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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
    Welcome, to provide some color it is.
    Syndicalism is a revolutionary current within the labor movement that seeks to unionize workers according to industry and advance their demands through strikes with the eventual goal of gaining control over the means of production and the economy at large.
    a movement for transferring the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution to workers' unions. Influenced by Proudhon and by the French social philosopher Georges Sorel (1847–1922), syndicalism developed in French labor unions during the late 19th century and was at its most vigorous between 1900 and 1914, particularly in France, Italy, Spain, and the US.
    No doubt it is derived from Hegels Prussian Philosophy (Master/ Slave/war)
    You surely will find value in Will Zolls Prussiagate substack series
    To understand the full context I would scroll to the beginning, buckle up you will never look at the system of systems in the same light. Peace.
    link Provided
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      I scrolled (and thought it would never end!) and wrote this comment:
      'I agree that Prussia is only incidental to the problem, in the minds of others. In fact, I refer to this 'enemy'---and it is not exactly invisible, only the movers and shakers are hidden from sight, as "the vile entanglement of Leftism and Global Deep State', whose entanglement has depended on a 'convergence'---not necessarily a similarity---of interests.'

      My comment was a reply to another poster who claimed it isn't Prussia, but Jews...
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
        Not real Jews, only those that pretend to be or decided to be Jewish. Think, many of the Black [ig]nobility that escaped during the fall of Rome and set up camp in the swamps, (Venice) establishing central banking like the Rothschilds etc in competition to the Masons and Templar Nights. Eventually they all disappeared into one little happy group.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          That premise, if such it is, is definitely not something that can be evidenced. I'm not even sure what you mean by "not real Jews, only those that pretend to be or decided to be Jewish".
          Be that as it may, banking 'evolved', along with scientific thinking in Europe. I believe it was in the 12th century, the 1100's, that the initial phases were set.
          Jews were allowed to charge interest, and they charged non-Jews, just as today adherents to Islam are allowed to charge non-Muslims interest, but are forbidden by the Noble Prophet (PBUH) Mohammed from charging the faithful.
          If you think about it, what took place in those "Dark Ages" (and they WERE dark, compared to the Renaissance) in monetary thinking, was a tendency for the nobles, those whose association with the new-found profession of 'merchant' enabled them to acquire riches, to leave their jewels and such with the Jews in their midst, who then loaned it out to other nobles, and charged an interest they kept in addition. Not something that would gain friends and allies among the Christians. And yes, the Templars, before the use of letters of credit (another banking innovation) moved money around Europe and the Christian states in the Middle East. The masons came into full bloom later, as the guild of the stone cutters (the free stones) came to be known. I think, but do not know and have not researched, that Descartes may have had a hand in the attitude of the Europeans toward a sense of mysticism in the masons. (Liebniz found a book he referred to as "Descartes Notebook", wherein the astrological sign for Jupiter is used.)
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
            Many global delete, parasitical humanoids, Nobles (as they are called) did not want to pretend to be christian or any of the other religions but settled upon being Jewish for some reason. There is a very specific ancestral test that determines if one is Jewish or not. One could, in those days change one's name, history and religious following at the drop of a hat and did so just like the trans creatures of today.

            Much like Christians, Conservatives, Capitalist (or even Columbus) being blamed for everything the opposition is actually guilty of, so too, were the Jews. Not perfect but not the creatures they are accused of being and of doing. Like today's Rino's, in name only besmirching the name and intention of actual Republicans. And, between you and I, not sure what that means anymore. That was the purpose of those pretending to be.

            In your reading, you'll come across such instances.
            Ps, Welcome, I venture you'll bring much to the table here to discuss.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              I find that hard to believe.

              "Jewishness" is determined by one's mother. If one's mother is a Jew, then you are a Jew. Judaism, however, is something different. Judaism refers to the religion, not the ethnicity, that is, the race.

              There were what were called 'crypto-Jews' especially after Isabella cracked down on the Jewish and Muslim population in Spain following what has become known as the Reconquista, which ended in 1492 when she received the keys to the Alhambra by the last Berber caliph, or whatever.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
                Cripto-jews, interesting. Haven't heard that one.
                But yes, there were those so called nobles that fabricated much about themselves.

