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  • Posted by jimslag 9 years, 6 months ago
    As I was growing up, I also wanted to be part of the space exploration. My uncle worked for Burrough's Computer Company and was on loan to NASA back in the late 60's and early 70's. I got to visit my aunt and uncle in Florida during the Apollo shots and got to see some of those moon shots. From there it was to Pax River and he was on a tracking ship for those space flights. It was an awesome time and I got to see more in person than most of that the average child saw on television. The engineers were my heroes, they were the people who made things work and I got to see that up close. I still marvel at what the engineers did without the benefits of modern computer systems and technology. A lot of those calculations were done on slide rules and a lot of paper pads and chalk boards, no white boards back then. Some of our most technological advancements were framed back then and the names of those engineers are famous in certain circles.
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  • Posted by 9 years, 6 months ago
    So far no video except of bureaucrats and looters celebrating the engineers accomplishments.
    Without any actual video from the comet, do I believe these chronic liars and sociopaths?

    they keep repeating how it took all the countries together to do this.
    Sounds like propaganda to support the thieves in Brussels and their bankster masters.
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    • Posted by johnpe1 9 years, 6 months ago
      my best friend has recently been the subject of an
      extraordinary thing -- he had no symptoms, but
      was told that he had an aortic aneurism, received
      a four-hour surgery and we're now in PT. he has
      the symptoms, now!

      I wonder if he might just have been used by the
      doctors and medical teams as a source of income,
      since the medicare payments don't occur without
      a patient. -- j

      p.s. he has never been shown an MRI or Xray,
      not the first ultrasound, no blown artery tissue
      removed ... very strange. I'm going through PT
      with him, since I have emphysema and the
      programs are essentially the same. . . when
      I had vein-stripping surgery, I saw the old vein!

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