posted by Animal 9 years, 6 months ago
    He wouldn't be my first, second or third choice. Probably not fourth or fifth, either.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 9 years, 6 months ago
    I doubt we'll ever has a President who doesn't openly practice a religion. Not that they actually are believers. It's just that it will always be a requirement to be elected. Just on opinion, though. Perhaps the voters would elect an atheist, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    I agree in principle. I think Peter Schiff presents a pretty accurate description of the impending economic crash in his book "The Real Crash: America's Coming Bankruptcy - How to Save Yourself and Your Country". If I recall, he predicts 2019 or sooner.

    A hard right "fiscal" turn is basically mandatory. I'm not sure how the executive branch fits in though. It proposes a budget, but congress ultimately controls the passage of that budget. More importantly, congress controls taxation. Reckless tax cuts coupled and reduced spending that net to 0 get us nowhere with respect to the national debt. If I were a foreign nation lending to the US, the only numbers of any significance would be current debt and current payments against that debt principle (surpluses applied to debt). Once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency, the implosion will come quickly.

    Am I wrong in believing that congress has more power to make a hard right fiscal turn than the president, and that a more moderate president, (or rather, a charismatic and honest president) will help the masses swallow the "bad medicine" without significant retaliation at the polls?
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  • Posted by flanap 9 years, 6 months ago
    Let's forget religion just for a minute.

    Where did man come from again?
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    "my fear is that the country will just swing back to the left if we start dismantling too many government agencies too quickly..." Have we ever dismantled any government agency?
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  • Posted by edweaver 9 years, 6 months ago in reply to this comment.
    At one time I took your position but upon further study & consideration I have changed my belief. For me I feel that unless we make an abrupt change back to the right we are destined to fail. It becomes a matter of how fast the failure comes. If we slide to the right failure will take longer but we will still fail. If we slide left failure will come faster. Present course is pretty fast failure. If we don't get back to limited government quickly we will never make it.

    There are many factors that bring me to this belief. All I have time to share for consideration is this. If we only start moving slowly to the right, it does nothing to change the entitlement mentality. Too many people will see someone else still getting a handout which will cause them to want theirs too. It will make people angry. If everything is cut all at once we will all be treated equally and if all the money that has been consumed and wasted by t he government is put back into the economy life would improve so drastically for everyone there would be nothing to complain about.

    I like Rand Paul too but he is still moderate in too many ways, IMHO.
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  • Posted by tkstone 9 years, 6 months ago
    I forgot to add that I love your translation. Spot on!
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  • Posted by tkstone 9 years, 6 months ago
    His story is inspiring and one would tend to think it would make him lean individualist, but his "heart" may lead him astray. I know nothing of his views on fiscal policy, foreign policy or any policy for that matter. I am hopeful, but I will have to reserve judgment.
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