Elizabeth Warren will 'keep hitting' at student loans - Allie Grasgreen - POLITICO.com

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 9 years, 8 months ago to Culture
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Another D attempt to remove personal responsibility. Liberty and personal responsibility was at stake with this bill. Thankfully there was some rare sense in the Senate to stop it.
SOURCE URL: http://www.politico.com/story/2014/09/elizabeth-warren-student-loans-suze-orman-111046.html

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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 8 months ago
    Just a distraction.
    The real problem is the entire credit creation cartel system. Kill it, now. Introduce a competitive free market that requires lenders to lend their own capital, not create it from nothing. Make it impossible for banksters to promote an investment to customers while taking the opposite position.
    And ban the current large participants from ever participating in banking, lending, credit creation, finance, public servantry.
    Jefferson and Jackson were right, and Alexander Hamilton was a bankster whore.
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    • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 8 months ago
      You are so right, freedomforall.
      Burr did the nation a service. Hamilton wrote some brilliant things in the Federalist papers, but his faith in big government, nationalism and banking were not among them.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 9 years, 8 months ago
    Hello AJAshinoff,
    Dimwitted Democrat Denies Destructive Duplicity: The law of supply and demand has elevated the cost of tuition thanks to government intervention and easy loans. The seen, as Bastiat would put it, is the increased number of college graduates. That which is not seen, is the glut of overqualified graduates with no jobs to go to and no way to repay the loans which should not have been made in the first place. The whole unauthorized, unwise and unwarranted exercise has produced an entirely foreseeable situation that should serve as a lesson to stay out of affairs the government has no business in, but will instead prompt the ignorant government to act once again and produce more new negative consequences compounding the problem. So dim are they that they only see the problems not the impetus (their own meddling) and look at each problem individually as ... something that requires a government solution... and so it goes around, and around... job security for do-gooder social engineers. It is the 'Look at me, I'm trying to do Something" mentality. I think I'm going to wretch...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 9 years, 8 months ago
    "– I hope he ain’t coming back.”
    Elizabeth Warren, 'stateswoman'

    Can you imagine any of the founders of this country making a public statement so coarse?

    Congress critters have no:
    understanding of the constitution
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    • Posted by cranedragon 9 years, 8 months ago
      That struck me as well. She doesn't deserve the office, and her constituents deserve better. Unfortunately, we are all stuck with the numbskulls that are voted in with dismaying regularity by the majority of the people who vote on election day, with no regard for the Constitution or the best interests of the American people.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
    I don't understand what the law would do, but I do not think we should be subsidizing borrowing to go to schools that don't have a track record of students getting jobs. Having the schools pay for defaults if they want the gov't to subsidize loans to go there makes sense.

    It's such a shame b/c I think they could improve high school and obviate such that people would come out with skills to allow them to pay for college w/o debt.
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    • Posted by $ 9 years, 8 months ago
      The individual chooses his/her profession, not the government and not the school. Whatever the profession the individual decides AND how the individual chooses to pay for it has nothing to do with the institution. The institution bears no liability in the student choice of occupation and bears no responsibility in the burden to pay back the loans. Nor does the institution have an obligation to find the kid now holding a certificate or degree a job (unless it promises job placement or internship opportunities).

      This bill was/is a baby step in dictating the career paths of the individual based on what GOVERNMENT DEEMS a productive career.

      If the bank/government doesn't want to loan the kid the money to enter school for a specific profession thats fine with me. But to change the terms of the loan (contract) and seek to place partial blame on the school is absolutely wrong.
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      • Posted by CircuitGuy 9 years, 8 months ago
        Yes. When I was in school I thought it would be good if they gave more subsidized loans and in grants b/c the same monies would help more students. Since then the cost has gone way up, probably b/c of the subsidized loans. These expensive private schools have appeared, and now we have to look at whether they are worthy of the subsidized loans. It's like a case study in how one little decision leads to an unintended consequence leading to another and another.
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        • Posted by $ 9 years, 8 months ago
          Its still the student picking what school he/she wants to attend and seeking funding to do so. Subsidized loans for any school isn't really the issue as much as it is kids making poor long term educational choice that lead to either low paying employment that doesn't cover their loan repayment or no job at all. This is the fault of the individual using FREE CHOICE and no one else.
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          • Posted by cranedragon 9 years, 8 months ago
            Yes, but subsidized loans make it possible for students to make unwise choices at the expense of other people. This is a poor basis for choosing a degree/career. Where is the necessity to exercise some intelligent cost-benefit analysis on whether it is likely that he/she will make enough at the likely career that is open with a degree in Native American Studies that comes with $75K in student debt? Particularly with politicians foaming at the mouth over the need to rescue these adults from the consequences of their poor decisions?

            The government has no business subsidizing these loans, anymore than it has any business in being in the education business. This is yet another government program that favors some at the expense of many others, all without any sound ethical basis.
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    • Posted by cranedragon 9 years, 8 months ago
      You can be sure that no one will try to make the Ivy League schools responsible for the debts of their students who graduate and can't find a job. The left-facing educational institutions froth at the mouth over "for-profit" schools and yet have no problem with massive faculties teaching women's studies, african-american studies, ghetto literature, and sociology -- none of which are calculated to produce a graduate capable of repaying the massive student debt they carry along with their diploma into the great wide world.

      High school absolutely should be a real school -- for that matter, look at some of the tests you can find online for the final exams from eighth grade of a century ago, and have your eyes opened as to what school used to demand from its students.
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