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  • Posted by $ allosaur 8 months, 1 week ago
    Me dino even knew to type "The Witch Doctor" when I looked "Oo ee oo ah ah" up.
    And the original version on YouTube was nice enough to tell me now an old rundown dino with all me aches and pains was 11-year-old way back then in another galaxy far, far away when men knew they were men and women knew they were women and no one was called a phobe of any sort.
    The word gay was not even ruined for poetry and songs yet. That word DID become ruined at about the time The Flintstones appeared on TV with its intro song having "a gay ole' time." Me dino can even remember that also.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 8 months, 1 week ago
    Good group OUC! Congrats! I really liked the doggie adopting a kitty. My Fred was bitten by a Tarantula spider and I've been doctoring him myself since I think most of the vets in my town are idiots. Six wanted to amputate his paw. One said, 'he's had that paw for 13 years, let's let him keep it. Guess what? Good old Fred has done most of the work himself. I've given him Amoxicillin, a CBD antiinflamatory, liquid spray of hydrogen peroxide and liquitd oxygen. He did more than I could. It looks about to heal over. I love doggies. nb
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