The 2nd Amendment's Misconstrued 'Militia' - A Primer on the 2nd Amendment

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 2 months ago to Politics
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"it’s important to ensure readers have a proper general understanding of the Bill of Rights. Contrary to common misperception, these amendments do not bestow privileges upon American citizens. Rather, they are primarily a set of prohibitions against the government infringing on pre-existing human rights all people have.

That’s evident in the language. For example, the First Amendment begins “Congress shall make no law…” This amendment isn’t awarding citizens the rights of religion, speech and assembly — it’s outlawing the government’s thwarting of those innate and universal human rights.

Similarly, the Fourth Amendment asserts that “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” Again, the authors are not granting those rights, they are protecting them.

When the Bill of Rights was proposed, some feared the enumeration of a handful of rights could be misinterpreted as providing a comprehensive catalogue — and thus empowering the government to infringe on human rights not specified. That’s why they included the Ninth Amendment, asserting that “the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

“Amendment II. A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
With that understanding of the Bill of Rights in mind, we see that, via the Second Amendment, the founders explicitly asserted that there is a “right of the people to keep and bear arms.”

What about that reference to “a well regulated militia”? As we set out to scrutinize the phrase, let’s first observe that the Second Amendment contains two distinct components serving two different purposes:

An operative clause that sets out a specific prohibition against the government’s infringement on a right: …the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

A prefatory clause that announces a purpose: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…

Positioned in the prefatory clause, the “well regulated Militia” reference merely serves to provide a rationale — and not necessarily the only rationale — for the operative clause that follows."

The Second Amendment is the ONLY REASON that the American People still have any rights remaining.
Any powerful government will be corrupt.
The US government must be reduced to less than 1/100th of its current power if the People are to regain their individual human liberty.
SOURCE URL: https://starkrealities.substack.com/p/the-2nd-amendments-misconstrued-militia

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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 2 months ago
    WE are the Militia
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    • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 2 months ago
      Correct. The Founders considered every able-bodied male (some considered as young as 16) to be part of "a well-regulated militia." BTW - "well-regulated" in those days meant functioning and maintained. Militia members were expected to provide their own weapons which they kept in good condition and were trained on how to operate. Certain towns leveraged their assets to purchase cannon and larger weapons for mutual defense, which they then held central armories. It was citizen armories like these that the British sought to impound that forced the battles of Lexington and Concord.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
      Not for hunting.
      Not for Sport.
      Not even for self-defense.
      While all excellent reasons.
      The second amendment was solely intended for the preservation of The Republic against a Tyrannical Government.
      It is this very Tyrannical Government that is pushing one false flag operations after another in a vain effort to seize our God-Given Right to bare arms.
      I perish the thought, but my "Spydie Sense" tells me this (Watering the Tree of Liberty) is not going to end well... for the black hats.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 2 months ago
    Every Mammal on earth, every living thing,.. has the right to defend its life. It's Nature. So too, Mankind, by whatever means available to defend one's self or another against any threat of life or liberty.

    Being civilized, we of course, chose to not act against the existence of others that have not acted against ours but if we did, we would forfeit our right to defend ourselves and submit ourselves to a court of law to decide our punishment.

    The ladder paragraph is where everything has gone haywire.

    Sounds like it's time for that well regulated militia...
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 2 months ago
    Take for instance the country's of Ukraine and Israel. Both are in a constant state of attack. Both countries mandate their eligible citizens to participate in defending the country.
    When I turned 18 I had to sign up for the draft here in this country. It was my duty, like it or not, to go to war if called to do so by my country.
    Too damn bad if my country now thinks I should not have the right to own weapons and protect myself, my family or my country or state. Here in the United States we are all innocent unless and until proven guilty of a felony and we all maintain the right to keep and bear arms unless otherwise convicted of a serious felony offence. Nothing in the Constitution mentions anything about the types of weapons we can have. Common use is a term we often hear and weapons have continually been improved upon since the 2A was written and muskets were the common gun. Since that time it has been a constant chip, chip and more chipping away at the rights with regulation after regulation on the types of guns in common use. The term "Assault Rifle" is BS. AR stands for the Armalite Rife platform developed many years ago and is as common as apple pie.in this and many other countries. Auto loading and semi automatic weapons have been around since the civil war.
    Hunting has absolutely nothing to do with gun ownership and we all have the right to protect ourselves with whatever means available, a hammer is a great weapon if nothing else is available and lots of people die every year at the end of hammers. In another Civil war in this country, North against the south, the south will have a distinct advantage because numerous weapons in the common use are banned in the north and not so in the south. Electing legislators who know little about weapons is our downfall yet we continue to do so. We are surrounded by ignorance and we continue to allow it jeopardize our rights of protection. I would guess that over 60% of the citizens of this country don't know squat about guns.
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  • Posted by $ splumb 1 year, 2 months ago
    The Second Amendment was written so that we could defend ourselves from a tyrannical government.

    Sorta like now, or the near future, the way things are going.
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 2 months ago
    The way things are going with the respect we have lost throughout the world, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, Venezuela, Brazil, India and far more banding together. The government here might be damned happy we citizen civilians have the guns and ammo we do have.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 2 months ago
      This government (both major parties and the Deep State) will have to be evicted before the People get any respect.
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      • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 2 months ago
        Don't look now but the people in front and behind you as well as those on both of your sides are just too stupid to see this. This can be blamed completely on the mainstream media where they get their fake news from.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 1 year, 1 month ago
    I am trying to uphold the 2nd Amendment by going to firearms classes held once a month at a local open range. I also attend specialized training classes when finances permit. Many of the participants are ardent firearm, devoted citizens. Despite having a Dem governor and sec of state here in Az there is still a Republican legislature that will deadlock any anti-2A bills from the governor.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 1 year, 1 month ago
    "Positioned in the prefatory clause, the “well regulated Militia” reference merely serves to provide a rationale — and not necessarily the only rationale — for the operative clause that follows."
    I don't know how scholarly opinion interprets it, but to my reading of it is it's saying that that people grant power to the government, and that means that people in militias rather than a large permanent army that could become a political force operating outside of the law or at least on the border of it influencing policy. I also see it as a symbol: if the people are the final source of rights they shouldn't turn over responsibility for dangerous things to the state. I interpret it to mean the people have a right to weapons, powerful tools, drugs and medicine.

    I used to think "well-regulated" meant this didn't apply to criminals or the mentally ill, but the article's suggestion of well-equipped seems more plausible.

    The part about the national guard being under the command of the federal government. That made me think the amendment might have been intended to ensure that the federal government wouldn’t dominate over the states. If so, that part did not work as planned.
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 1 year, 1 month ago
    "America’s latest episode of mass homicide has sparked renewed advocacy for restrictions on gun ownership."
    The prohibitions against government infringing on people's rights are not there for times when the majority of citizens would have gov't respect people's rights anyway. They're for times when, for one reason or another, the majority would consider granting government powers that infringe on someone's rights.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 1 month ago
    I think that given the number of left leaning collectivist citizens out there who are more interested in woke-ness than individual freedon, its unlikely that the second amendment will survive in the long run. Perhaps this is time to investigate living in a more free country
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      Could it be time for you to arm yourself so if they don't listen to reason and try to take your freedom you can respond with force in self defense?
      If we don't defend our rights, they will be taken away by looters and their damn fool conspirators.
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  • Posted by TheOriginalBadBob 1 year, 2 months ago
    Long ago, I read that the term "well regulated" had a different colloquial meaning in the late 1700s. Has anyone else read this?
    I think the article stated that it meant well equipped at the time. I have never seen it again.
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