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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 3 months ago
    Mental illness has plagued mankind for centuries on end. They used to be warehoused in insane asylums. Beginning in the 1950s, pharmaceutical companies developed a wide range of psychotropic drugs that moderated the worst behavioral effects of mental diseases. Thus in the 1960s, the asylums were closed and the patients were sent into the streets, told to self-medicate, and expected to lead "normal" lives. Rampart homelessness and drug use soon followed.

    The homeless of the 1930s were economic victims of the Federal Reserve overprinting money. This is why Rand advocated for a wall of separation between Economy and State.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 1 year, 3 months ago
    You're not slow. Where I work openly there are homeless people everywhere you look, there are also serious drug-users and dealers that no longer hide. Daily I see people standing still bent over at 90 degrees for long stretched of time, with little to no support.I have seen a woman giving a BJ at a bus stop on a busy street with traffic sitting at a light. Cops just drive by.

    We are in decay and its deliberate.
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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
    Has anyone thought about canvassing these people and learning why they aren't even trying to get jobs? In my tiny town, I even see unusual amounts of job offerings. Ranging all over the place. Some skilled, but many, many that are unskilled workers. Just a body to hold a position.
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