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  • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 1 week ago
    Me dino just thought up this response~~"There's still a Democrat Party? I thought it morphed into Communist Jackass Party that's out to shred our Constitution and the sexual portions of groomed little kids.
    Oh, and what I just said is a long response made so very short, since I better get gone before I get beat up for having an opinion. But before I go, do you really think a guy like me can get pregnant?"
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago
      Many years ago in my innocent youth, I was an old school Liberal Democrat, as were my parents. Then, as my old man would say, "I got mugged by reality"
      In this case it was quite literal:
      A dear old great auntie was living in an inner city housing project, not a block from the Lowell police department.
      Her stipend was $63 /month.
      One hot August night she had nothing but the sliding screen door locked.
      A junkie (best bet) slit the screen and was rifling through her meager possessions when she caught him.
      He had her $63 state check in hand and stabbed her repeatedly when she tried to take it back.
      Now comes the part where I lost all faith in "the system"
      She lived long enough to give an accurate description to the cops. The Lowell Police did nothing, not a damn thing. Except to tell The local rag "The Lowell Sun" that said she over-dosed on her meds!
      My uncle was the advertising director there until moving to NYC some years earlier.
      He was up to care for his mother (she lived about three days after the assault).
      After her passing he when to the owner of the Sun to administer a good ass-ripping and a printed apology.
      The Lowell cops? Worse than useless.
      It was then and there I bought my first (of many) guns, knives, billy clubs, even a very nice shillelagh... and moved out of that corrupt state to a State where freedom, law and order reigned.
      I'm still here and voting Republican.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 1 week ago
        What you could call "the youth movement against the Vietnam War" got my impressionable youth all twisted up. I voted for Jimmy Carter.
        Four years of Jimmy Carter wised me up enough to vote for Ronald Reagan.
        Been voting Republican ever since but unfortunately quite often for the lesser of two evils.
        RINO behavior during Obama's first term put an end to me donating anything to the GOP.
        Now I consider myself an independent who~~alas!~~still votes for the lesser of two evils. To wit, a collective of too many Goofy Oaf People.
        That is, until Donald Trump came along. Love that guy and what he stands for, that being We The People. Consider him the best best president of my about to turn age 77 lifetime!
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago
          I too voted for Mr. Peanut,
          Loved his stories about the killer rabbit and seeing aliens. As a president... not so much.
          As for his beer chugging brother, word has it he wouldn't drink his own branded beer, but drank Schultz, by the case, in one sitting, repeatedly.
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          • Posted by freedomforall 3 months, 1 week ago
            Having lived in GA during Jimmy's campaign and tenure as Gov of GA, I saw him win the
            governorship running on reducing state government and then expanding the GA state
            budget 10 fold.
            I was among the few in GA who opposed him and was even challenged to a fight for
            my opinion on Jimmy on one occasion.
            The media elected Jimmy. They are the worst judges of ability and no one should ever
            listen to the media for anything important.
            Jimmy sucked more as Gov and POTUS than he did as an infant - and that's a lot.
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            • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago
              Only president that did more damage once he was out of office, than he did in.
              He just couldn't keep his pie-hole shut.
              Forever sticking his unwanted nose where it didn't belong.
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            • Posted by $ allosaur 3 months, 1 week ago
              Raised in Dothan, Alabama, at the southeast corner of the state, I was not quite fully grown when I took my first gradual step away from being raised to be a segregationist.
              That was when I watched one kid punch out another kid for speaking against George Wallace.
              Me the young dino was quite shocked. Weren't we all in school taught that we all had the freedom of speech? That also must be when I stepped into the real world.
              Think I was completely pulled away from racism when, watching MLK live on black and white TV,
              speak of "content of character."
              Years later when sharing a canteen with a black Marine, me dino was thinking, "If only people in Dothan could see me now." (Faces of people I knew would have been expressing outrage).
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    • Posted by JakeOrilley 3 months, 1 week ago
      Hey Dino - we are both too old for getting pregnant!! But that would be a good response, and you are right - you would have to leave quickly before getting beat up - or arrested - or both!!!
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  • Posted by $ 3 months, 2 weeks ago
    I laughed and responded, 'I was. Until I got my eyes open!' My parents were avid Democrats but that was 70 years ago. A lot has changed since then. This isn't their Democrat Party! n
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    • 15
      Posted by mhubb 3 months, 1 week ago
      the democrat party has always been the party of slavery and treason

      it started the KKK
      and got worse from there
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      • Posted by LibertyBelle 3 months, 1 week ago
        When I was young (about 12), I was surprised at the stands the Democratic Party was taking. I had understood that the Republican Party was more for the black people; Lincoln was a Republican; George
        Wallace was a Democrat. (I formulated my own political creed the summer I was about 12 and a half, basing it on individual rights and rejecting any such notion as "states' rights") but the Demo
        crats that year were attacking Goldwater as being anti- civil rights. It seemed to me that they had switched places somehow, only the Democrats were not truly believing in civil rights, but just collectivism.
        I saw some of the Republican convention that year on TV, and one black man there replied to
        something by saying "Under no circumstances would I vote for a Democrat."
        But mhubb seems to have been looking at the actual historical record.
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 3 months, 1 week ago
        Burn Loot Murder,
        Panty-Fah (they gather in bunches)
        Black Panthers
        Weather Underground (aka The Weather Men)
        Eugenics and their bastard offspring, Planned Parenthood.
        Fabian society.
        Southern Poverty Law
        Students for a Democrat Society (talk about an oxymoron)
        And lets not forget their crowning achievement, The C.I.A. the their Mockingbird Media puppets singing in three-part harmony.

        So who are the real Domestic Terrorists? The Christians? The Constitutionalists? The Law and Order common folk? School Moms?

        Stick a fork in Lady Liberty; She's Done.
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