Orange Man and the Other Man

Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 2 weeks ago to Politics
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"Putin is Russian and Orange Man is American – and that’s what they have in common.

They are both nationalists. Or at least, they represent resurgent nationalist-populist movements in their respective countries that very much alarm the international corporate elites that despise them both.

Putin puts Russia and Russia’s interest first. It is why there’s a war going on in “Kyiv” – which used to be Kiev in the West, because in the West people used to speak English rather than superciliously speak the language of some other country to demonstrate how international they are. Putin would not abide the slow-creep of the internationalist octopus extending its greasy tentacles into Russian territory nor threaten it, as by using “Kyiv” as as kind of geopolitical puppet, much the same as the senescent grifter currently posing as president of this country is used as a puppet by the same forces, bent on the same thing as regards this country.

Which is being invaded by an international horde of people from all over the world, the obvious intent being to turn this country into an internationalist paradise – for the multinational-corporate elites who intend to profit from it and control it. A place where a heterogenous population with no common culture is easily kept distracted and squabbling among themselves. A place that is no longer America – as distinct from other places.

Orange Man threatens that."
SOURCE URL: https://www.ericpetersautos.com/2024/02/18/orange-man-and-the-other-man/

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    Posted by Dobrien 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    “It is between us – and them.

    We’re winning, too. And they know it.”

    I call them Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalist Peedo Banksters. Or MotherWEFers. Yes the Battle is between Good vs Evil. , Sovereign or Globalist . Slave vs Master. Q has said this for 7 years now. Q also said we know “the playbook”. Obama’s Ethics Czar Norm Eisen wrote “the playbook” It describes how to enact a color Revolution. Norm Eisen is deeply involved in the Lawfare vs Trump and war gaming Ellection outcome scenarios .
    Eisen was the architect of the Ukrainian Color Revolution in 2014 implemented by Victoria Nuland. Ask yourself why Mittens Rotteney said on the Sen floor the current vote for $80 billion to Ukraine was the most important vote ever in the Senate .Nuland was the US govt ( cia) spearhead. Soros worked with Oleg Kolomoisky (Burisma owner) to fund organize and weaponized the Azov (NAZIS) battalion. Cofer Black joined Burisma’s board before Hunter and before the Color Rev in 2014. See he was a foriegn advisor specialist to Rotteney in 2012 failed election. He also cofounded Blackwater with Eric Prince after being the national counter terrorism head during 911. The depth and connections of these motherWEFers is like a spiders web.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 3 months, 1 week ago
    The biggest tipoff was when Russia announced that they were going to sell their oil for gold or Russian rubles and not accept globalist currencies. Prior to that, Russia could be written off by the global elites as a remnant of the former Soviet Union and therefore inherently evil. But to deny the globalist banking cabal is an unforgivable sin just as it was when they had the Archduke Ferdinand assassinated in order to stop Prussia from remaining independent.
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  • Posted by ruger264 3 months, 1 week ago
    Biden is the bad guy here
    He forced the war in Ukraine which is his proxy war to cover all his cronies sins. Also to launder all the billions that have been sent there.
    You need a bad guy, Russia , Putin , Trump.
    If it wasn't these guys, the wef, gov, UN, would find a new boogie man.
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  • Posted by mhubb 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    i simply do not understand ho biden the usurper can issue orders that other follow to ignore existing US Law.

    and how there is not one with the guts in US Law Enforcement that does not walk into the oval office and arrest biden for conspiracy to violate US Law

    (as long as biden is in he oval office, if does not deserve Caps)
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 1 week ago
      Methinks me dino can at least part way answer that considering the look of the wimps and weirdos the handlers of our Puppet--In-Chief told the Pig Guy to appoint to run and to lie about this and that.
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    • Posted by JakeOrilley 3 months, 1 week ago
      "They" always offer US Law Enforcement either persecution or money to do what they bid.... and the price is always too steep in the first instance, and too large in the second......for US law enforcement to not do as bidden........
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  • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 1 week ago
    Sorry, but I can't be a Putin supporter, or a Biden one either. Putin just had Alexi Navalny murdered to make absolutely sure he has no competition to remain the Tsar (President is a meaningless title in his case). In a similar fashion, Biden is doing everything possible to keep Trump off the ballot this Fall, and RFK has just been served his dose of Demo lawfare to try to keep him out of the picture as well. There are hints the DNC may also be looking to keep Cornel West out of the picture as well, since he appeals to Democrat voters who think Biden isn't far enough left. The party that says this election is all about democracy is doing everything it possibly can to make sure there's only one name on the ballot, and that's Joe Biden.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 1 week ago
      First, I've seen the difference in Russia. The store Tucker went to was NOT a fake. Their "Hyper Markets" are so much nicer than what we have. Their meat selection is truly amazing.

