Lots of stuff to cringe about in Ebola handling

Posted by $ blarman 9 years, 7 months ago to News
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1. Other countries are imposing travel bans - especially those IN AFRICA. Why NOT the United States?

2. Screening isn't going to catch everything. And screening after they're already here is a waste of time because everyone they traveled with would already have been exposed, yet wouldn't be showing any symptoms yet.

3. "People may go underground..." WHY? It isn't as if we're patrolling the borders to keep out illegals - let alone those carrying communicable diseases!

4. "We still don't know how those two nurses caught the disease." ALL THE MORE REASON TO STOP TRAVEL!

5. The UN is calling for a billion dollars to combat Ebola. Of course, because they only thing they are any good at is wasting money.

6. Obama cancelled a fundraiser to address the issue. That's what it takes? A PLAGUE? And the DNC has about a billion dollars toward's the 2016 Presidential campaign. Let's see them put their money where their mouth is and donate THAT to the UN.

7. "one of the Dallas nurses was cleared to fly on a commercial airline" BY THE CDC. The cat's out of the bag now.

8. "The disease isn't airborne; it's spread through direct contact with bodily fluids." See #4. First you say you don't know how a couple of people got the disease despite taking active precautions, but now you want to say that people who had no idea and didn't take any precautions yet flew with an infected nurse are somehow not at risk. Right.

And the White House wonders why people have zero faith in government. If they bothered to leave their fantasyland and enter reality, they might get some inkling.
SOURCE URL: http://www.mail.com/scitech/health/3155756-white-house-rejects-calls-ebola-travel-ban.html#.23140-stage-hero1-2

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 7 months ago
    Comrade citizens, do not fret. In fact--rejoice!
    You may even want to dance for joy!
    Darwinian PC selected as superior members of our species, our strong-willed for mule-headed stubborn more than equal elite betters of the Democrat Worker's Party were put on this earth to take care of us.
    Better yet it is to also feel yummy about ourselves. Never overlook so crucial that psychological importance.
    We of the twenty-first century cannot turn our backs on Africans some of our ancestors enslaved as late as the 19th century. Yes, for that we must all hang our heads in shame.
    The fact that more American lives were lost freeing the slaves during the Civil War than any other war is irrelevant.
    So is the fact that an Ebola pandemic could wipe out Americans of all races and creeds. Just ask Al Sharpton.
    So just face it, y'all. All those sick Africans need to fly around in order not to contaminate each other. And they require our help as we need to seek PC redemption of our past sins.
    Comrade citizens, the Ebola crisis is all about race relations and a PC apology to all the nations for the fact that our past imperialist capitalist behavior still makes the world a mean ole' worser place.
    Just ask any Marxist fresh out of college, who does not need to know thet thar ain't no such word as worser.
    Now chant along, kiddies--
    Good for me!
    Good for me!
    Chant that 101 times and don't worry about no stupid Ebola, y'all.
    Have a nice day but remember to wash your hands.
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  • Posted by Temlakos 9 years, 7 months ago
    Add to it: the Director of the CDC bulls*at the public over and over again. He gave an interview to Megyn Kelly and bulls*at her. And still he stays on his job.

