So the GOP Replaces One Deep State Neocon Loser With Another. No Surprise, Just Business As Usual GOP Betraying The People.

Posted by freedomforall 7 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
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"Why is the Left winning? Or, rather, why has the Left been so successful getting as far as it’s gotten?

The answer is simple. It never stops trying.

For the past 50 years-plus, the Left has been working to advance Leftism. In italics to emphasize one of the key differences between the Left and opposition to it. The opposition seeks to contain the Left – to conserve what remains of the liberties the Left hasn’t yet taken away. This is a strategy akin to trying to stay dry on the Titanic by moving toward the rear of the ship.

Enter Jim Jordan – Kevin McCarthy’s putative replacement as speaker of the House. He promises, among other things, that no more money for Ukraine will be forthcoming from Americans forced to provide it . . . until he gets various questions answered.

In other words, Americans will continue to be forced to serve as tax cattle for the benefit of Keeeeeeeeeeev (and Raytheon) for as long as Republicans have anything to say about it."

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  • Posted by VetteGuy 7 months, 4 weeks ago
    The left is winning because they have been successful in taking over education. Indoctrinate the educators, who indoctrinate the children, who grow up to be the next generation of educator/indoctrinators.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 7 months, 4 weeks ago
    Jim Jordan has a gimmick. He wears no suit. It's a "roll up the sleeves common man" image. I'm hopeful but I expect another Machine politician to emerge.

    Government is a Liberal game. The Left is playing their own game in their home field. It is an ironic position to be in for the Right to profess limited government, while desiring to retain government power. Government keeps preserving itself.

    What Republican will actually cut military and social spending a trillion below revenues while paying off the National Debt? Given that Right and Left keep swapping every 4 or 8 years, not much conservation can last.

    I think politicians by definition are Liberals. They all feed at the same trough. Who will deny themselves a meal? There are always 10 animals waiting impatiently for a turn.

    The ultimate freedom from tyranny is when each person lives their vote, instead of merely talking and voting.

    Does anyone know how to live? Or do we need to ask politicians to do it for us?
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  • Posted by mshupe 7 months, 4 weeks ago
    Sadly, predictably, this article is loaded with rationalizations and exaggerations.

    For example, "Americans will continue to be forced to serve as tax cattle for the benefit of Keeeeeeeeeeev (and Raytheon) for as long as Republicans have anything to say about it." The fact is that government spending and taxation have nothing to do with each other. If this sentence were accurate, there would be no government deficits.

    For example, "this war that Washington started (via the goading of Russia via the goading of Ukraine to mistreat ethnic Russians in Ukraine and via pushing Ukraine to advance a military alliance that is based on Russia as the Enemy to the border of Russia, eliminating any buffer in between)." One loses all credibility if Putin's mass bombings and mass murders are not given credit for starting this violence. While the culpability of NATO, led by the US globalists at State and DOD, is without question, this article is not worth of any further analysis.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 4 weeks ago
      I'm not convinced Putin started this mess, but American dollars keep it going.
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      • Posted by mshupe 7 months, 4 weeks ago
        Thanks, but the initiation of force is the initiation of force. If you're right, then Putin is merely a shallow, easily manipulated punk. Of course, the long circuit of American wealth creation keeps everything going. If nothing else, this has proven that Biden's petrodollar sanctions are a pathetic, cynical ruse.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 7 months, 3 weeks ago
          It seems to me there are a lot of "shallow, easily manipulated punk(s)" running governments these days and that's not good for the rest of us. Yes, Putin initiated the big force (invasion), but there was a lot of force being initiated in and around Ukraine poking the bear before that. Personally, I didn't think he'd do it and said so here in the Gulch, but he did it anyway and here we are.
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