The last memes from me.

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago to History
58 comments | Share | Best of... | Flag

I had these saved so I’m posting them.
Never fake checked because I don’t give a FuQ what you think about them.
Oh and BTW the Dali lama got $1,000,000 from NXIVM (You know the sex slave group that branded the lucky women.)

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    Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 3 months ago
    Saving the best for last?...I may be right behind you...it's lots of work.
    Top row was funny as hell, the rest were as sobering as hell and the Irish blessing was nice as hell...thanks
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    • Posted by 1 year, 3 months ago
      This Q dropped seemed appropriate for these days you probably remember it.

      Jan 13, 2018 10:18:18 PM EST
      Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 000000 No. 9
      We are FIGHTING for LIFE.
      We are FIGHTING for GOOD.
      We are at WAR [@].
      Do you TRUST the US Military?
      Do you TRUST the Chain Of Command?
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  • Posted by $ jlc 1 year, 3 months ago
    The memes are the only interaction I have with the Gulch. Thank you for posting them - I often forget to Like, so my reading them is not part of your statistics. My apologies: your work is indeed appreciated.
    The Gulch has gone from being a site dedicated to individualism, to being a pretty conventional, conservative venue that has little to do with Rand's philosophy but which is deep in conspiracy theories.
    The memes are the element of lightness that gives me a reason to have not departed entirely.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
      Most of the items labeled "conspiracy theories" have turned out to be true. And they threaten individual liberty.

      If you feel that not enough about Rand is being offered here, you can always post something. I've been on this forum (as a paid member) for over ten years now. A lot of what gets posted revolves around the news for a couple of reasons:
      1) There just isn't enough content to post a deep philosophical diatribe every day.
      2) Most of us have seen the good philosophical debates already and so we don't repost them.
      3) Many of us look at current events as evidence of the abandonment of anything remotely resembling logic.

      If you feel that too many "conservative" things get posted here, ask yourself if you would rather see communist propaganda... One can either focus on finding friends or making enemies...
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 3 months ago
    I saw him wanting to play tonsil hockey with a little boy...he too, loves kids jumping on his lap!
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    • 10
      Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
      Yeah, that oh so widely respected for "holy" Dali Lama actually asked that little boy to suck his tongue.
      And he did that in front of people while being photographed.
      In this day and time, I wonder if those onlooking people thought that was just swell.
      That pervert is the Dali Lama after all.
      Seems to me this whole damn world is going to hell.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 3 months ago
        I am so disgusted and disillusioned by the Dalai Lama's stunt. I've been a student of Buddhism and read tons and meditated tons more. Read some of his books. Met some people who met him. I never never never saw this coming. And yet he faltered. Don't touch a woman for 80 years and that's what happens. All-too-human. The "imp of the perverse" slipped out of his well-disciplined mind. Satan will bleed into anything, anywhere, if given a tiny chance. Buddhists Jews Muslims Catholics Zoroastrians they've all taken advantage of kids.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 3 months ago
          You left out public school teachers who have outdone the Catholic Church in abuse by multitudes . In the last 10 years Priests have averaged about 200 convicted cases per year and public schools have averaged 29,000 per year. Shocking that all you hear about is the priests.
          They would not want to undermine their grooming indoctrination operation.

