Biden Admin Unveils Toughest-Ever Car Emissions Rule in Bid to Force EV Purchases and Eliminate Free Ability to Travel. Let's Go Brandon.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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"President Joe Biden further accelerated the nation’s switch to electric vehicles by announcing two proposed federal rule changes aimed at reducing greenhouse gasses and other pollutants in motor vehicle emissions.

The changes, announced April 12, would affect virtually all gasoline-powered vehicles on U.S. highways, would save consumers an estimated $12,000 in fuel and maintenance costs over the life of a vehicle, and avoid almost 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions through 2055, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The move aims to further the president’s goal of having 50 percent of all new cars and light trucks and 30 percent of new medium- and heavy-duty trucks sold in 2030 be zero-emission vehicles. Electric vehicles (EVs) are considered zero-emission vehicles.

The EPA estimates that approval of these rules would result in 67 percent of new passenger vehicles and light trucks would be EVs by 2032, along with 50 percent of busses, 35 percent of short-haul freight tractors, and 25 percent of long-haul freight tractors.

Critics have claimed that the move will increase the price of new cars and was made without consideration of the ability of the nation’s supply chain to meet this demand.

The Biden administration has spent some $31 billion on the development of so-called clean transportation over the last two years, including the development of a network of EV charging stations, improving the supply chain for materials needed to produce EV batteries, and making loans to companies manufacturing EVs and components in the United States.

Meanwhile, American car manufacturers and a number of states have been voluntarily moving the market toward electric-powered vehicles.

General Motors, Ford, and Stellantis announced in 2021 that they would aim to reach EV sales of at least 40 percent of all new vehicle sales by 2030.

The rule change comes 10 months after six major automakers pledged to stop selling gas and diesel-powered cars worldwide by 2040.

In November 2021, Ford, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, and Jaguar Land Rover pledged to stop selling diesel-powered cars worldwide by 2040.

In 2022, the state of Washington followed California in announcing a ban on the sale of new gasoline-powered cars in the state by 2035.

Washington enacted a law in 2020 to follow California’s vehicle emissions standards. Connecticut, Colorado, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington D.C. have also adopted California’s vehicle emission standards.

GOP Reaction
Republican lawmakers immediately criticized the announcement.

“First President Biden came for our gas stoves. Now he wants to ban the cars we drive,” said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), ranking member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources.

“His misguided policies are hurting American families while helping China. The president’s disastrous energy transition is making us more reliant on our enemies while driving up prices for Americans. The ‘electrification of everything’ is not a solution. It’s a road to higher prices and fewer choices.”

“Today, the Biden administration made clear it wants to decide for Americans what kinds of cars and trucks we are allowed to buy, lease, and drive,” Sen. Shelly Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) wrote on Twitter.

She added that the Biden administration “did not consider that the average price of an electric vehicle was roughly $65,000 last year, more than the household income of 46 percent of American families.

Auto Industry
Automakers around the world have announced plans to invest $1.2 trillion in creating EVs by 2030, according to the Alliance for Innovative Innovation. Yet even that may not be enough to meet the aggressive goals set by the Biden administration.

The number of charging stations is currently insufficient to meet demand, the Alliance noted in an April 6 statement. Of the nation’s 3,100 counties, 39 percent had no chargers installed as of 2022, and 63 percent had five or fewer.

Minerals needed to supply the battery market may also be in short supply, according to the Alliance. North America is projected to produce only about 3.5 percent of the supply needed by 2030, which could increase dependence on China if the situation is not altered, the statement said.

Automakers are committed to the shift to EVs, the Alliance stated, but how fast that shift will happen largely depends on factors outside their control.

“The question isn’t whether it can be done, it’s how fast can it be done … and how fast will depend almost exclusively on having the right policies and market conditions in place to achieve the shared goal of a net zero carbon automotive future,” the group stated."
Personally, I plan to violate as many federal laws (that punish people without any regard to someone being harmed) as possible regarding my personal vehicle.
I have no respect whatever for the EPA or any other federal agency.
I do not consent to be your slave, looting scum.
SOURCE URL: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-admin-unveils-rule-to-force-67-percent-of-cars-sold-to-be-electric-by-2032_5189758.html

