Biden administration discharges another $6 billion in student debt for 78,000 public service workers

Posted by jack1776 5 months, 2 weeks ago to Government
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I decided I didn’t need a collage education but not I’ll have to pay for some shmoo’s gender studies degree and the best job it/thing can muster is a barista at you local coffee house. It/thing makes bad coffee too…

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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    So, that's roughly $77,000 per person. I also notice it's for public service workers, meaning if your student debt is for an engineering degree and you're working for XYZ Corporation, you don't qualify! You must be already on a government payroll to qualify to receive this additional government payout, meaning all those working for XYZ Corp get to pay for this but receive NOTHING!

    Edit add: Those Marxist government unions have to love this thing!
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  • Posted by CrustyOldGeezer 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    so... government workers are among the HIGHEST PAID USELESS TRASH EMPLOYEES ON THE PLANUT, and they get FREE SCHOOLING AT TAXPAYER EXPENSE...?


    Will they be required to even REPORT IT AS INCOME?
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    I find gthis whole Biden approach disgusting!I paid my own way, first two associate degrees, then a third, finally went back for a 4 year, maoring in English, Biology and Philosophy. I had skills form the computer assco. and accounting assoc, to save for the 4 year. No loans. We paid for our daughters 4 years. So, why should we have to pay for other kids who got majors in gneder studies or sociology, or some other dump worthless major!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    Methinks me dino perceives the the Biden administration's bottom line here.
    Hurry, hurry, voting age students, step right up!
    Polls indicate that the black and Hispanic voters can no longer be taken for granted. Not even those systemic racist evil white people whose only redemption is being lifelong Democrats!
    Reaction to the border invasions and the murderous criminality spilling in with it and its the economy, stupid, may actually beat the cheat!
    Oh, verily, what woe would then be wrought by the bloodbath Orange Man Bad hath promised!
    So please save yourselves! And please save democracy by helping the America haters save you!
    Give unto your student loan benefactors as a voting offering to say thanks.
    The Obamanation that's the Puppet-In-Chief's handlers all so desperately need your additional votes!
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  • Posted by 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    It seems like Joe’s handlers are trying to cause a fight. Because I’m white, male and in my 50s, I’m paying at my ass in taxes while all of these f*&king idiots are getting a freeride. The younger generation has no idea what the government is up to, they don’t know this will cost them their future.
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    • Posted by $ rainman0720 5 months, 2 weeks ago
      I paid back every damn dollar of my student loans I accrued in the mid 70's. Knowing I was in debt the day I graduated was one hell of an incentive for me to work my ass off in school learning what I could, and to continue to work my ass off once I was earning a paycheck to pay back what I legally and rightfully owed. Why the absolute f**k should I have to pay for someone else's education? What galls me even more is that so many of these loans I'm being forced to pay are for dipshit diplomas, worth absolutely nothing once these idiots get out of school.
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    • Posted by nonconformist 5 months, 2 weeks ago
      I think there is a case to be made that your generation doesn't/didn't either. :)
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      • Posted by 5 months, 2 weeks ago
        some, yes, but with age comes wisdom.
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        • Posted by nonconformist 5 months, 2 weeks ago
          I'm sticking to my conspiracy theory that the state makes people dumb on purpose by brainwashing in public schools and flouride/etc.

          All that wisdom could have been yours from a young age if the state didn't fuck you up so bad.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 5 months, 2 weeks ago
            I don’t think that is your theory.
            Norman Dodd explained this in 1952 when he Found the major tax exempt foundations were intentionally working to change the education system starting with American history. Then .. Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt’s book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down Of America.” Her painstakingly detailed synopsis of how far our K-12 public education system has fallen and that’s leaving out the last couple of decades, since this book was published in 1999.

            Charlotte speaks to “change agents:” Carnegie and John D Rockefeller. The work of Bloom, Kinsey, Skinner, Freire and T. H. Bell provided the ingredients for future moral chaos with which we are struggling today. National Education Association, UNESCO, Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, way before Obama created the most division in our country’s history since the Civil War.

            People have been taught in American schools that there are only tangible rewards for correct answers. Students are simply human capital. Education is now nothing more than workforce training. “Operant conditioning” or “behavioral modification” as a means of instruction. Mastery learning and outcome based education. Schools are training kids to perform like Pavlov's dog.

            In 1991 Charlotte recognized through her work at the US Department of Education, that they’re using schools to change America from an individual nation to a socialist global state, they brainwash the children starting a birth to reject individualism in favor of collectivism, to reject American values in favor of international values and globalism. 1991! It’s the same today, just way less secret parents!
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            • Posted by nonconformist 5 months, 1 week ago
              I was trying to redirect the discussion toward my central thesis (that the state is a looter and its purpose is to predate). So, the thing I was going for was the idea that all generations don't actually realize what is happening. The state dumbs down the population to prevent it from figuring it out. Supposedly, Charlotte was saying the purpose of the dumbing down was so that the population is easier to control. However, my thesis would be that the purpose is so the population doesn't realize they are slaves, and have been for thousands of years, no matter what system rules them.

