Everything is rigged and the government maintains the status quo: A neofeudal society.

Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 4 weeks ago to Politics
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"Toiling away to enrich the aristocratic owners of capital are the serfs and peasants, who own a tiny shred of income-producing capital. Their primary assets--the family home and vehicles--are actually income streams for the wealthy who collect the mortgage and auto-loan interest paid by the serfs.

The core dynamic in neofeudalism is the already-wealthy increase their share of the wealth, and everyone else sees their meager share diminish. As the charts below show, the vast majority of financial gains generated by the US economy flow to the top 0.1% of households. The top 1%'s share has risen by 40% while the bottom 50%'s share of the wealth has slipped to 3%--essentially signal noise.

Social mobility is limited to the occasional serf clawing their way into the technocrat class, the top 5% who slavishly serve the interests of the financial aristocracy. This class lives in a self-contained, protected bubble: an echo chamber of privilege, residential enclaves, jetting around the world, and so on: everything's great because we're doing great.

Life is good in the bubble because there's no homeless encampment a block away, there's plenty of money coming in and our wealth--401Ks, inherited bonds and rental property, university pensions, corporate stock options, and so on--increases smartly, year after year and decade after decade."
We can pop the bubble, but only if we resist against everything that government does and stop supporting the businesses and people who have obviously betrayed us.

Now is the time to use Ayn Rand's method: S-T-R-I-K-E.
SOURCE URL: http://charleshughsmith.blogspot.com/2023/09/were-living-in-neofeudal-bubble.html

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