      I went in the mid 1990s when it opened up.
      It was horrid. It was 3rd world. You want a loaf of bread. You bought a COUPON from the register, then gave that to the lady in the back. If you did not add it up correctly. Tough. No change given. I ended up buy 3 days worth of bread, not understanding.

      The Airport was a bit "scary". Not well-lit, not clean. Our plane parked on the cement, we exited to the cement, and walked to the gate from outside.

      A Few years ago, I go back. The road signs were in both Russian and English around Moscow. The airport was something to see. Clean, plenty of stores, cafes.

      The drivers in the 1990s all sucked. They would cut off TRAMs, never drove between the lines, and were rude to each other. A Few years ago, they would flash their Hazard Lights to thank someone for letting them in. They drove like normal people who respected their vehicles and the laws.

      I would say I walked away over the last 10 years believing that the Average Russian was MORE AMERICAN than the Average American. And I still believe that.

      Putin is not perfect by any measure. But his country is doing quite fine. And under the most crushing sanctions EVERY PLACED on a country, his people are doing fine, and his economy is growing.

      Hating Putin is natural. Every piece of information you can consume tells you to do that. Respecting Putin is not easy or natural. But that dude earned my respect. I think he puts his country first. Even above his own interests... The bankers will have him killed within 2-3 years of leaving office...
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      • Posted by DrZarkov 3 months, 1 week ago
        Outside of Moscow, do you honestly think such stores are common? Of course they made sure Carlson was sent to places that look good. The Russian oligarchy is still pretty good putting up Potemkin villages.

        Russian journalists have actually been able to report on just how crappy things are for their people outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg, and the statistics aren't at all reflective of the image you paint. They have serious problems with heating and electricity, for starters. Working sewer systems are not as plentiful as we have in this country. Food distribution to outlying parts of the country is spotty. No one is starving, yet, but the quality of goods is definitely not the same outside of the big metropolitan centers.

        I've followed Putin from his days as a student of Yuri Andropov, and he is ruthless in his determination to restore the Russian empire. Things won't stop after he crushes Ukraine. Moldova and Georgia will go quickly, and then the Baltic states, even if that ends up being a real confrontation with NATO. I've read his plans.
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        • Posted by CaptainKirk 3 months, 1 week ago
          Yes, I traveled many hours outside of Moscow. And stayed with locals. And that is actually where I shopped. They had the Hypermarket, and their version of Lowes. In fact, while at that Hardware Store, I found some wheels that fit a hand made rolling spice rack, and bought them there. They lasted better than the ones I bought here.

          Now, in that city the signs were not in English, and the roads were not in as good of shape. But the stores... they were fabulous.

          In fact, where the fruit/veg were, they had their own scales/bags/barcode printers. You measured out your fruit, and used the register to weigh/barcode them so your checkout was faster.

          That's a sh!t ton of trust that I don't see here!

          And I was NOT in Petersburg this time.

          LOL. He will NOT restore the Russian Empire.
          I've spoken to people who understand him like I understand Trump. He does not WANT most of the people from the "Corrupt Satellites".

          He is far more likely to SHAVE the pieces off of those countries that border with Russia. But he does not want the overhead that comes with taking back whole countries. (Is this wrong? yeah, probably. But what if he gets those people to vote to join russia? Probably still wrong...)

          But he is the SLOWEST GANGSTER ever for putting back the former Soviet Union. He is in possession of the best land resources of any one country.

          I think he needed land access to Crimea, and the loss of 14,000 Russians inside of Ukraine was the driving force for his invasion.

          FOOD SUPPLY: Lmao. I was up at near where Alaska is, in Russia. They were shopping for locally grown foods. I asked. They said "We prefer to eat only what grows locally, and in it's proper season, as that's healthier. Plus it supports the local farmers!"

          Oh, you read his plans. PLEASE share them.
          I want them to be his plans. Not what Peter Zeihan or some other mouthpiece THINKS his plans are.
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  • Posted by term2 3 months, 1 week ago
    All I can do is log in my single vote, which in the scheme of things will do nothing by itself. Mob Rule is not a great thing, but its the ONLY thing left to save the US. USA is not a republic anymore, its a mob rule democracy with a constitution in name only (pretty much).

    If the left gets rid of fair and accurate elections, revolution and violence are whats left. I certainly would NOT fight on behalf of the current crooked government, and I hope at least half the people would feel the same way.
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