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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 2 months ago
    With three of Black Rock's former executives now serving in the White House as Economic Advisors. One serves Kamala Harris (Michael Pyle) and one is our Deputy Secretary of the Treasury (Adewale Adeyemo, Nigerian born close ties to O'Bama).One might even say the Biden Administration is being run by Black Rock, Inc. In March 2020 the Federal Reserve turned to Black Rock to manage its bail out procedure. This allowed BR by the Federal Reserve to bail out its own assets. Canada and Sweden turned to BR also. I guess assets totalling $17 Trillion will get you a lot of control of everything.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 2 months ago
      Thanks for the info. Insider trading with our money - how sweet it is! These people are corrupt up to their eyeballs and beyond. Looks like crony communism and crony capitalism are different names for the same thing.
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