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  • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 7 months ago
    The NY Post goof headline is real? "It Had To Be (You)" was written in the 1920's. I play piano, and that was in my repertoire, nice song.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago
      Most of my favorite songs were written before 1950.
      I perform that one (and others) for local retirement homes.
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      • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 7 months ago
        Ha-ha, I was in an alzheimer's home for 2 months and I entertained every day, it was great, well the staff loved me. I was there to recover from bad auto accident until I could walk again, and it wasn't justifiable, after the operations, to stay in the hospital.
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        • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 7 months ago
          There is a local woman here who gets young people from her church (and their friends)
          to put on shows for local retirement homes. In this way they raise some money for two
          4-week summer camping retreats for young people. She also gets some older people
          (like me) who enjoy music to join in, too.
          We take lots of photos with the residents and get them to join us singing
          and in entertaining games, e.g., the dating game.
          We all have a great time.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 7 months ago
      It is a nice song. I was almost 68 when I took my first piano lesson. I just turned 71 and am still at it. It's fun but not coming easy at all, but I'm not ready to give up. I can play a really nice Star Spangled Banner and a few other pieces. My goal is to play a decent Beethoven 5th Piano Concerto by time I'm 80 - don't know if I will make it, but will try - maybe by the time I'm 85? Love Beethoven, but currently he's over my head, LOL!
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      • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 7 months ago
        Make SURE you learn proper fingering. Follow the fingering rules or you won't be able to play (at proper speed) the tricky passages in a Beethoven work. "Practice makes Perfect" ? - NO, it's "Practice makes Permanent" and if you learn fingering the wrong way, it's very difficult to "unlearn" it. Or another analogy would be Wilt Chamberlin - never learned proper way to make free throws - he bent down and threw the ball up from between his knees.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 7 months ago
          Yes, you sound like my piano instructor. He's always checking to make sure I don't learn bad habits - same as you he says bad habits are hard to unlearn. My biggest problem, for now, is achieving left/right hand separation and when I'm ready foot pedals on an organ. My instructor is working with me on that as it's hard to modify 70 years of doing something that seems so natural. It's coming, but slowly. I'm doing OK with left hand chords as long as they are reasonably in synch with the right hand melody. However, when the left hand is doing a rhythm and the right a melody (think "O Holy Night") I have problems. My instructor says I will get it if I keep at it. He gave me exercises to do and they are working if I take my time.

          I've successfully achieved my first goal. Some years ago the organist for my lodge passed away and there was nobody to play the National Anthem at the beginning of our meetings. After a year or so I decided I would give it a go. The organ is a marvelous sounding Hammond M3 built in 1957. I learned how to oil and maintain it and fired it up. I started piano lessons to learn the right way to proceed and now I play the Anthem rather well. I have a ways to go, but it's been a fun journey so far.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 7 months ago
    Yeah, last week on Tucker Carlson I watched surveillance videos showing how Buffalo Guy got first class treatment having doors opened for him and being escorted about the building by the Capitol Police.
    So who's telling lies, Chucky ugly baby?. It sure ain't Tucker. Telling lies is what you are all about along with the rest of that Jan 6 commie-styled show trial saying Schiff about 5 cops being killed when it did not even happen.
    Also learned Buffalo guy is still in jail. For what?
    Being peaceful as the Capitol Police led him around?
    Chucky is the liar who should still be in jail along with the rest of his Jan 6 show trial lying filth.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 7 months ago
    It could be quite a statement if Tucker or someone provided a complete list of names of those in jail for this J6. Info also should include if they are still waiting for trial or tried and sentenced.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 7 months ago
    Did Carlson get censored after the first showing? He promised a lot more to come after the initial sharing of J6 videos on last Monday. After that virtually nothing. Did commie Chucky Schumer's threatening address on Tuesday morning get traction? I saw a video by Dinesh D'Sousa pointing out the same thing and he was asking the same as I.

    Great collection of memes documenting this, OUC!

    Has anyone seen a list of the captives still in jail and what are their stories?
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 7 months ago
      No, not censored, he showed more the second night and then he showed some idiot setting the break-in stage, he stops and walks away in the middle of his deeds because he sees he is being filmed. There was also the proof that showed the cop did not die and was fine after the supposed incident.

      Last night he talked about the 1000s of hours of worthless tape; nothing happening, cameras focused on doors etc.

      Have not seen any list of names. You know, somethings not quite right there...things may not be as told, I suspect.

      I'm waiting to find out just how much of the shown violence/ruckus/etc was staged, we've already seen the windows being broken Before anyone got there.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 7 months ago
        My bad for missing something. I didn't watch the original showing on Tuesday, but a shortened video of it on Wednesday morning. My take was the same as D'Sousa's - he backed down. On Monday, he showed a bit on the policeman who wasn't assaulted as I recall. The whole thing looked more like a few tour buses unloaded and they were being escorted through the building - taking pictures and milling about looking at the scenery and collecting brochures.

        Yeah, somethings not quite right or as told...
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