                Interesting to note:Many of The black nobility claimed they were descendant of Nimrod of Babylon . . . which would make them a nephilim hybrid several steps removed...Now That''s what I call: A different race.
                But who knows, maybe they made that up too, otherwise they were just another psychopath. shaking my head.
                That's my view of them anyway.
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                • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                  If by black you mean of Sub-Saharan African descent, you have been sold a crock of you know what. Akin to things like: it was the blacks of sub-Saharan Africa that brought enlightenment to Europe following the Dark Ages, or that it was the blacks of the Nigerian region who gave birth to the ancient Sumerians in the Cradle of Civilization. They are already positive the ancient Egyptians were of black ancestry, even though it has been pointed out to them that the Egyptians had a sense of proportion that blacks still do not have today.
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                  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
                    Laughing, sorry, my fault. Black as in Evil/criminal/or otherwise with no conscience. That is how the term "Black" is used in this instance.
                    These are the type of creatures that have assumed rule over our world.
                    Kakistocracy: Government by the worst and least qualified,

                    Ps, the black africans are no different than any other people over the world. save for the creatures I call: parasitical Humanoids, the global DELETE or my fav. The Great Unwashed. No Conscience, not conscious not human like the rest of us, (in my observation)

                    Ps, studied the works of Julian Jaynes, The Bicameral Mind (should read brain) and based my work on what and whom these creatures are that assume rule over us in my book: The Fight for Conscious Human Life. (much of it was just to see if I could do it and found that maybe I should have been a writer) Have been writhing another more serious for normal publication.
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                    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                      Yes, I agree, that is funny.
                      But I have been reading about Neo-think, and even what I can find about your own work: The Fight for Conscious Human Life.

                      The less said the better. Meaning it seems to me to be somewhat illogical and anti-human nature.
                      I guess my main objection is that you have made these "creatures" sub human by eliminating a consciousness for them. If our enemies, as you assume, are without consciousness, how are we to understand and confront them? It would be like confronting, say, a shark.

                      We would have no knowledge or foresight as to what these sharks, these people might do in certain situations.
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                      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
                        Well, as we might observe our biblical ancestors acting upon a Voice in their heads thought to be their ancestors, their gods or their rulers. The human brain at that time had no corporation between the left and right hemispheres which prevented them from knowing that the voice was that of their own, (most probably) A Bicameral, as Jaynes would put it, could easily get along and prosper/produce with in his environment. Hell, recent studies state that perhaps 60% of the present population still has no connection to the mind, no conscious but are aware of their environment but not aware that they are aware. Def. of Consciousness. A better def. Introspective.
                        The brain is amazing and can consider anything important for survival and it would be difficult to tell whether they were a conscious human or not.
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                        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                          Carl, the human brain has always had a corpus callosum. Even a dog's brain has a corpus callosum. The corpus callosum IS the connection between the right and left hemispheres.
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                          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
                            But clearly not used or blocked. Jaynes puts mankind's (overstatement, not everyone as we observe) conscious awareness as observed in historical writings at about 3000 years ago.

                            Interesting enough,about 10 years ago an actuary in Australia found that about 2500 years ago our magnetic shield got the strongest it had been.
                            What does this have to do with the other you might say?

                            Well it is well known that cosmic radiation affects the brain and the body. When our shields are weak, like they are now 25% weaker than that time, cosmic radiation goes off the charts and affects all sorts of behavior, malfunctions, reaction times and health in general. I propose that when our shields got stronger, blocking those cosmic rays, allowed our brains to begin to function properly thereby effectively gaining awareness of one's own awareness, gaining access to the mind and soon the realization that voice was the voice of self and introspection began to moderate not only our behavior but our way of thinking as well. Mankind at that point gained an important connection to creation.
                            In Dobrian's post about the errors of Ayn Rand, there is a paragraph about Plato's Noesis and another paragraph about quantum physics . . .all of that ties in with what I am trying to convey about Consciousness and Conscience.

