When Do People Stop Being Civilized?

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year ago to Culture
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I'm hearing the family members of those who were taken in Israel and wondering when people stop talking and start demanding real revenge. These attackers came in and targeted young women, children, mothers and grandmothers. That's obviously not war, but terrorism, carried out by cowards. I have to actually commend the Israelis for being so civilized and kind through this If Iran and Hamas had the technological advantage we have I think we'd all be dead.

I did speak with my Israeli friend Saturday night and the topic of nukes came up. My response was like, "Yeah. sure." This all makes me think about our world and how I fit in it anymore. Maybe I'm a Neanderthal...

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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year ago
    When you look at other people as members of a class rather than as unique individuals;

    When you maim, rape, and kill because your God has told you it is the right thing to do;

    When you think that all property belongs to those willing to use violence to seize it and have the weapons to ensure seizure;

    When you believe that to sacrifice your life while killing and raping will insure blissful eternity in heaven;

    You will have achieved perfect un-civilization.
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  • Posted by nonconformist 1 year ago
    It isn't about being civilized.

    This is what you get when you practice statism.

    I hope humanity understands the source of these problems before it is able to completely exterminate itself.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago
    I can't speak about the specific issue in Gaza or Palestine, but when I look at the actions
    of the US government against innocent people in the Middle East my question is:
    If a bully assaulted you every day how long would you tolerate it before reacting with force?
    The US must stop bullying (and murdering) innocent people to maintain power
    for a few sociopaths in DC, NY, London, Brussels.
    Trump started a dialog toward peaceful relations with Arab states (not Iran.)
    Any reaction to this terrorist action must be very carefully planned
    and must not be driven by revenge or power seeking.
    (Not that I think the scum in DC will do anything of the kind.)

    Driving the Arab countries into the arms of China and Russia would
    crush the US economy and greatly increase inflation for most Americans.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year ago
    i think iran may have nukes, to have started this

    getting a nuke is not hard, it is a engineering problem, they have had enough time to make the material
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    • Posted by Aeronca 1 year ago
      I am of the opinion that Israel will not allow Iran to have nukes. If their facilities are in a cave, then Israel has a bomb in that cave waiting to explode. Israel destroyed Syria's reactor. We may be supporting Israel just because they are a useful bully to keep the Arabs from exterminating us all.
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