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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    Really?!???!! So the incredible manufacturing machine that was unleashed when the USA entered the conflict has been forgotten. Meh……if the kids are so stupid to believe the modern propaganda they or their offspring will perish in a war for lack of equipment. I can tell you right now that no matter how much the warmonger class wants to chant USA USA there are some fundamental truths about warfare.
    Truth ZERO: The only true purpose of a military is to KILL PEOPLE and BREAK THINGS. And China has THE PEOPLE and the ability to MAKE THINGS. It’s doesn’t matter what kind of Whiz Bang Tech you have it won’t be enough. Just ask the Germans at the end of WW2.
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  • Posted by mhubb 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    the re-write of history by those that hate the West

    the United States alone provided over 400,000 trucks and jeeps to the Soviet Army, allowing them to build tanks, over 12,000 armored vehicles (the M4 Sherman were not as good as the T-34, but were more mechanically reliable, used after the breakthrough was made to exploit), over 11,000 aircraft and we also provided food

    no USA, no victory over Germany, no US airpower, no diversion of forces from the Eastern Front
    no D-Day or threat of D-Day, all Panzers move East

    no USA and the Japanese would likely have attacked the Soviets instead of the USA, keeping Soviet troops from the defense of Moscow
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  • Posted by 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    I recently answered in the negative a Quora question about the hypothesis that Stalin could have won WWII without any aid, military intervention from western Allies.

    Then a person I assume to be a youngster replied that my answer was false, “it would just take an additional year or two”—and went on to state how the USSR weathered Barbarossa (the June 1941 Axis invasion of USSR territory) and—after a year or two of incredible sacrifice and without any meaningful aid from western Allies—turned the War around to destroy the 3rd Reich. —Again, without any meaningful contribution from alleged USSR “Allies”.

    Arguments I posted meant nothing to this youngster with a cause. I termed his assertion “ridiculous nonsense”, and provided a webpage chart showing how RAF/USAAF bombing missions and air activity over Reich-occupied Europe/N. Africa after June 1941 accounted for far more Luftwaffe losses than all Luftwaffe losses on the Reich-USSR front. (The ratio is actually 3.41).

    My youngster adversary wouldn’t acknowledge any significance in the tie-down of Luftwaffe forces in the west to counter RAF/USAAF bombing missions in which 100,000 Allied aircrew lost their lives. To him, those lives were meaningless compared to the prodigious resistance/advance of the Red Army in eastern Europe.

    I never argued that Stalin and his generals eventually won the War in the east. But I will never stop arguing that, without UK/US assistance, he never would have had that chance.
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    • Posted by 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      Here’s another example of the fraud being widely espoused on Quora and other websites, apparently by a younger generation subject to Stalinist, Putinesque propaganda:

      The Quora question: Why did the Russians not help America with Japan as America helped Russia during WWII?

      And here’s a particularly obnoxious answer (with three upvotes!):

      Verner Dnarr Follow 5h
      That’s a lie. Russians did much more to help America with Japan then America did to help Russia with Nazi Germany. However now USA propaganda calls this Soviet invasion (!) of Manchuria [citing Wikipedia article "Soviet Invasion of Manchuria"]
      Upvote 3

      The question is framed somewhat simplistically, but Verner Dnarr's knee-jerk, unqualified dismissal of the question's basic premises just shows how much of a cause it is to Dnarr and his upvoters to denigrate western Allies' contribution to Allied victory over Reich forces.

      Obviously, to Dnarr and similar Putinesque, Stalinist revisionists, piles of corpses (not technology-- i.e. air warfare-- or logistics) is what wins wars.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    The combined efforts of both the US and the USSR were needed to stop the Axis powers
    before the German atomic program was completed. Without both fronts attacking, the
    German war effort would likely have perfected atomic bombs and the destruction of
    England and the USSR would have been the result. In my opinion.

    Lest we forget, it was the banking cartel in the West that encouraged and supported
    the Axis powers, and then also supported the Allies to enrich themselves at great
    cost of lives and destruction, and they are doing the same thing today.
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    • Posted by mhubb 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      there are current reports of both major Axis powers having tested nukes

      the Germans way of doing things was to have several groups competing to the same end, for example, 14 different groups were working on proximity fuse projects, including the Post Office (??) if i remember correctly
      the Allies tended to group projects under one office so we we much better in project management.
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  • Posted by mhubb 8 months, 2 weeks ago
    war game called World in Flames
    it allows the players to be free in what they do to a certain extent

    the Axis player had Japan attack the Soviets after Germany attacked them
    the Soviets lost big time.....
    the game does not take into effect the lack of effective armor on the part of Japan, just unit strengths, but the Japanese air power and naval power would rule the coats and a certain depth into the Soviet Union, preventing Lend-Lease shipments from the US

    history is very easy to re-write, if you do not have to really prove it.....
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    • Posted by 8 months, 2 weeks ago
      I'm not up on what video war games are being played by kids (and others) these days, but I would be alarmed to learn that argument from enormity of corpse piles means anything in those games.

      Once USSR joined the War in the east in June 1941 (maintaining a mutual non-aggression pact with Japan), and US declared war on Germany in the following December, the US and UK endorsed a more technologically, logistically sophisticated overall strategy than the USSR. To argue piles of corpses on the eastern front equaled/exceeded impact of UK/US air power on Axis industrial/transportation infrastructure—and especially Luftwaffe tie-down in occupied Axis territory facing west—seems peculiarly devoid of logic, like arguments presented by cultists and religious fanatics. What fuels such irrationality?

      Without western Allied military participation (such as the Allied air war against the Reich homeland, occupied territory), and USSR materiel support such as was provided by PQ Arctic convoys, the entire industrial-technological superiority of the Reich (and a vastly superior Luftwaffe) could have been brought to bear on primitive Soviet forces.

      The question of the impact of UK/US involvement should be clearly distinguished from the question of whether the UK should have signed a mutual non-aggression truce with Hitler/Mussolini at the time of Barbarossa, and, considering purely national self-interest, whether the US should have intervened in the Euro-N African theater whether or not the UK DID sign such a truce.

      As US Senator B.K. Wheeler (D MT) once quipped before Pearl Harbor, "Why not let Hitler and Stalin duke it out to the finish?"
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