                            I originally made this connection about consciousness/conscience/behavior through an insight I had while reading Spiral Dynamics and another book with the slightest intro to quantum physics and entanglements etc.
                            Turns out, I was correct and not the only one to make this connection.

                            Hmm, I am consciously human after all . . .LMAO

                            PS, doesn't mean we don't screw up or suffer a temporary introspective blockage from time to time but on the whole, we can act upon our conscious introspection . . .in our own self interest, Rand would say.

                            Now, it must be understood that this is Still a conversation.
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                            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                              I believe what can be referred to perhaps, as a consciusness, a sense of ourselves and our uniqueness as humans probably began with the mutation that gave rise to Chromosome 2, and that was much further back than 3,000 years ago.
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                              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
                                As you said, the potential was there and just had to be realized.

                                I was still writing/editing and adding while you replied.

                                Mutations...cosmic radiation is our biggest mutator and will likely act upon our bodies and brain/mind connection from this point in time and continuing till the fat micro nova sings at the end of this 12 year cycle...coming to an earth near us in about 20.
                                A whole nother subject but ties in neatly in terms of our evolution.
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                                • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                                  What is completely illogical in your philosophy, is that the rulers among us, as a class, lack a corpus callosum. Unlike those who are lower in class.
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                                  • Olduglycarl replied 1 year, 1 month ago
      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
        Just scrolling through the masterful work will not lead you to the invisible enemy. I encourage you to Read it and you will find many answers to todays battle between Good vs Evil.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          I think you are talking about Zoll and his substack blog, prussiagate. I may do that, though I find some of his concepts somewhat disturbing. Let me just say, my husband was of German-Welsh ancestry, but it was the Swabians that are his ancestors, and not the Prussian, who I believe may have descended from Lithuanians.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
            Prince of Orange, Germany and world domination

            The House of Hohenzollern seems to be an old title, relegated to the history books. Would it surprise you to learn that the head of this House still have claim to the title, Prince of Orange? They still style themselves as the Prince of Prussia or Prince of Orange, despite suggesting Prussia has been relegated to history. The status of such nobility remains unknown; however, they have not ceased to exist. Meet the current Prince of Prussia.
            Recall that Prussia is an “army without a state”. These Houses have incredible influence in the regions they occupy or influence. In the same vein as Caesar in the Roman Empire, the head of Prussia was known as the Kaiser. Whatever authority these Houses had, we can observe that they were politically, very sensitive. The Kings and Queens of the day where very careful in their connections. Notice the connection below between the House of Hohenzollern and the House of Doorn.
            We can now see that this Prussian Empire is the same “force” that morphed itself into a new invisible army between 1871 and 1917. Essentially, this invisible hand became an elaborate series of corporations that would place the entire world into financial-slavery and control via Treaties/ Charters/ Great Powers, Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and global entities such as W.H.O., World Bank, E.U., NATO, Council on Foreign Relations etc.

            The Prussian army went global and in doing so, it became invisible. To truly seize control of the earth, Prussian ideology would need to become owned by the people. It would need to be a powerful idea. Here is Bush Snr (#41) on September 11, 1991 talking about this New World Order “big idea” that will “fulfil the promise and vision of the UN’s founders:
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              Thanks, Dobrien. But I have this to say: your facts may be correct---I'd have to check---but Zoll's interpretation is wrong. Or incomplete.
              Ever hear of "The Black Horror on the Rhine"? This is how British newspapers at the time described Clemenceau's and the French Colonel Mangin's "La Force Noir" comprised of Senegaliese troops that were sent to occupy the Rhineland following the Great War. I believe it was part of Clemenceaus's vindictive need to thoroughly humiliate Germany. Wilson disliked it, and House wanted American interests satisfied (The Baghdad Railroad, etc.) but it was done anyway. One historian has said that France paid a horrible price for that decision.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          That is a very mysterious comment, Mr. O'Brien. I can interpret it in any number of ways, or I can ask you to explain. I choose the latter.
          At any rate, I have been thinking of some things this morning, having to do with the most valued characteristic of the Germanic peoples---loyalty, and its contrapositive, ingratitude. I may write something later today on the "problem".
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      Thank you, Dobrien. However I have never used substack. Can you tell me anything about the site? Prussiagate?
      (I came across this extreme Leftist 'idiotology' as I was researching something I had read in the memoirs of the French Ambassador to Tsarist Russia, Paleologue. He mentions that German spies were found in the riots in St. Petersburg in July 1914, and I was trying to verify his statement. Frenchmen seem sometimes to exaggerate events in favor of themselves, don't you think?)
      I am also of the considered opinion that the riots of the sixties in the U.S. have parallels in the riots of St. Petersburg in July 1914. "War" is the connecting relationship.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
        Substack is a site for writers to post their work. The site is free and you can subscribe for free.I call those events Color Revolutions. It happened in Germany as well in 1932. Norm Eisen is a leftist Prussian tool. He was Obama’s Ethics Czar LOL.
        He wrote “the Playbook” and I believe helped coordinate the 2014 Ukrainian color revolution.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Speaking of Jews in Obamma's admin, I am reminded of the Chicago Jew, Rahm Emmanuel, and his assertion to Obamma when I tried to leave: "How can she reject you; you're the president of the United States". Would he have said that had I been a Jewish woman?
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          You seem to be referring to the July 1914 riots in St. Petersburg as 'color revolutions'. Interesting.