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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
      Interestingly, I just watched a video this morning of a congressional hearing from 3/28 where top Bureaucrats of the EPA were asked by a Republican representative how much CO2 was currently in the atmosphere. Of the 5 or 6 individuals squirming in their seats none knew the answer. When pressed for a guess they answered from 4 to 8 percent. They were then informed the current level was just under 0.04% and under 0.02% is when plant life on earth starts to die off, especially food crops. Remember, these are the taxpayer's exorbitantly overpaid "experts" that are setting the standards the rest of us have to genuflect to.
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  • 10
    Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
    take all the gasoline burned in cars each day

    all that energy would need to be provided in the form of electricity

    the grid cannot handle it

    it might be possible to install solar on your home (say good by to your warranty for your roof)
    and have a charging system installed for the cars your will own
    the price of that option would be great

    typical democrat liars, putting the cart in front of the horse again and proving this is about control and profits for their friends (and themselves)

    fix and expand the grid, get power storage running, then talk to us about EVs
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
    These are ridiculous rules whose real goal is to reduce the mobility of the People in general. A mobile population is harder to control.
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  • Posted by bsudell 1 year, 1 month ago
    The description above sounds very much like Obamacare. Remember, it was going to save families $2,500 a year. Instead, you bill increase $2,500 a year.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
    This is going to be great entertainment. Can’t wait. Me and my 1996 F-250 are ready.
    There may actually be a market for getting high miles old vehicles out of the south and west to rebuild and sell.
    A 1990s Ford F-150 with a manual transmission and a straight six is about as bullet proof as they get.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
      I haven't kept up with auto engineering much since the early '80s and I wonder, if the SHTF, if it would be possible to retrofit a 2000-something vehicle to a pre-1980 running condition. That is tear off all the Big Brother computer crap and get the engine back to basics - fuel, air, spark, with the correct timing. Oh, and kick that converter to the curb as well and get some minimally restricted exhaust.
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  • Posted by $ katrinam41 1 year, 1 month ago
    A hybrid I can see working and reducing the so-called human-created pollution. An all-electric vehicle is not practical or feasible at this point, with my fellow Gulchers making a solid list of why it won't fly. I don't believe we are the cause of global warming. Or was it global cooling. Are we headed for a desert or a glacier? Depends on what the tyranny is trying to force down our throats at the moment, although a much cruder way of putting it is more accurate. BOHICA.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 1 month ago
    In the end, physics always wins over politics.
    This electric car push is not going to happen and it's So Far down the Road that the people who legislated the push will not be around when the physics and reality become apparent.
    In the meantime, we will experience the pain inflicted on the general population by the absurd legislators and the state-compensated corporate shills that attend to the fascist dictates.
    I am with you FFA -- taking steps to violate stupid laws whenever I find it practical.
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 1 month ago
    My wife's family is a 450 mile drive from our NY home in southern NY up to Buffalo. About a five hour trip in our gas vehicles and less than a full tank. In an EV we would have to stop overnight about 3/4 of the way to recharge the battery. This admin is ignorant and/or just stupid. They open their mouth and insert their feets.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
      Living in Upstate NY I know what you mean. Especially after a lake effect snow.

      I just had a thought pop in my head. That is a "pony express" EV rental business. You rent an EV where you live, drive it to the 3/4 mark station, trade it for a charged EV (and hopefully thoroughly cleaned) to finish the trip to your wife's family without having to wait on a charge. Same thing on the way back or wherever else you want to go. Hmmmm, if properly engineered you won't have to change cars if the batteries can be popped in and out quickly. (See? You will never need to own a car and you'll be happy!) LOL!