              Charlotte, as well as the rest of you guys, in whatever generation you may be, continue to be ignorant of this true purpose of the state.

              The blame for the ignorance does indeed lie with the state's brainwashing program, one part of which is public education.

              Why do you think they are pushing collectivism so hard? Because it allows them opportunities to extract wealth and redirect it to themselves more easily.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 5 months, 1 week ago
                You ignore the Norman Dodd evidence of this move to control the history being taught to US students. When you state we are “ignorant of the true purpose of the state “ Tax exempt foundations efforts for Changing the idea that Americans are rugged individualist to collectivists. It was the first sentence in my response.
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                • Posted by nonconformist 5 months, 1 week ago
                  If I understand you correctly, you are trying to say that you are indeed aware of what is happening. Also, maybe you are trying to say that it is not the state that is at fault but some non-state actors. Correct me if I am wrong.

                  As far as I am able to gather, Norman Dodd argued that tax exempt foundations' goal was to basically increase their control of society. However, I don't believe he answered the ultimate question of what they were planning to use this control for.

                  I would argue that they wanted the control so the can transfer society's wealth to themselves more easily and make slaves of the population. I don't think you guys are aware of this.

                  I would also argue the state also seeks to increase its control over society for the exact same reason. I don't think you guys are aware of this. Just look at all these wars that are happening between states. Hitler specifically said he wanted to take over Soviet Union for 'living space'. The US is in Syria so they can help themselves to their oil. Etc. States are there to steal, rape and pillage. These are criminal gangs.

                  Also, why would these non-state actors be promoting statism and collectivism? The answer is, they have their people in the state apparatus and they use the machinery of the state to cause the stolen loot to flow to them, at least partially.

                  If we go back to the initial post by @jack1776, he said the following:
                  "I’m paying at my ass in taxes while all of these f*&king idiots are getting a freeride. The younger generation has no idea what the government is up to, they don’t know this will cost them their future. "
                  My view on this would be, @jack1776 doesn't understand the dynamics of the situation. The idiots are just useful idiots. They are not actually getting much of a 'free ride' because they were overcharged by the universities (due to the actions of the state) and now are struggling because of it. So the state is seeking to prevent them from causing political damage by spreading their loss around and having @jack1776 pay for it. There are winners in this story. These are parties that are on the receiving end of the exorbitant payments.
                  Let's analyze the beneficiaries:
                  1. Universities have increased tuition fees. This causes the state to receive more taxes.
                  2. Banks earn profits from the interest charged on student loans. The interest is profit that is taxed (more revenue for the state). Interest goes into buying government bonds, so, government gets to spend more money.
                  3. In the case of federal student loans, the state earns revenue from the interest charged on these loans.
                  So, the government is basically up to stealing people's stuff. Don't blame the young students, they are not able to comprehend their situation until they are much older. It will not only cost them in the future, but has already cost them in the past and is costing them right now. This has been going on for thousands of years, nothing is new here. The 'student loan' part of this scheme is just a useful conduit to get the society to agree to this predation. There is a thousand other schemes the state is running at the same time.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 2 weeks ago
              Nicely expressed, Dobrien. However, "Education is now nothing more than workforce training." is hardly even that anymore because, by the time I retired, on the job workforce training of how to actually do something and acquire the simplest skills took place after "education".
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  • Posted by hm3buzz 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    I have had my debt forgiven through this program. Does that mean I am a socialist? Before you judge, let me say that I have made 16 years worth of qualifying payments, and with the interest I paid, I put in more than twice what I borrowed. So I repaid the original amount and had the rest, $25k or so, "forgiven." So was it a handout or a release from my indentured servitude from a greedy lender?
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    • Posted by freedomforall 5 months, 2 weeks ago
      It was a handout first to the bankster cartel effective in 1913.
      Then the banksters loaned money they created from nothing (thanks to their corruption of con-gress) to you for profit.
      You contracted to pay it back.
      Your education cost was insanely high because of such loans and you decided to pay it.
      You had that choice.
      You didn't decide that I would pay it for you and I made no such agreement.
      Corrupt government then bought your vote with a handout in spite of the contract you made and sent me the bill for the handout.
      D.C. NIFO
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    • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 2 weeks ago
      I'll not judge, but that's how borrowing money to accomplish a goal works. Depending on interest rates a 30 year mortgage can add up to over twice the initial cost of the house (when I bought my house rates were 12.5% and I made many extra payments to get out from under it early). Based on your logic, I could have just made 16 years of "qualifying" payments and the bank should simply let me off for the rest and I keep the house. Maybe instead of going into debt, which was YOUR decision, you should have taken up a trade like welding, plumbing, electrician, or auto mechanic. So it looks like those welders, plumbers, electricians, and auto mechanics are now being nicked to cover your debt. Don't forget to thank them.
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      • Posted by hm3buzz 5 months, 2 weeks ago
        I respectfully disagree because I chose IT and not Gender Studies, You chose your house at that interest rate, chose my loan at my interest rate, what I didn't expect was to be 55 years old and still paying a debt that was 20 years old. I thank no one but myself for where I am now....
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        • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 2 weeks ago
          "...what I didn't expect was to be 55 years old and still paying a debt that was 20 years old." Really? Why not? Was your head in the sand when you took the money? I was 29 when I took that mortgage and knew I'd be 59 when it was paid off if I made the expected payments on schedule (I was actually 40 when I paid it off early). NOBODY was forced by the government to bail me out because I paid it off myself. That's how borrowing money is supposed to work.

