IN THE MEME TYME 6/Q/24 EDITION: Rapid Fire Single News Meme Updates

Posted by $ Olduglycarl 4 months ago to News
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Shall we do onto others what they did unto us?
Believe it or not, things are kind of going our way Globally !

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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 3 months, 4 weeks ago
    I am kinda off subject also but......
    Recently a video of Pelosi in a car showed her she was "responsible" for not "protecting" the capital on Jan.6. also...it appears that Hunters lap has been shown to be completely legit. Why am I not seeing the repub's launching all sorts of legal activity with this new verification. At least get some of those poor bastard Jan 6'ers out of prison/jail??? Or would the dumbcrats say that it is all created by AI.....
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    • Posted by mccannon01 3 months, 4 weeks ago
      I'm with you on this one bobsprinkle. The Neo Communists (D) are aggressive as all hell on behalf of their rotten ideology while the Republicans are doing the ol' Rip Van Winkle way past the 20 year mark, except for a very few. I'm hoping Trump can pull off a victory in November and part of that victory will be pounding out the pardon papers for the for the folks being railroaded for protesting on Jan 6.

      Edit add: I also hope he reopens an investigation of the murder of Ashli Babbitt and slaps the perp in jail for a hate crime!
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  • Posted by AmericanWoman 3 months, 4 weeks ago
    Ok....off subject a tad but we are "supposed" to say poor Ukraine people lets help them....and PA...and Gaza...which is PA....but what about others who have been Slaughtered, rapped and bodies destroyed....yes...Jews or every nation on 10-7-23....I am so tired of hearing of everyone else's pity all the time...and furthermore now that HE has many June19th a Federal Holiday. Where do white, female, elderly, earned their own living without taking and only want back what they put into a fund they give to everyone else in large sums and says its going broke...I do not want a day to remember or even a month...I honor those who serve and severed...lost lives to that will never see the outside of the inside....done...no but will stop
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  • Posted by mccannon01 4 months ago
    Holy smokes, OUC! I like the lead meme pointing the way. Oh yeah, it is the Xiden voters after all isn't it. Great way to start my day! #6 and #7 go so well together. I surely do hope the last one comes to fruition and the next to last is what I've been doing - polls can go screw themselves at this time. Thank you, OUC!!
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 4 weeks ago
    OUC, the "He Looks Fine To Me".

    Would have been 5x as good if you added:

    Morning Joe: "This version of Biden is the Best version of Biden!"

    Great stuff. Love 'em all...

    If Trump Wins.
    I hope he does 1,000X what you did to him. Because he gave you a free pass (HRC) the first time, and you betrayed that... BIGLY...
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 4 weeks ago
    Yesterday BuyDumb played another round of On-stage Freeze Frame.
    Today The Kenyan, The Squish and Piglosi leaked to The Daily Mail, they are plotting how they can Dump 'ol Poopy Pants.
    Riddle me this Batman:
    Where are those 81 million votes he got in 2020?
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    • Posted by $ 3 months, 4 weeks ago
      Maybe they were the ones they killed with the covid 1984 jabs?
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 4 weeks ago
        Or... they never existed to begin with.

        By any honest persons calculation:
        40-50 million votes who were either died-in-wool Leftists, or never Trumpers.
        The rest were mules, multiple voters, ballot stuffers, ballot harvesters, postal workers who threw military ballots in the ditches, (proven), fraudulent illegal, criminal poll workers who recycled stacks and stacks of ballots with only presidential votes ticked (no congress votes marked, guess which presidential candidate?).
        These were the bins of ballots pulled out from under the tables when the games started, toilet stuffing to cause the so-called water main break, illegaly kicking all conservative observers out polling station. Blacking out all the windows. And most flagrant abuse of all was Stopping the ballot count at 3am (when it was clear it was a Trump blow-out) where upon the vote tally magically went (within milliseconds) from a massive Trump landslide to a narrow BuyDumb "win".

        The traitorous and seditious Leftists working the polls realized, to their horror, Trump was going to win big, so they illegally stopped the count and keep stuffing the machines with BuyDumb ballots until they got to 81 million.

        By my count it was at least 31 million illegal votes.

        So much for their so-called Democracy eh?

        Democracy in action: two wolves and a sheep deciding what to have for dinner.

        Looks like lamb is on the menu, kids.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 3 months, 4 weeks ago
    Release the red, white and blue Kraken to counter that bird flu! Hamas and football somehow go together these days. A nod to Harry Chapin. The batch is super, ouc!
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