      Edit add: I'm sure the government will find a way to tax and regulate such a business out of existence because such a business would undermine the whole purpose of keeping us serfs at home.
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      • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 1 month ago
        As soon as they get the EV numbers up to around 50% you can bet your arse the cost of cobalt and lithium will go through the ozone layer and we will be right back where we are with the petroleum issues. Just follow the big money to see who in our government has big stakes in EVs and batteries. Anyone who honestly believes these traitors have the environmental interests in mind needs to buy my ocean front property out in AZ.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
          Silver will be unavailable in short order , supplies are already being overwhelmed by the demand,
          The demand as the world rejects the Fiat $ will be very interesting.
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      • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
        Yes, a solution (ignoring the expense of creating a lot more electric infrastructure)
        could be a standard battery "bank" for all EV's.
        Stop and swap a dead battery for a charged battery and be on your way.
        Government would like to design that, I'm sure.
        Each battery would cost $100,000 and weigh 10 tons.
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        • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
          At a factory I was employed at the peeps in charge once decided to relocate our electric forklift charging station. We swapped out batteries for fully charged batteries. Had a nice roller conveyor system that worked fine. The geniuses in the office decided it was inefficient use of floor space and wanted to dismantle it and use the giant overhead bridge cranes to move the batteries from the charging stations to the lift trucks. Being the position I was in as an industrial automation electrician I was able to criticize and speak my mind without getting fired. The rest of the maintenance department and I protested but our bitching fell on deaf “we know better than you uneducated plebes” ears.
          Within a week after the transition one of the forklifts ended up on its side with the battery half out and spilling acid all over the place. When the head genius walked up and surveyed the mess along with the rest of us I slapped him on the back and said “And that was your TRAINED staff that did that. Just wait until the retards get ahold of it” winked and walked away. It was fun being “essential” to plant operations. But boy they hated it sometimes.
          Just imagine the carnage st battery CHANGING stations when the Dumb Herd Animals try their hand at it. OR.....the Tek-Nawl-Oh-Gee that does it breaks down. Yeah......pass the popcorn.
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          • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
            Agreed, such a process with a battery that weighs a ton and can spontaneously
            combust would be quite a challenge - unless the free market was allowed to solve it.
            (Of course, the free market wouldn't be forcing EV's on the customers.)
            If government sets the standard, it should be tried first in D.C. with bureaucrats doing the transfers.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
    by what right does this usurper do this?
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      As the un-elected monarch over his disgusting and helpless serfs.
      Apparently 450 million privately owned firearms (with 71 million pistol magazines capable
      of holding more than 10 cartridges, and another 79 million rifle magazines capable of
      holding 30 or more rounds) and more than 100 billion rounds of ammo are not of any concern.
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      • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 1 month ago
        not any concern, yet
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        • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
          Wonder what a .223 round does to an EV battery, assuming it could penetrate that far.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 1 month ago
            You made me try to research that. So its all your fault.
            A .223 with good ammo and shot placement can take down a medium-sized bear at the maximum range of 150 yards.
            Looked that up after I thought to look up what someone long ago told me about a 30.06 being able to penetrate an engine block.
            That new "ask me anything Bing" will not answer that question. Asking if a .223 can do it netted the same result.
            A 30.06 can kill a great big Grizzly though.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
              Thanks for trying, dino. ;^)
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 1 month ago
                You owe me a massive Biden-sized ice cream cone.
                Uh, wait, wait, wait.
                Never mind! Never mind!
                Just had a vision that won't let me enjoy it.
                As Nero played a harp (fiddles weren't invented yet) as Rome burned, I just saw Joey surrounded by drag queens and happily licking ice cream as the USA collapsed all around him.
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            • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 1 month ago
              Well there’s these 30-06 cartridges that have this little extra groove on the projectile and a funny looking tip that could penetrate an engine block. But according to the BATFLGBTQHDTV-++- none of us mere mortals should be allowed to buy or transfer them. So......yeah.....
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 1 month ago
    I haven't seen an electric car I would buy. But if I had enough money I'd sure buy that 2023 Ford SUV Explorer. I love my 2014, but I would gladly trade it for that baby! Wow! N
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
    +1 👍🏻 I understand the sentiment and intention of the Resident. No offense but I do not want to read what he is trying to do. We are at War and we are going to win . Try as they might it ain’t going to happen.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
      Speaking of war, I understand, through these recent "leaks", confirmation that our young men and women are "boots-on-the-ground" in Nazi-occupied-Ukraine. No declaration of war. No Congressional oversight or consultation. No notification to his employer: WE. The American People who pay his salary.
      TraitorJoe and the Hoe, have got to go!
      When the Russians parade captured US solders in front of cameras, all hell is going to break loose. In more then one way.
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      • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
        👍 The two you mention are just the fall-guys.
        The entire corrupt system must go.
        DC. NIFO
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
          Yup. I should point out, the source for this data point is Tucker Carlson, FNN, last night.
          War room is doing a deep dive on the patsy right now. He is allegedly a First Class IT guy from Massachusetts Air National Guard (ANG), Otis Air Force Base. Of the hundreds of problems with the official government narrative is:

          > Otis AFB was closed by Bill Clinton in the early 1990's as part of the enormous base closures. (I was working at Hanscom AFB at the time, we were very concerned, but we dodged the axe).
          Otis AFB is a ghost town. There are still buildings there, it is still government property. You still need permission to be there. The gates are locked.
          My group got permission to run RF and RADAR experiments there in 2012. The staff housing is crumbling away due to neglect. But there are a couple of the larger structures that look abandoned, (no cars) but are clearly being maintained. No weeds in the parking lot, clean windows. Street lights still come on at night.