          Wiki has some good articles on Syndicalism and Anarcho-syndicalism, which seems to be anti-democracy and heavily involved in 'propoganda by deed', assassinations and that sort of stuff.

          I will research this guy Norm. Thanks for the 'clue'.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Thanks. I accessed prussiagate, found it written by will zoll, which is interesting because I've been investigating the consonant shift in Old High German that took place in about 400 to 900 AD. That is, 'zoll' took the place of 'toll'.
          Well, that's neither here nor there, just thought it interesting.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
            Yes interesting. As I read a few of your comments it was easy to see that you have a hunger for knowledge and history. So glad you are looking into Zolls work. He seems to have a team of researchers working on this project. These enemies have often been called the Jewish Khazarian mafia. They use the Jew aspect to call any critics anti-Semitic and distract from their evil.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              I need to clarify my comment about Obamma's statement. What he actually said was: "I can always INCITE RIOTS to prove any opposition to my policies are racially motivated".
              He said that (to me) in late spring or summer 2009.

              Can you understand why I found him unfit to wield power?
              And then he lied to my family, and others, including the blacks, telling them I was racist and that was why I didn't want to help him.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              My hunger for knowledge and history is predicated on the very necessary fact that unless mankind knows the TRUE AND ACTUAL AND REAL reasons for events, especially conflicts between persons and societies, he WILL repeat the very same events and situations that cause conflicts. And the revisionist historians have been very busy in the last five, six or seven decades in CREATING and manufacturing reasons, so-called, that have no connection to consequences. There is nothing more dangerous to mankind than that atrocious ability to fictionalize history,
              The Portuguese soldier-cleric in the 15th century, D'Azurara, when chronicling the actions of Prince Henry (the most underrated man in history), knew that, and even wrote why it was necessary to report the truth. I believe what he actually wrote was " we do not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors..."

              But the Jewish Left refers to Columbus as a murderer and Anglo-Saxons as genocidal maniacs, among other fictions. Anglo-Saxons, the very tribe of people who saved their sorry souls!!
              Ingratitude is a trait I despise. Who will save your souls the next time?
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              Well, I condemn the Jewish Left. I have friends on the Conservative side: Ben Shapiro, Dennis Praguer, the owners of a small cookie factory of which I was the CFO, and a great deal of admiration for Richard Feynman. I want to make that clear.

              To call critics "anti-Semitc", reminds me of something Obamma said, to wit: "I can always say that any opposition to my policies is racially motivated." Now I don't know if he was told that by his puppet masters or if he came up with it all by himself. Probably the former, as he really is not all that bright.
              He also said "There is always a period of turmoil before Socialism sets in"; and another gem: "The concentration of power is inevitable."
              Obamma was a dupe, Dobrien, of the Jewish Left, spearheaded by the Frankfurt School, ensconced at Columbia University in 1934.
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              • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
                for some reason, the Jewish TV channel is running ads for the ACLU
                i'll never watch that station again
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                • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                  Weren't there several Jews on the original panel that thought up the ACLU in the early 20th century?

