Hanlon's razor
Posted by jack1776 1 month ago to Government
“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”
I can not agree with this, never really did but I think the LA fires is overwhelming poof of blatant malice.
I grow up in southern California, the Santa Ana winds are nothing new, they occur every year, Lived right below the Cahuenga pass near I-15, between Etiwanda and Fontana. Here the winds normally hit over 100 mph every year during this time. Etiwanda has eucalyptus trees on the property lines for wind breaks, one year, they caught fire in the heavy winds, they didn’t loose a single house. We were prepared… I remember fires breaking out but being contained fairly quickly. Its known in this area to be ready to fight a fire, this is not out of the ordinary at all, being unprepared is!
Why I think Hanlon’s razor fails in this circumstance:
1) Fire department & DEI, woke above function. Check out this clip from the Assistant Fire Chief for LA, by the way, the Fire Chief is another lesbian female. I’m sorry but fighting fires is a job for men.
2) The empty reservoir:
Again, its woke politics. “Water Chief Who Oversaw Emptying of Santa Ynez Reservoir Said ‘Equity’ is the #1 thing she cared for”
3) Dry hydrants:
This is Janisse Quiñones again… She gets reservoir and hydrants...
4) Brush management
They let the f’ing fuel accumulate…
5) censorship, fact checking
As soon as I start seeing the sanitized web and fact checkers, I know they are trying to hide something. Researching articles and clips on You Tube were removed last night.
You say what is the motive, the motive is disruption. I read somewhere that Karl Marx stated to over throw a government, you need to cause disruption. Cause fights among classes.
I can’t accept this a nothing but stupidity...
I can not agree with this, never really did but I think the LA fires is overwhelming poof of blatant malice.
I grow up in southern California, the Santa Ana winds are nothing new, they occur every year, Lived right below the Cahuenga pass near I-15, between Etiwanda and Fontana. Here the winds normally hit over 100 mph every year during this time. Etiwanda has eucalyptus trees on the property lines for wind breaks, one year, they caught fire in the heavy winds, they didn’t loose a single house. We were prepared… I remember fires breaking out but being contained fairly quickly. Its known in this area to be ready to fight a fire, this is not out of the ordinary at all, being unprepared is!
Why I think Hanlon’s razor fails in this circumstance:
1) Fire department & DEI, woke above function. Check out this clip from the Assistant Fire Chief for LA, by the way, the Fire Chief is another lesbian female. I’m sorry but fighting fires is a job for men.
2) The empty reservoir:
Again, its woke politics. “Water Chief Who Oversaw Emptying of Santa Ynez Reservoir Said ‘Equity’ is the #1 thing she cared for”
3) Dry hydrants:
This is Janisse Quiñones again… She gets reservoir and hydrants...
4) Brush management
They let the f’ing fuel accumulate…
5) censorship, fact checking
As soon as I start seeing the sanitized web and fact checkers, I know they are trying to hide something. Researching articles and clips on You Tube were removed last night.
You say what is the motive, the motive is disruption. I read somewhere that Karl Marx stated to over throw a government, you need to cause disruption. Cause fights among classes.
I can’t accept this a nothing but stupidity...
"I am leaving it as I found it. Take over. It's yours."
1) By accident
2) On purpose
If anyone thinks that the ongoing destruction in LA is accidental, you do not need to go to sleep to dream, you are dreaming while awake!
Commifornia has been rewarding evil for many years.
Download (don't pay for!!_) a copy of Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals". It explains exactly what they're doing (have been doing for fifty years) to us.
This should be required reading for all Libertarians and Conservatives.
It explains their strategy in detail.
*Alinsky was the same radical Commie who wrote "Steal This Book" so I figure he's fair game.
After the 2018 fire that destroyed the town of Paradise, Trump told Newsom he'd better get the forest floors cleaned of debris and undergrowth or he'd face as bad or possibly worse fires in the future. Newsom ignored the President's advice, with the result we see today.
That quote is all wrong. It should be:
“Never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by malignant evil.”
in the event that the losses are so great that California FAIR Plan can not cover the losses, who pays?
The California FAIR Plan is funded by all of the private insurance companies licensed in the state (often referred to as “member insurers”). If the FAIR Plan experiences losses so large that its own funds and reinsurance are not sufficient, it can assess its member insurers—meaning those insurers would be required by law to contribute additional money to cover the shortfall. In other words, the ultimate responsibility for paying claims that exceed the FAIR Plan’s capacity falls back on the insurance companies themselves, rather than on taxpayers or the state government.
You said:
Then when that money runs out?
The short answer is that there is no automatic, taxpayer-funded bailout if the FAIR Plan (and its member insurers) run out of money. In an extreme scenario where:
FAIR Plan reserves are depleted,
Reinsurance is exhausted, and
Assessments on member insurers are still not enough,
the California FAIR Plan could potentially become insolvent. There is no statutory requirement that the state’s General Fund must then step in and cover losses. In other words, unlike some federal programs (e.g., flood insurance) that have an explicit line of credit from the government, the FAIR Plan does not currently have a built-in, guaranteed state backstop.
How does the FAIR Plan normally pay big losses?
Primary Funds: Premiums from policyholders and investments.
Reinsurance: Like other insurers, the FAIR Plan buys reinsurance to pay a portion of large-scale catastrophes.
Assessments on Member Insurers: All admitted insurers in California fund the FAIR Plan. If the FAIR Plan’s cash and reinsurance fall short, these member insurers are legally required to cover the shortfall through special assessments.
If those resources are truly exhausted…
In a doomsday scenario where the losses are so massive that even member insurers’ assessments are not enough, the FAIR Plan might not be able to pay all claims in full. At that point, either:
The FAIR Plan becomes insolvent (unable to pay obligations), or
The State Legislature enacts emergency legislation to provide additional funds or a new mechanism to protect homeowners.
However, as of now, there is no built-in mechanism that guarantees the State of California would automatically foot the bill. It would come down to an extraordinary legislative or executive action.
Primary Funds: Premiums from policyholders and investments.
Reinsurance: Like other insurers, the FAIR Plan buys reinsurance to pay a portion of large-scale catastrophes.
Assessments on Member Insurers: All admitted insurers in California fund the FAIR Plan. If the FAIR Plan’s cash and reinsurance fall short, these member insurers are legally required to cover the shortfall through special assessments.
If those resources are truly exhausted…
In a doomsday scenario where the losses are so massive that even member insurers’ assessments are not enough, the FAIR Plan might not be able to pay all claims in full. At that point, either:
The FAIR Plan becomes insolvent (unable to pay obligations), or
The State Legislature enacts emergency legislation to provide additional funds or a new mechanism to protect homeowners.
However, as of now, there is no built-in mechanism that guarantees the State of California would automatically foot the bill. It would come down to an extraordinary legislative or executive action.
Sadly, I know liberals who believe that Republicans are evil, but that even left wing and liberal voters have a breaking point, where they will vote for a republican when they lose most of their net worth in a fire.
But, there are plenty of liberals in LA who only had to flee the fire, not feel the loss directly. Time will tell if a more conservative mayor will be elected.
Also; the Democrats in California have been getting away with acting as if the voters only care about image, not substance.
If the stupid, the ignorant, the incompetent get authority, there would be a mix of good and bad decisions, maybe more bad outcomes as good decisions will be incompetently implemented. But still, you will see a mix of good and bad outcomes.
With the malicious in power, you should expect widespread bad decisions and outcomes.
So which is it? In Cal and LA, they got everything wrong. When good local management could have done some good, did we see evidence? No. Everything was bad, budgets, people, equipment, planning, procedures ..
jack1776 is right - Malice.