          About the Dalai Lamai,
          I posted 3-4 years ago basically the whole story of NXVIM. That was a so-called womens empowerment organization. Keith Raniere an American criminal convicted for a pattern of racketeering activity including human trafficking, sex offenses, and fraud. He co-founded NXIVM, a purported-self-help multi-level marketing company offering personal development seminars and headquartered in Albany, New York. Operating from 1998 to 2018, at its height, NXIVM had 700 members, including celebrities and the wealthy.
          judge Nicholas Garaufis sentenced Raniere to 120 years and a $1.75 million fine.
          Clare an Sara Bronfman a daughter of the billionaire Edgar Bronfman funded Raniere with over $150 million of their fortune. The women turned to sex slaves were literally Branded with his initials just above the pelvic area. At that time NXIVM members sought the endorsement of the Dalai Lamai paying $2 million to him .
          Eight years later, it was revealed that, in 2009, Sara Bronfman had a sexual relationship with Lama Tenzin Dhonden, the Dalai Lama's gatekeeper who arranged the appearance; and who, as a monk, had taken a vow of celibacy
          On May 6, 2009, the Dalai Lama traveled to Albany to give a talk; during the event, he presented Raniere with a white scarf onstage.The Dalai Lama additionally wrote the foreword to the book The Sphinx and Thelxiepeia, which Raniere co-authored in 2009.
          My take is that the leadership of Buddhism has been infiltrated like the Vatican and almost everything else. The sick FuQ SatanicLuciferian
          Genocidal Globalist Peedo Mother WEFers take any good thing and distort , twist and pervert it.
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          • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 3 months ago
            Yes you're right. I won't trash religions I mispoke. Pedophiles will do any job they can to get near children. Gymnastics teacher, football coach, pastor, rabbi, imam etc... Not fair to blame religion for the abuses of pedophiles. Oh yeah and reading sexual stories to children by gay men who get a sexual thrill from dressing up as women...schools have most of the children on a silver platter to serve them up as pedosnacks. And pedophiles will go get a Master's degree in teaching because they crave children so bad. They'll go to divinity school. When people get rich and bored, all that's left is sex with children.
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
          Well after I quit the Catholic Church for evolving into a Protestant (without going into details), what I never saw coming was the scandal of pedophile priests sexually abusing little boys and the Church trying to over it all up.
          Since then I've heard of two preachers cheating on their wives (not to mention Jimmy Swaggart) and two more, both Baptists during the Seventies, lie about me as a newspaper reporter reporting that they agreed to meet with county commissioners but failed to show up. Those two saying "We agreed to no such thing" were the only ones lying. I had to have people look me in the eye and say, "They can't be the ones lying. They are preachers! "Think that Schiff didn't stick in my craw?" I'm still a Protestant, though a nondenominational one.
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  • Posted by starguy 1 year, 3 months ago
    Chuck Jones must have been watching that encounter, between the coyote and the road runner.
    He then made a dash toward his drawing easel, and the rest is history.
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  • Posted by JakeOrilley 1 year, 3 months ago
    I have always enjoyed the meme's - I am sure that it is a lot of work, but truly appreciated!! I share them with my brother - do not always comment but do enjoy them!! Thanks for all of the hard work!
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
    That first meme caused me to think of my lib brother.
    I also get that Wiley Coyote never caught Roadrunner even with the help of Acme products and dynamite always blowing him up instead, but that doesn't explain my lib brother born 2 years after me
    who watched those same cartoons with me when we were little kids.
    A couple of other memes made me proud of being a quarter Irish and being born on St. Patrick's Day when I consider myself magically 100% Irish for 24 hours.
    Have another brother who recently caught Covid and passed it on to an often sickly sister-in-law,who has problems with her immune system (forgot the name of what that disease is called).
    So I thought she was a goner for sure.
    Guess what saved her life? Due to her immune system disease, she's been taking Hydroxychloroquine for years!
    Recall the crazed (if scripted by Central Control behind a curtain) reaction of Fake News on every lib news outlet when a President Trump then in office recommended using that drug?
    It's no use because Orange Man Bad! It's no good because Orange Man Bad! It's no good because Orange Man Bad!
    Me dino wonders how many people they killed for all harping such Schiff.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 3 months ago
    Hey D: Why do you say this is the last of your memes? I wait for your memes. These are all very dark! My son isn't doing too well since his sweet wife died. I'm working on it though. With God's help, he will get through it. You never get 'over' it. Love and kisses to you and your family. N
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    • Posted by 1 year, 3 months ago
      So sorry Nan for you and your sons loss , I do know how hard it is. On Friday the 14th our family will have an anniversary that no one ever wants. It is the 19 year of our son Alex’s death. He now has been gone longer than he was alive. I suppose that’s why I am a bit surly these last few days.
      XOXO .
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      • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 3 months ago
        Understood. I lost my Chuckie and his beautiful wife too. Accident with a train and his motorcycle.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 3 months ago
          Yes Nan , you have more than your share of grieving. It actually is what I think about when people say they want to live to 120. It’s not appealing at all. First the thought of losing any other loved ones would increase substantially living that long . Second what condition would the body be in.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 3 months ago
            I think it would be more appealing to live to 120 if it was at the beginning to the middle of the cycle of civilization...certainly not toward the end of the cycle which is where we are now.
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  • Posted by bsudell 1 year, 3 months ago
    Actually, I save a lot of these memes to pass down to my grandchildren so that future generations know what happened during our lifetime. These are like comic books, great information in an informal way.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 3 months ago
    Please say it isn't so! I give a thumbs-up to every memes post from you and Carl, and from the occasional other. Like some, I copy and post them to the ones who will appreciate them and to hell with the rest. This last batch (no!no!no!) has some real zappers that are going into my special file for my future ammo. So many truths are made clear and hilighted by your hard work. What will I do if there are no memes to laugh, cry, curse and bemoan over?
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  • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 3 months ago
    I compile your best memes that I like the most in an email and blast them out to those I think would enjoy them. And to some who I know would not. I appreciate the work and I always look forward to the meme drops. Thanks DOB.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 3 months ago
    Ohhhhhhh Nooooooooo! Not the last!!!!

    Anyway, great collection proving going out with some of the best only makes 'em want more, LOL!

    Thanks, Dobrien, for entertaining and informing! I've appreciated every edition.

    I'm thinking of the song "Stay"... just a little bit longer...
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 3 months ago
    The man installed to disguise sabotage beneath incompetence. Spot on right there.
    Dobrien -- Thank you for all of the time and attention that you have provided to members of The Gulch.
    Your efforts are appreciated as they have certainly given me pause to reflect and see the larger picture of what is happening in our world.
    If you should choose to continue with the meme selection and sharing at a later time, we will be grateful.
    If this is your last meme posting, then I hope that you continue to post your thoughts and observations outside the scope of the memes.
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