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    Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago
    Not my president.
    He's a parasitical, looting, insurrectionist traitor.
    Execute him for treason.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
      Whether I'm writing inside or outside The Gulch, me dino never gets tired of my formulated description of "Crooked Quid Pro Quo Traitor Joe "Big Guy" of the multi-millionaire influence peddling Biden Crime Family now the senile
      Puppet-In-Chief of zero business experience Marxist handlers."
      There's someone outside The Gulch who calls himself RedState who writes the same thing. Wonder who he is. Tee-hee.
      Whoa! Just walked away from my PC I got hit by a new thought concerning Obama's influence.
      Think I'll be adding-~~"an Obamanation of zero experience Marxist handlers."
      In the futtere I'll add an alteration.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
        In your description you leave out Pedo file and incestuos (sp) as evidenced by his daughters diary
        Where she states that at 14 she took inappropriate
        Showers with Dad and then avoided showering till late at night when he was asleep. This diary is verified by the daughter suing in court the person who found it. Not sued for the disturbing documentation contain in it but for the book itself.
        But truly anyone with eyes has to cringe just watching the deranged Pedo try to feel up kids in photo ops. This beh@viour ignored or not talked about is a stain on all of US who stay silent IMO
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        • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
          Well, hell' bells, that deranged slime bag gets away with so much Schiff it's hard to squeeze it all in.
          And I thought she was suing her cad for a dad. Learn something new every day.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 3 months ago
    someone is running TV ads against Ron DeSantis
    saying he wanted to cut medicare, medicaid, social securty

    i've not researched what he wanted to do, but i bet he wanted to limit the growth of those

    just as in Greece and France, most do not want benefits cut, so we are left with systems that are both unconstitutional and failing under the weight of those taking from them

    both parties are guilty of using welfare to buy votes

    so we have a system primed to fail

    per Elon Musk, with commercial real estate becoming worthless (work at home), more banks will fail, soon

    all of this created by politicians and clueless voters and companies that all feed on the public funds

    what id being done to kids is also on purpose
    to turn them into sex objects for some, organs for others, shock troops, confused people looking for someone with answers

    and democrats offer easy asnwers
    you feel out of touch, change your sex
    you feel unsafe, we'll take guns from others
    don;t like what someone said, we'll censor them

    removing religion was just part of the setup for this mess
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
      DeSanctimonious is being heavily supported by the RINO Uniparty CUCKS . I have a sense that he is going to suck all the $$$ out of them and throw in the towel. MAGA is the only vote that matters.
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 3 months ago
    I think people in general sense that there is serious trouble in the USA, and they are powerless to correct it. This leads to frustration and violence in general. Who hasnt thought of just running into an idiot driver who just cut you off (if there were no repurcussions). Students are are younger and less able to understand and control their emotions. Shooting as many people as you can just feels like at least you are doing SOMETHING.

    If Biden were in an accident and alone on a remote highway and needed help, he wouldnt get it from me I can tell you. I would be happy to help an abandoned dog in an instant, as its at least something of value
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 3 months ago
    we also need to stop naming the murderers on TV, giving them the infamy they desire
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    • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 3 months ago
      Stay out of their heads if you want to keep your sanity. They not only should be named but should be shown being locked up. I would want prisons to be full of pain, if it were not for any innocents being incarcerated, then TV viewers might get the idea that crime doesn't pay. Also bring back 'looters will be shot' to put an end to looting. Be sure TV is present as a looter is shot coming out of a store with his loot. Quit make looting a fun activity.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 3 months ago
    The most recent NRA national meeting in Indianapolis had a large presentation on the very realistic violent video games and the correlation with school shootings. Take a depressed mentally ill adolescent given all sorts of mixed messages from school and social media who identifies with the video games and bingo - mass shootings. Why is it that the NRA is the organization defining the contributory factors and Brandon et al are silent ?
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 3 months ago
    All is NOT LOST, YET.
    But I did notice that Boston Dynamics created robots, THEN The Defund the police, now we have Robot Police. Methinks David Icke might have called this!