                  I will always hold Brandeis in reverence. Though he hated big business, he hated big government more.
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                • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
                  I asked the ACLU for help when I tried to flee the tentacles of Obamma. Needless to say there was no help forthcoming. I felt pretty stupid, to trust the motives of this group. And the ADL for that matter. I once sent an email to the ADL, asking if they had at any time aided the cause of Sacco and Vanzetti. They replied they had no record of that.
                  I also accessed the ADL website a couple of years ago. the word "hate" was plastered all over it.

                  I have the very awful feeling that we---normal Americans---have been used. And badly.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 1 month ago
      Well darling, this is beyond me. I am so happy I no longer work in D.C. and have to suffer being written up in the AFL/CIO Cope newsletter with lies written by them about me.N
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 1 month ago
        Well did you think no one with Jewish ancestors might be reading this? What else can you blame on them? And when you are talking about my ancestors you might wish I hadn't addressed you at all!
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Here's another comment you may have missed:

          Well, I condemn the Jewish Left. I have friends on the Conservative side: Ben Shapiro, Dennis Praguer, the owners of a small cookie factory of which I was the CFO, and a great deal of admiration for Richard Feynman. I want to make that clear.

          To call critics "anti-Semitc", reminds me of something Obamma said, to wit: "I can always say that any opposition to my policies is racially motivated." Now I don't know if he was told that by his puppet masters or if he came up with it all by himself. Probably the former, as he really is not all that bright.
          He also said "There is always a period of turmoil before Socialism sets in"; and another gem: "The concentration of power is inevitable."
          Obamma was a dupe, Dobrien, of the Jewish Left, spearheaded by the Frankfurt School, ensconced at Columbia University in 1934."

          Again, if you find something you don't like, why don't you say something, instead of making unwarranted and dangerous assumptions?

          (Obamma's actual wordage was: "I can always incite riots to prove any opposition to my policies is racially motivated." I believe that was what he was told by his puppet masters, the Jewish Left, in league with the Global Deep State. He's really not bright enough to come up with something like that by himself.)
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Here is a sample, a previous comment. If you find something you don't like about it, why don't you tell me?
          I may or may not reply. As I said, I'm not yet done with the Jewish Left.

          "My hunger for knowledge and history is predicated on the very necessary fact that unless mankind knows the TRUE AND ACTUAL AND REAL reasons for events, especially conflicts between persons and societies, he WILL repeat the very same events and situations that cause conflicts. And the revisionist historians have been very busy in the last five, six or seven decades in CREATING and manufacturing reasons, so-called, that have no connection to consequences. There is nothing more dangerous to mankind than that atrocious ability to fictionalize history,
          The Portuguese soldier-cleric in the 15th century, D'Azurara, when chronicling the actions of Prince Henry (the most underrated man in history), knew that, and even wrote why it was necessary to report the truth. I believe what he actually wrote was " we do not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors..."

          But the Jewish Left refers to Columbus as a murderer and Anglo-Saxons as genocidal maniacs, among other fictions. Anglo-Saxons, the very tribe of people who saved their sorry souls!!
          Ingratitude is a trait I despise. Who will save your souls the next time?"

          By the way, give my regards to Debbie. Debbie Wasserman whatever.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          One more thing, for a supposedly "smart" girl, in your own mind at least, you have done nothing to educate yourself about me.

          You could have read all comments I have written since "landing". But you didn't. You assumed from only a few comments that I am anti-Semitic.

          But then, you might feel too "special" to work at acquiring knowledge.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Truer words were never spoken.

          And by the way, I'm not done with the Jewish Left just yet. Stick around. Either on this site, or another.
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      • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
        I assume you are addressing me, but your use of the term "darling" does nothing to validate your post in my eyes. I could be wrong. I generally presume, initially, intelligence on the part of those who interact with me. I could be wrong here, too.
        At any rate, your statement "...AFL/CIO Cope newsletter" has no reference with me, and "...lies written by them about me" also means nothing.
        Would you care to elaborate?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    SHOOT! Lost the comment trying to do two things at the same time. Was posting the 2nd edition of TGIFfunnies (the political version this time.

