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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year ago
    Nasty, but true group this time. With the horror going on in Israel right now, my thoughts turn to that open border with who knows how many Hamas and Hezbola operatives are here now, just waiting for the word to spread havoc. They no longer fear us or our leadership. If TSHTF maybe they will learn to fear the average American defending home and family.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year ago
      Last week I read an article about a lot of fit-looking military age Chinese men crossing the birder without families dressing very much alike with almost identical luggage.
      That's okay. China has bribed Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Traitor Joe with all kinds of big money.
      Why else would the "Big Guy" of the Biden Crime family allow that balloon to fly all over America before shooting it down only when it exited over the Atlantic, sending Navy divers to collect top secret God knows what?
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year ago
    Hey,Statue of Liberty, don't forget that all the Puppet-In-Chief's handlers belong behind bars too.
    Why am I now thinking of those times when me dino was assigned to work Death Row between 1982 and 2003?
    Oh, yeah, because I'm thinking of mega-murderers who could swim in all the blood they caused to spill.
    Added to that would be that spike in fentanyl deaths and I think child trafficking across the border deserves the death sentence too.
    I'm quite sure Hamas would not be murderously attacking Israel right now if an honest election had kept Orange Man Bad in office.
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