IN THE MEME TYME 6/24/24 EDITION: Cheap Fakes and The Deep State

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 3 months, 3 weeks ago to News
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A Few News Stories were ignored so that we would have a few memes to make us laugh!

Dems Gettin Crazy and Briben Gettin Worse!

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  • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Wonderful set this week, OUC! They had me nodding and smiling like a bobble-head going "uh-huh uh-huh" over my coffee this morning. Our neighborhood allosaur beat me to some remarks, but I have to say #7 shouldn't be a surprise by now. I've heard the puppet remarks from radio pundits regarding #16, but that one hammers it home. Yeah, just let little Joey wander off and show us the real videos. Trump DID cause a lot to be exposed - can't think of anyone in the Uniparty that could/would have done that. Ending with a needed George Washington back in the driver's seat says a lot! Thanks, OUC, for making my day - again!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 3 weeks ago
    Re Meme #4~~Since Trump has been accused of almost everything, me dino would not be surprised if next the Left accused Trump of EXPOSURE despite being all in on letting perverts run wild in front of little kids.
    Re Meme #5 Me am extinct dino has a picky prehistoric problem with Trump leading a march to the left while the Dimwit-In-Chief is being dragged to the right. Yeah, even though it would be nice if a handler ever dragged him in that direction.
    Re Meme #7 Methinks Demo-dunces are crazy enough to sue Iran over their "Death To America" chant. Why not? They are doing everything else they can to shred our Constitutional Republic.
    As for Meme # 11, I really do hope after the 2024 election that Trump goes medieval over the south border wall in more ways than one. The Marxist handlers behind our Puppet-In-Chief's border invasion are altogether guilty of a Constitution-shredding Obamnation for an act of criminal treason.
    As for the bottom row, do what George Washington says,
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