    I am not going to type all that again, Darn, I was on a roll too.

    Suffice to say, They, are not your betters, there is some kind of blockage there, perhaps a genetic flaw, maybe just a psychopath with extreme hubris, but I don't see any talent there.

    Here is what I said in the book: WE ARE THE ELITE ON THE STREET and they, are the GREAT UNWASHED.
    The paradigm is upside down, perhaps back to the fall of Babylon or before.

    You can observe their level of Conscience. That level should be the same for all consciously introspective humans.
    The only difference is in the application and usage.

    Now, go for a laugh at TGIFfunnies 1st and 2nd editions.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      No. I didn't come to this site for funnies. And I may leave soon anyway.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
        I see, I started the funnies because laughter is very important in our lives. It instantly vanquishes ill consequence from stress, anger, frustration, confusion and what ever.

        It was a kindly gesture.

        We should give it a rest, I guess.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          I didn't intend to hurt your feelings. But in the world today, the stakes are too high to be cavalier about them. People need to start taking what's happening the world today seriously. Very seriously.
          It was nice talking to you, though.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
            That is specifically why laughter be on the we might live to fight another day.

            Laugh at the trials of life, laugh at ourselves laugh at them and others, it's like a reset or reboot, without the bop upside the head.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              How can you possibly say something like that when every skill and art and ability at thinking is now needed?
              You sound like a teenager who is trying to laugh his way through some kind of shameful or embarrassing act.
              I have to go now.
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              • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
                Not at all, with all the stress and worries we have these days, you can imagine what that is doing to us inside, our heads, our bodies our interactions and responsibilities. Lots of damage happening there.
                An unexpected laugh can undo much of that damage. We are NOT making light of our situation, we are just giving our life, our being a break and some healing so that we can carry one with: The Fight for Conscious Human Life©
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago in reply to this comment.
    I am speaking of both. You can't have one without the other . . . . like a "Horse and Carriage".
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      No, this statement is not an if and only if statement. You may perhaps not be able to have conscience without consciousness, that seems reasonable enough. However, you can bet your bottom dollar you can lack conscience, while still having consciousness. Like any psychopath.
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
        Go back and read "Shoot" couple of stairs up from here.
        ah, but a psychopath has a limited consciousness. Not the full monte so to speak. Awareness of your environment and awareness that you are different and need to learn the ways of those you are different from. I forget how Jaynes put it but there is that spot inbetween Bicameral (his usage of the word) and Conscious introspection.

        It's kind of like Nimrod and his support staff thinking they are better than those building the tower but knowing that somethings afoot, so you must go down and confound their language lest Nothing be impossible unto them.
        That was a statement of "I fear them" lets keep them down or we'll be out in the cold.
        Causation/Creator did not make that statement...who the heck is "WE" was nimrod and the other rulers . . .dumb as rocks they were. They knew we had something they didn't.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          How do you know that about psychopaths? I'm not saying you are right, just asking where you get your psychological information.,
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 1 month ago
            I read up on it, many articles. I will pass along if stumbled upon again.

            A psychopath is usually or in many cases a person of great intellect on one subject so involved that ethical considerations are often ignored. It's there for the consideration and the control can be implemented but the attraction to the work is overwhelming. I think of Fauci in this case although he does resemble a relentless hubris.

            One could hope that a psychopaths work interest is nothing that will end up harming humanity or at least monitored by a consciously introspective individual.

            Once extreme hubris is present, all bets are off. great intellect on a subject be damned, we are all in danger from that individual.
            Perhaps moderation comes from association of others alike and a long term plan . . .the fruits of which we are witness to right now. The great reset, one world government, 2030, you will own nothing and be happy . . .sound familiar?
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              That's not how I think of a psychopath. Put simply, a psychopath is chronologically an adult, but still harboring the feelings, motives, attitudes and narcissism of a child.
              Did you ever watch "The Bad Seed"? Very good introduction to the development of psychopathy, and an attempt at solving the nature/nurture controversy.

              I have to go now.
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