Home for the Holidays: "Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt?"

Posted by awebb 9 years, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Promotions
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This upcoming holiday season, what better gift to give... than the gift of knowledge.

That's right, the SteelBook® Atlas Shrugged: Who is John Galt? Blu-ray and trilogy box-set Collector's Editions will be here just in time.

But there's a catch... these limited edition versions will NOT be available in stores and, once they're gone... they're gone.

“Line up” for the Black Friday pre-sale now by filling out this form: http://bit.ly/ASP3PreSale

By filling out the form, you’ll put your name on the list to be contacted first when the pre-sale begins.

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  • Posted by Brett82 9 years, 10 months ago
    Is the limited edition of Part 3 the same as the one you'll get as a kickstarter contributor, or is it something else? Any details on the special features of each? Thanks!
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    • Posted by sdesapio 9 years, 9 months ago
      RE: "Is the limited edition of Part 3 the same as the one you'll get as a kickstarter contributor"
      Yes and no. The content will be the same but the Kickstarter edition will be personalized with your name on the disc face.

      RE: "Any details on the special features of each?"
      Not yet.
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  • Posted by ABNChemo 9 years, 9 months ago
    I gave Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead to my brother for his birthday last week. I am looking forward to giving a set of all 3 movies for Christmas!!! HINT HINT HINT
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    • Posted by $ Mimi 9 years, 9 months ago
      Now normally, an objectivist would remind you that manipulating people to do what you want with by using the ole:
      'I scratched your back, now you scratched mine' strategy is an immoral act, but in this case...

      GOOD LUCK!!!
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  • Posted by DianneDawson 9 years, 10 months ago
    Why is the DVD not available until January? The first two parts came on DVD.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 9 years, 9 months ago
      Looks like the movie makers don't want to make some real money off DVD Christmas sales.
      A certain brother of mine gave me AS2 last Christmas along with what he usually gives me. So this Christmas I guess it will just be some historical war fiction books he has already read. I'll have to tell him I already have the AS3 DVD before Christmas of 2015.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 9 years, 9 months ago
    Will there ever be releases of "Extended Versions"? I have to believe that the producers cut hours of footage to get all 3 movies to fit their respective timeslots.
    In the interim, I'm going to buy the ASP3 steelbox version to complement my collection.
    I'm still considering a DVD version to loan out to friends that still NEED to see it, since it's a difficult movie to locate.
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    • Posted by $ winterwind 9 years, 9 months ago
      that is a great idea!
      I've been thinking of buying up copies of AS at used bookstores and handing them out - right now, I give people my card, tell them to buy the book, and swear to refund the money if they think I wasted their time. no one's asked for their money back yet, out of about 10 offers.
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  • Posted by markjanssens 9 years, 9 months ago
    I already have part 1 and 2 of Atlas Shrugged on DVD. How do I get a copy of part 3 ? (It is very unlikely to get it to a theater here in Belgium....)

    Mark Janssens
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  • -4
    Posted by BillJ 9 years, 10 months ago
    I have the same questions as below.

    How much and Value is important but so is price.

    Rather presumptuous of you to offer something with no price or date set, don't you think. Ayan would be ashamed. You should offer value for value out right.

    When is it going to be available?

    I already own both ASP1 & ASP2 BlueRay so I only want ASP3 BlueRay. When will that be available?
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    • Posted by $ puzzlelady 9 years, 10 months ago
      Oh, come on, they're not asking you to buy a pig in a poke. They are giving us, the ingroup, a special private advance notice. That's considerate, not presumptuous. No need to get testy. What they presume is that this group, the alleged fans (otherwise why are we here?), would want to know what is in the works. We get to be first in line. Too bad I don't have Blu-ray; I'll have to wait till January and give my gift recipients promissory notes!
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    • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 10 months ago
      I understand what you're saying, but they're not making an offer to be accepted/rejected. They're just offering to contact people with an offer in the future if they so desire.
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