Treasonous US Senate rejects Rand Paul's legislation to repeal 2001 law allowing executive branch war authorization

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 2 months ago to Politics
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"The US Senate has overwhelmingly voted down a proposal to repeal a 2001 law which has been interpreted to grant sweeping war powers to the White House. Several presidents have cited the same measure as legal backing for dozens of military interventions around the world over more than 20 years.

Introduced by Republican Senator Rand Paul to mark the 20th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq, an amendment to rescind the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) was rejected in a 9-86 vote this week. Only four lawmakers from each party, as well as Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, supported the legislation.

“Today, I offered the US Senate a chance to repeal the 9/11 2001 authorization for war to reclaim our constitutional power and send a message to the world that we are a nation of peace,” Paul said in a statement after the vote on Wednesday. “We should have risen above symbolism and … shown our respect for the Constitution, our fealty to the rule of law, and our sincere desire that peace, not perpetual war, be our legacy.”
Senator Paul vowed to continue efforts to repeal the authorization, insisting that Congress, not the president, is supposed to hold war-making powers under the Constitution. He has also co-sponsored a largely symbolic bill to revoke separate AUMFs from 1991 and 2002, hoping to formally end the Gulf and Iraq Wars. It has some bipartisan backing, and was recently approved out of committee in a 13-8 vote, possibly signaling it will fare better than Paul’s amendment."

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