          Side note: Your major is irrelevant because YOU took the money, not the folks forced to pay it off.
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          • Posted by hm3buzz 5 months, 2 weeks ago
            Yes but after you paid your house off, you can sell it and recoup money. I can't do that with my brain. My head wasn't in the sand, I knew I had to repay the money, I just didn't expect to repay it seven times over. Not like the punks today looking to skate..... And the folks foced to pay it off???? Like I said, I'd already repaid the amount borrowed and then some. Quit complaining to me because the government is doing what it is doing. You have a voice, vote them out!
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            • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 2 weeks ago
              " I can't do that with my brain." You still have the credential somebody else paid for. I paid for my house myself. Just as I may be able to sell my house at a profit you can leverage that credential for a profit as well by getting a higher paying vocation. If you contracted a loan to obtain a worthless credential, the responsibility is still on you to pay off, not anyone else. In a free market system if enough of these loans defaulted, then lenders would be far more careful of what they fund.

              "I'd already repaid the amount borrowed and then some." Yes. It's called interest. That's how loans work. I'm sure that was explained to you before you signed it. I paid more than I borrowed on my house, too, even if I did pay off the loan early. The math is really quite simple: Principle plus interest = more than principle.

              I vote against these handouts every chance I get. Unfortunately the siren song of "free stuff" outvotes me and others like me.
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    • Posted by VetteGuy 5 months, 2 weeks ago
      It comes down to: Did you fulfill the terms of the contract you signed?

      If not, it was definitely a handout. As far as being a "release from indentured servitude from a greedy lender", the 'greedy lender' did not release you. He was paid off with taxpayer money - money taken from other people who did not volunteer to take on your debt.

      You 'indentured' yourself. You should expect to work it off, as you agreed to. You should NOT expect the rest of us (through our taxes) to pay it off for you.
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      • Posted by hm3buzz 5 months, 2 weeks ago
        The original terms? Yes I did, but when the loan gets sold several times and the terms change, what can I do? I paid my debt several times over so don't lump me in with someone who can't become a productive member of society then whine because they think the government should provde.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    Let me set the stage for this for a moment.

    I am a US ARMY vet.
    ALL 3 of my degrees are in Computer/ Management Information Systems.
    I have been continuously employed in Education since 2002, the PSLF system started in 2007.
    I graduated with my MS in 2007.
    I have been in the PSLF program since its inception.
    I have not received 1 cent of forgiveness.

    By my count I should currently be at 186 months out of 120 months required for forgiveness. Through their massive amounts of bureaucratic fecal matter my count currently stands at 84 months. Working as a teacher I have been on the IDR (Income Driven Repayment) program this entire time. I have spent COUNTLESS hours over the years on the phone with the various entities that my student loans have been shuffled through. I have been promised time and again that things will be straightened out shortly and that my forgiveness is coming. The current story is that this summer that they will be adding 36 months to everyone's count which would then put me over the top.

    On this Wednesday 3/20 I submitted my paperwork for retirement from teaching as I just cannot take these kids anymore. It remains to be seen if I get the forgiveness before the retirement paperwork gets processed and I am no longer PSLF eligible.

    These headlines are a bunch of lies in the hope of gaining votes from the Liberals.
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  • Posted by ChestyPuller 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    Do we take this lightly here at the Gulch? Most posts are hilariously misspelled. I for one do not find the spending of taxpayer income to fund government workers or other peoples secondary education funny at all.
    As well, this administration is spending money WE DO NOT HAVE, in case you do not know this, the reason the Federal Government has been having Budget emergencies roughly every 3 months since the Obama Administration is because we are upside down Tax income to Interest on the Debt and they need to borrow from the Federal Reserve Bankers every quarter to pay the Interest Only Bill,

    How can this situation be funny to anyone but communists and fascists that can only be ecstatic because they are finally destroying the Republic of the United States of America, as they proclaimed to be doing in the 1950's, from within?
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  • Posted by mccannon01 5 months, 2 weeks ago
    I know this topic has been out a couple of days now, but I just had this thought. If the government is expected to take on the socialist stance and cover tuition, as many of these colleges support, then why doesn't the government confiscate all the wealth some of these ivy league institutions are hoarding and fold it into the treasury? Hey, if these colleges want to go commie, let's help them meet their goals. Let's end their "commie for thee but not for me" BS. Bwaaa ha ha ha!!!
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