          > This first Class whatever is 21 years old and who's classification is one step up from green recruit. The Mass ANG has no conceivable need for intelligence of any kind about (Nazi-occupied) Ukraine.

          > His Daddy is seeeyeaye.

          > There is no way on heaven or earth the grunndoon of a grunndoon of a grunndoon is going to have access to the highest level of actionable intelligence from a ANG base... Specifically one that has been officially closed for more than 30 years.

          Forget the 21-year old patsy they sent 50 armed troops to arrest (not before calling the mockingbird media) (film at 11).

          There must be a reason this information was leaked. It baffles me, because what this says is we have been lied to by every newspaper, tv, radio station, every branch of the government.... everyone. Liars one and all. Every official mouthpiece of the government has lied... about everything.
          If this was an official leak, it would like they intentionally bathed in an open sewer and now want a big sloppy kiss.
          Something is not adding up here.
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          • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
            pure speculation: white hat action (with the patsy being a deep state response to hide that)?
            If deep state controls the patsy they can try to control the ongoing narrative,
            perhaps blaming (non-existent) right wing domestic terrorists?
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            • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
              👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻+1 Now that thinQing out of the box is exactly correct. The details will unlikely never be known, but Every narrative the MotherWEFers try Boomerangs on them. Mara Lago raid to, Russian collusion, Ukraine and the perfect phone call. Trumps arraignment , to inflation , to grooming ,you name it Hunters laptop. The Hunters become the hunted .
              Before Trump they never lost control of the Narrative. It would behoove any trying to follow the madness to thinQ outside the Box. Btw no Justice till the election fraud is over turned.
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              • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
                I just saw a video this morning of a portion of a Trump speech (given yesterday?) where he declares he will replace every Soros DA within his power to replace and will clean out the DOJ if elected. Because of him we are getting a lesson in weaponized law as it exists under a communist regime.

                I'm thinking if he wins "they" will try to kill him this time.
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                • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
                  Yes spot on Sir , they have tried several times to no avail he has the best security team in the world. He knows what happened to JFK , RFK , Reagan and so do the military patriots surrounding him.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 1 month ago
            Those liars get paid very handsomely and have lied lied and lied again. I on the other hand get nothing but a tiny hand in trying to save humanity and a future for my Grands. Almost everything you see these days is horrid for the sataninic motherWEFers. Including the leak discussed. Maybe somebody else is attacking back covertly as well as openly thinQ information warfare. WW3 Irregular War for7 years now. Good vs Evil, Light to Dark and God wins!
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 1 month ago
    The quest for an all-electric-car population is all about control and has nothing to do with the environment. Add to that the constant, overall quest for more and more governing that I've seen in every governmental/regulation group I've ever interfaced with - (think the recent desire to do away with all gas ranges). None of this makes any sense and it's typical of Biden to want to remove something without offering an equally effective replacement (shut down the oil industry with zero mention of building a bunch of nuclear plants...)
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 1 month ago
    Get ready for a repeat of the late 1960's and 1970's when the epa mandated emission reductions. It resulted in disastrous car design for that period until manufacturers figured out a way (at our expense really) to use smaller engines, fuel injection, and lighter cars to squeak by the regulations. By the time 2000 rolled around, people started buying less regulated pickups and suv's and big engines returned.

    Now we are going to see a repeat where the ICE cars will be smaller, more expensive, perform less well and generally be less attractive. The EV's will take over, no matter if they are less desirable and more expensive, and need expensive infrastructure.

    No one is talking about how the electricity will be produced, stored, and distributed, but taxpayers will foot the bill on that, I am sure. Solar production is daylight dependent and doesnt work in most of the country. Do people NOT drive at night then?

