A Sampling Of Videos "Select" Members Of The Jan 6 Show Trial Did Not Want Us To See

Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 4 months ago to News
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Me dino saw some of the so-called Jan 6 "riot" on TV. Early on I saw a dude exhibiting a threatening strut as he walked that I had seen before. That's when I heard myself say, "Antifa."
After that, I saw someone breaking a window and thought to myself that here was another Antifa thug.
SOURCE URL: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/catherinesalgado/2023/03/11/jan-6-videos-show-antifa-disguising-selves-as-trump-supporters-trumpers-stopping-vandals-n1677413?bcid=05d1a739b5cb22081b4998bfd6b1a09c16bd154683993faaa74af1fe7b4ebe4b&recip=21068261

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  • Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 4 months ago
    The J6 committee only saw what they wanted to see. The media only reported on what the committee ‘saw’. If this isn’t Orwell’s warning, then I don’t know what else will ever be...
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 4 months ago
      Chucky Schumer really had a hissy fit over Tucker Carson practicing his First Amendment rights about Jan 6 on Fox News.
      Yeah, Chucky, Tucker is as much a threat to your idea of democracy as you are to our Constitutional Republic.
      I bet you know all that, don't you?
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