    Whatever his competency, he can no longer expect anyone to take his orders or his advice seriously. For that reason alone, he must step down.
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 7 months ago
      But the political machine Obama has put together is doing something right. Not one story mentions how the first nurse has gone from ‘good’ to ‘stable’ to ‘fair’ in four days. Despite all the good press about her walking on the plane and interacting with nurses and being in good spirits, she has been deteriorating all week without it being commented on in the press.
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  • Posted by sfdi1947 9 years, 7 months ago
    Paranoia strikes deep, into your heart it will creep! Blarman, you sound like Barman after a long night of tipping with the customers.
    We have the index patient (dead), two nurses, who were in close contact with out complete or any training and a disease that is dangerous by contact of bodily emeritus only and perhaps 500 more on 'Watch". That is hardly an epidemic, unless people, obviously having no knowledge, other than hearsay cause a panic!
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 7 months ago
      My point in this is not to panic, but to shake my head at the incompetence of government. I think it only prudent to recognize, however, that that very incompetence which confronts us on a daily basis is also the primary means of protection we rely on in a broad, public sense. THAT's what makes me cringe.
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      • Posted by sfdi1947 9 years, 7 months ago
        Good to know, that wasn't what I read when I read what you wrote.
        So fare as the Government, well we need to go back to the 1820's, the administration of John Quincy Adams was the last time government was about the needs of America and not about the needs of the government.
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    • Posted by plusaf 9 years, 7 months ago
      A couple things...
      Keep in mind that the mainscream media has a vested interest (Follow the Money) to exaggerate any and all dangers in order to entice you back after the commercial break for more 'reporting' ... until the next commercial break.
      Next, there was ZERO "Ebola Problem" until just a few weeks ago in the US. There are virtually NO systems or organizations in the US that can gear up and provide "100% safe and secure response" on a moment's notice, but historically, humans have done pretty well once they recognize a serious danger and apply resources to fixing the situation. Today, thanks to mainscream media, nearly everyone's expectations have been set to "instant solutions or else!"
      Add to that conflicting reports (how many strains of Ebola actually exist and where are they and what are their mortality rates and are their contamination and contagion vectors different (let alone communicability and gestation periods?)

      Critical Thinking is Dead.
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  • Posted by fivedollargold 9 years, 7 months ago
    Apparently precautions were not immediately taken because Duncan had not yet been diagnosed with Ebola. Unfortunately, these nurses appear to have been infected before it was determined that hazmat suits were needed.
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  • Posted by TheRealBill 9 years, 7 months ago
    Regarding #8, don't. Ju into the paranoi that it somehow defied the odds and made a miraculous jump from a fluid vector to an airborne one. The notion that this has happened is simply a boogeyman to scare you.

    A random mutation going to do it. The virus has to fundamentally change how it works, where it infects, etc.. While theoretically possible it is so unlikely as to be functionally not possible.

    It is more likely a random mutation caused. Y galactic radiation will cause me to stop going from brown and balding to a full head of lush and vibrant red hair than it is Ebola has or is going to jump to being airborne.

    Despite the hype on American media, the "high mutation rate" is paltry. Consider this: we aren't in an uproar about worrying that HIV is going to mutate to an airborne virus. Yet it is more common and mutates orders of magnitude faster, and is of the same structure and type of virus as Ebola. Influenza is also exceedingly fast at mutations and commonplace. Ebola isn't new, we've been studying it for over four decades. The military studied it with regard to weaponization even.

    We actually have a pretty good idea how those two HCW got it. They were exposed before knowing it. Remember the victim went in, was seen, then was sent home.

    Relatedly, the talk about it being a bigger outbreak than in recorded history is true, but missing key factors. All previous outbreaks were in isolated areas. This outbreak was not. It doesn't tske an epidemiologist, or it shouldn't anyway, to figure out that an outbreak in a highly populated area will be larger than one in a sparsely populated one.

    But it doesn't make for gluing your eyeballs to the set or monitor.

    And before anyone suggest it, no sneezing while infected doesn't transform a virus into an airborne one, just an aerosol of virus. Just as someone with HiV doesn't make it an airborne virus when they sneeze.

    The more you know the less scary Ebola turns out to be.
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    • Posted by Technocracy 9 years, 7 months ago
      HIV is not the same type of virus as Ebola

      HIV - Lentivirus

      Ebola - Filovirus
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      • Posted by TheRealBill 9 years, 7 months ago
        Actually they are both RNA viruses which use the same protein to bud from their host cells. Their replication mechanism is the same. A couple years back research into treating them with the same drugs aimed at interfering with their ability to replicate began and shows promise.

        Given the scenario being bandied about is predicated on their replication mechanism altering from one form to another, I think the comparison is apt.

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  • Posted by wiggys 9 years, 7 months ago
    if i were a part of any crew for an airline going to west africa i would refuse to go and hope that my fellow crew members did the same.
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  • Posted by wmiranda 9 years, 7 months ago
    Regarding #5, someone in the UN is going to line their pockets with Ebola money.
    Regarding #6, the DNC wouldn't put their money where their mouth is and give it to the UN because of #5.
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