    FINALLY, all we need is extreme punishment for crimes (make shoplifting < 10 CENTS a misdemeanor. But above $1 an felony, above $100 a death sentence).

    Make group battery a Death Sentence.
    Make rape (recorded, like on that metro) a Death Sentence.

    Make Everything that goes too far, SO HIGHLY Punished, that people don't do it.

    And you will see this stuff go away.

    Bring back stop and frisk.

    Because I Find it strange that with more cameras everywhere, and tracking devices being worn, during the commission of all of these crimes...
    We are not going after the criminals... But the guys who had Tiki Torches that were lit as though those fires equate to burning cities down, and killing people.

    A few large swatch killings of bad people might wake people up!
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 1 year, 3 months ago
    Heinous crimes (regardless of the weapon used) are the criminals' fault. Most criminals have a story about how it's actually someone else's fault, but their being fired up by politicians' bigoted rhetoric is unusually bizarre and lame as excuses go.
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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
    My great child said, "Nana how old are you?' My answer was 'Probably older than you are either of your parents will ever be darling.(Her grandmother had just died) I am 86 years old,' Her response, 'How did that happen?" This generation cannot even comprehend that we would live so long. My response, 'God's will.'
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 3 months ago
    Kids have no hope. Boomers F’d them with the Ponzi scheme. The Feds handed them a $31T debt. Violent crime is the new norm. Gender is “fluid”. Being a dad now is very interesting.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
      It’s always been interesting. Each Generation having their own issues. The answer my friend is doing what you are doing “being a dad”.
      If the majority of kids had a dad that was present , it would make a world of difference.
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  • Posted by $ servo75 1 year, 3 months ago
    School shootings go back to at least Columbine in 1999. While I will agree that they're more the result of a degredation (intentional or not) of society and children especially, the whole transgender thing is only in the last few years. Believe me, I attended a Teacher Education graduate program (please don't ask why) in the mid-2000s and the acronym "LGBT" hadn't even been invented yet. We were not openly preaching transgenderism although I will say in retrospect there was a more subtle emasculation of boys and men.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 3 months ago
    Biden is sending all youth the way he raised Hunter: drugs, lies, no responsibility, corruption. Paretns shoved out of kid;s lives by undereducated low IQ school employees, who tell them lies about how life works. College is no longer for education, per our school, it is for "socializing." Kids are to taught responsibility, they are taught they are "victims" and "entitled." Soros funds in DAs and judges who then upheld the untruths they have been taught. Nothing will change, as long as they are allowed to continue. Now we have people thinking squatting in a home bought, taxes paid, ulitites paid by another is legal, because we have a corrupt legal system in the US. We are quickly becoming 3rd world. I did not have time for portests as a young adult, even in hifh school, I worked for a NY Mafia owned company, with ot regardd for labor laws, 7 days a week, 52 hours, while pulling down a 4,0 last two years of high school. Dad felt that ws allowing me to learn responsibility on all levels, and he certainly knew where i was!
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
    Most child psychologists will tell you that the biggest thing that children want is security - then love. They want to be able to deal with the unexpected on their terms and as they are ready to. They get scared if confronted with a situation they don't comprehend or which is too mature for them. And it is our job as parents to provide a safe, nurturing environment for them and NOT rush them into mature situations or content. And that includes ideological lies like those told by the left on a constant basis.

    We need to focus more on letting kids go out and play baseball and cowboys and indians and dolls and on the playground without infecting them with toxic gender ideology or sexual conduct until they are appropriately mature.

    I might add that I don't think that most leftists are mature enough on their own to deal with these ideas... ;)
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 3 months ago
      Oh darlin' thanks for your comments. I caution my young friends, 'why do you want to grow up so quickly? You rush throw your best times trying to do what you think adults do and you aren't there yet. Stay as sweet as you are.' N
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  • Posted by lrshultis 1 year, 3 months ago
    Change that 'we' to 'some' . I and most of us on this forum don't want to be included in that discussing category. Sorry that you included yourself among them.
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