    Stupid government is at it again. We need to stop depending on government to solve our problems. They only make MORE problems.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 1 month ago
    The year me dino fully retired was 2013 shortly after I bought a 2013 Honda. It still runs pretty good since I don't have to drive back and forth to a job.
    Since I'm 76, the next car I buy will likely be my last. So I'll get another built to last and that will be a slightly used Honda with an internal combustion engine.
    That's my current plan anyway. In the near future there may not be any gasoline pumps if the libtarded Captain Planet green meanies cult gets its way.
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  • Posted by mikeofallon 1 year, 1 month ago
    The biased, corrupt Brandon admin will only consider "tailpipe emissions", NOT TOTAL emissions & the dino power required to keep EVs running. Expanding the grid, 85% dino charging stations, Battery life cycle, vehicle recycling. What's the human time cost for charging & grid outages??
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
    Not an effing word about:
    A) Where the power comes from? Answer: Hydrocarbons DUH! So much for zero emissions.
    B) Expansion and modernization of the distribution network.

    My neighborhood became electrified around the turn of the century. Last century. Same wires, same transformers.
    Most of my neighbors houses have knob & tube wiring. (bare wire running through ceramic insulating tubes, spaced about 6" apart. No grounds) I have the modern stuff! 1930's armored cabling (AC). Again, no grounding, unless you count the sheathing as a ground, it makes for a very poor conductor. GFI's won't work with AC. Unless they had a major renovation, we all have 4, count 'em, four, screw-in-type 15 amp fuses, for a grand total of 60 amps. This is almost always the case for home built before WWII. Unless they have had major renovations (all the walls torn out and the out-dated wiring replaced.)

    To say the TraitorJoe is stupid-on-a-pogostick is giving him credit he doesn't deserve.
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    • Posted by northerner777 1 year, 1 month ago
      Excellent points. I live in Southern Colorado in an area of many houses built in the last 50 years or so with hot-neutral-ground wiring usually with Romex or conduit and breakers, not glass fuses. But usually only a 100 amp load panel. I've seen more than a few older houses in the city with the knob and tube wiring and one friend who lived in such a house had asked me to change a ceiling fixture in their dining room. It had lath & plaster and the wiring was two wires with fabric insulation sticking through the lath. Scared the heck out of me. No smoke when I was done with the simple install but geez. I'm a transplant from Pittsburgh. many homes in the Midwest and East are quite old and not necessarily expensively upgraded to new wiring codes. I can imagine the horrific costs of installing EV charging wiring in those homes. Often local building regs require that any major wiring installs must include an entire house rewire to current codes. Can't see that happening. And many sources say the nation's power grid is no where near ready for the amperage demand of an influx of EVs. Nor are most average Americans even close to being able to afford those outrageous EV costs. I know I'm not being retired on SSA and a small company pension. And who would buy a used one that is obviously older generation EV technology? And older batteries just about ready to die? I agree, demand ain't there, the technology ain't there, the grid ain't there, the sophisticated and rare raw materials ain't there. EVs for the masses ain't gonna happen in the balance of my lifetime. If all goes well I'll be 100 in 2046. If America still exists by then 🙏
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
        Nice thing about knob & tube is it was totally oversized for 15 amps. I'm guessing from the gauge (AWG) of the wire it's probably good for 30 amps. The issue comes into play when too many lights, plugs and other fixture were daisy-chained on to any one circuit. Many fires were started after putting larger and larger fuses values when it won't stop blowing out. So you take a penny, put in the empty socket, then screw the fuse in. There, fixed! Never blow again.
        I have the official electrical code book: era 1928. Standard practice was to wrap the branch circuit wire around the feeder circuit, (5 wraps) coat with a apply a solder flux, solder, thoroughly cover the joint with tape. (a cloth and tar, the type we use on hockey sticks). Pretty much stays put, unless you touch it after 100 years.
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        • Posted by northerner777 1 year, 1 month ago
          Back East growing up in rural NW Allegheny County NW of Pittsburgh, my dad had utilized a military surplus Quonset hut as our home about 1947 when I was a year old. He put it on 36" side walls of poured concrete, concrete floor that gave us 8' ceilings and only slightly curved outer walls with wallboard and insulation. The wiring was all BX cable I don't remember much about the load center other than it was glass fuses from the late 40s technology. I've heard many stories about paper clips and pennies used for emergency fuses that get forgotten about!
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
          Hah, TT, you bring back old memories. Back in the '60s I took electrical shop in high school where I learned how to solder wire just as you describe. Took tube theory, too, LOL!
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