Snowden Interview

Posted by dbhalling 9 years, 7 months ago to Government
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Law and Order Republicans need to pay attention to the first part of the interview

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  • Posted by Lucky 9 years, 7 months ago
    There is an important point that I cannot find Snowden making about
    'I have nothing to hide'.
    With laws becoming more numerous and more complex, everyone will break some law, it might be un-authorized use of a computer; parking, speeding, mistake in a tax return and such like.
    With property and individual rights respected, Misdemeaning is given the importance deserved- nothing or next to nothing. With increased surveillance even low key law enforcement gets tempted to compile evidence, those with fewer scruples now have tools to select and persecute trivial offenders for political reasons.
    Well described by Rand (AS) and Orwell (1984).
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Hear hear. There is a book, I have not read it yet, called Three Felonies a Day, in which the author argues that everyone commits three felonies every day.
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      • Posted by $ Snezzy 9 years, 7 months ago
        I've not read it either. Reviews on Amazon indicate that the content does not seem to match the title.

        Still, I discovered that running my farm gave me at least ten felonies a day, until I stopped providing a petting zoo. Perhaps now I don't have that many. I've not read the Federal Register all the way through recently. I was thinking of making another change to the farm, but it's apparently an EPA felony. Separate felony for every day the change exists.
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  • Posted by Zenphamy 9 years, 7 months ago
    The DHS and the increases of responsibility made in the NSA program after 9/11 are nearly the most atrocious and far reaching attacks on being an American that's been accomplished in the previous 200 and some years.

    Without Snowden's sacrifice and heroism, the vast majority of Americans wouldn't have any idea about what was happening to them. If this country's founding ideals are saved, he will be recognized as a true hero sometime in the future.

    I'm often pessimistic about the chances of saving this country, but Snowden doing as he did at such a young age gives me some optimism. Not much, but some.
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  • Posted by LionelHutz 9 years, 7 months ago
    "We do have to know the bare and broad outlines of the powers our government is claiming and how they affect us and how they affect our relationships overseas. Because if we don’t, we are no longer citizens, we no longer have leaders. We’re subjects, and we have rulers."

    Exactly. We've been treated as subjects for a long time now, and some people like it that way.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
    Don't have an issue with Snowden blowing the whistle on the Government spying on citizens. This is a patriotic act.
    Do have an issue with him blowing the whistle on the US spying on foreign governments and peoples. They do not get US Constitutional rights, and this is just prudent. He only made it embarrassing for us, while leaving out the facts about what everyone is doing, making our efforts necessary.
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    • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
      Why do non-US citizens not get constitutional rights? These rights were a statement about man's rights. Now if they have been aggressors (criminals) then they have lost their rights, but otherwise these rights are not granted by the US government. We created a government to protect these rights that exist before and separate from any government and they exist for all people.
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      • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
        Interesting perspective. Does, the US Constitution asserts rights for Chinese people? Perhaps. My view is that unlike the states and US territories, these people never voted to accept the US constitution; therefore, they do not accept it's validity, do not fundamentally support it, and should not reap its benefits. I think the scope of the US Constitution is US people and US territories.

        However, I think you are saying, the Constitution protects the rights of anyone, and the US government was formed clearly leaving these rights to people, limiting its powers. So then no spying is allowed, and Miranda Rights are offered to prisoners of war? I'm sure you don't believe some isn't required, so I'm not sure how you distinguish these rights.

        Clearly non-US people don't get US Constitutional Rights (USCR) in war. Foreign military persons are not (all) criminals. Where is this opening in the scope defined?

        Clearly, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, France, et al spy on us. China is presently very aggressive in military and economic spying. This is aggression, and I seriously doubt there are any significant governments not engaging in some sort of espionage on the US. If so, I prefer to be the best at it.
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        • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago

          Your very first statement shows you think rights come from the government "Does, the US Constitution asserts rights for Chinese people." The US Constitution does not assert rights. It acknowledges that it is the duty of the government to protect them. Clearly the US government legal system cannot go into China and demand free speech or the 4th amendment for every person in china, but that does not mean that our government can trample the rights of every person in china.

          Miranda Rights, are not really rights, they are procedural safeguards to protect your rights such as your right to not be improperly imprisoned.

          I covered war - a criminal gives up their rights when then purposely violate other people's rights. The same applies to countries and its representatives.

          The goal of National Defense is to protect the rights of those people in the United States. When our rights are violated in the name of national defense it leads to a contradiction. That contradiction has lead to the Patriot Act and the United States becoming a police state.

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          • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
            Definitely agree that the Patriot Act, DHLS, and TSA are all nonsense to make foolish people feel safe, while inconveniencing and trampling the rights of all. Also agree the Government should not be spying on US persons, and your police state comment.
            Where I think we disagree, is in the US government's right to protect itself against foreign cyber attack. The US has been attacked, and continues to be attacked every day. I have personal experience with this. I see is no alternative other than to be the best in this area, protect ourselves as we can, and take this on directly. If the Chinese and French citizens want to avoid the US "Eye of Sauron", then they need their own Snowden to help blow up the threat.
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            • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
              That does not provide any reason for blanket spying on Chinese, French, or American people. Not only is this wrong, but it is highly inefficient and illogical, which means that is not the real purpose of the NSA spying.
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              • Posted by $ Thoritsu 9 years, 7 months ago
                Assuming that is what they are doing, it may be inefficient, and only if so, then illogical.

                Not at all clear that comprehensive computer algorithms are inefficient or expensive compared with targeted human efforts.
                I can tell you, without question, the spying from China does not all come from government agencies.
                I don't think the Chinese government or people think it is wrong when they do it, and we need defense and offense in this area.

                We will probably have to agree to disagree about it being "wrong" to spy on persons of another country, but agree wholeheartedly to the police state concern, that others will only voice after it is too late.
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                • Posted by 9 years, 7 months ago
                  That is exactly what they are doing and they have been clear about it.

                  Yes it is clear that it does not work. There is too much data to sift through. There is no evidence that the NSA has stopped one terrorist.

                  Rights apply to all people. Rights do not come from the government. What the NSA is doing is just pure evil.
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    • Posted by woodlema 9 years, 7 months ago
      Allow me to point out a few things that you may be missing from the "BIG Picture".

      1) Snowden attempted to blow the whistle internally (USA) using the media which was immediately quashed by the US government and the "in the tank" compliance of the pathetic media who are not doing their jobs as "watchdogs."
      2) Snowden was ONLY able to get out the REAL story by embarrassing other countries who are not worried about our government, only THEN did the mainstream media begin talking about it, and ONLY when it was shown that news anchors were monitored.
      3) THEN the media has NEVER NEVER NEVER brought up how ALL those who swear allegiance to the constitution are REQUIRED to disobey unlawful orders.

      Snowden did what he had to do to get this information out. I applaud his actions, and all he personally sacrificed to let the ignorant people in America who I do not think are worthy of the freedoms we enjoy know the truth about what our Government is doing and how our Government is turning into the very thing our Constitution was designed to prevent.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 7 months ago
    I have no use for anything like Facebook. I go to Google only for maps or to see what a word like "merde" means in French. I even avoid buying stuff on the Internet. Me a dino.
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