Hi. My name is...Vince

Posted by 01AeroMan 1 year, 3 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...My eyes were first open back in 2011 I can’t believe than in less than 12 years later this book is more relevant that is ever welcome to the future.

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  • Posted by $ servo75 1 year, 3 months ago
    And the book was written in 1957. I used to think, "Did Rand have a crystal ball?" But the more I look into history (I was not yet a member of this planet in 1957), collectivism had already been on the march for a half century. Given what she witnessed in Russia, it's not so much of a jump to predict current events, even if some of the details are off.
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