Today Tuesday, Jan 21, 2025

Posted by Lucky 3 weeks, 6 days ago to History
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An overwhelming sense of relief. It is almost debilitating.
This is a little essay. not instructions for others.
Just a self-awareness moment.

I read, even on this website, about the failings of Trump, his words, personality, policies, nominations.
A little praise is given but with reservations, much use of the word- but: Damning with faint praise.
I felt- enough already.

Since Nov 2020 many have been in anger despair or at least dismay. It started earlier, much before Biden, before Obama.
There is a movement to destroy America, its economy, constitution, traditions. Indeed to destroy the West, western civilization and culture. The movement is anti-white, anti-male, anti-European -
as if being even handed to other ethnicities and cultures required being hostile to ones' own.

Then we heard Trump. His powerful sometimes blunt and inelegant language attacked all this.
The reaction remains to be documented for history, it will be, but we have lived with it.

Trump has an enormous job, and note, his nominations as a set are first class.

My own actions should now be to restrain feelings of hero worship and control blanket condemnation of Trump critics. Let there be criticism, if it is of the well meaning competent let comments be constructive.

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