Monday Morning memes

Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 4 months ago to Entertainment
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Never fake checked, this isn’t a court of law. Category: Entertainment

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 1 year, 4 months ago
    I missed something and learned yesterday that my nephew and his lovely wife went on a cruise and when they returned the weren;t allowed entry until they took the vax! How much more stupid could we have been? Idiots!
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 4 months ago
    Nicely played, Dobrien! The truth of so many of these memes is serious and amusing, but I appreciate the comic relief of spring around the corner - you wouldn't think so the way it's snowing around here today.

    This whole SVB scenario is a repeat of 2007/8 in as much as political correctness of the Clinton administration (with Barney Frank et al) created the real estate mortgage debacle and wokeness helped create this one.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 4 months ago
      Yes SVB was the most woke Bank in the country and it provided banking for the wealthy big tech Marxists. 99% of the depositors in the bank had more than $250,000. This was the place to bank for the looney liberals . The ones pushing Rainbow LGBTQ+++ crap, the ones that censored facts about the Covid ScamDEMic. The hid the vaxed side effects and dangers. They pushed the Russia Russia Russia garbage, they censored election fraud. I can’t imagine a better bank to go under. I wonder how many of those Big shots shit their pants literally on Thursday and Friday as the bank was shuttered.
      From a previous comment I made , this “Bank” is where the Tech oligarchs put their money. It is the most “Woke” bank on the planet. The SVB also had close ties to Epstien hmmm and they have been subpoenaed about his transactions. They also had ties to Dominion Voting Systems. The bank run reportedly was started by Peter Theil a venture capitalist and staunch supporter of President Donald J Trump. This bank was deeply entrenched in China with the CCP. The sovereign nation trio of Trump Putin and Xi are who Soros has called out and is the most afraid of. Well Rightly so because the scumbags are systematically being destroyed by them. ( They never thought she would lose) Banks worldwide are in big trouble.
      We (MAGA) are at war with the SLGGPB cabal.
      They have enslaved the world with their debt system. The Banks are one of their main weapons .You can’t defeat them without destroying the system of systems. Their system is cracking and we still have lots of ammo. Stay tuned. BTW side note Signature Bank canceled Trumps account with them because of J6 false flag. They stepped into Trumps quicksand and that does not go well for those that do.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 4 months ago
        See? This is why I keep coming back to the Gulch. I learn things here I don't see anywhere else. I haven't seen any of this in the media - even talk radio, which I listen to in the workshop. After reading your post, it sure looks like karma that SVB finally failed. I can also understand more why Xiden is running to the rescue with our money. I figure if the bank held the savings of us serfs he'd say nothing and let it go under. Now you have me wondering if this bank was a pipeline for the election fraud payoffs.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 4 months ago
          Yes Sam Bankman Freid from FTX banked with SVB and his operation was to fund the Uniparty with donations of cash from money he stole from investors. Such a web of deceit, to bad for them the web is being unfurled. Anons research cannot be stifled anymore, it has gone mainstream thanks to Elon Musk. The genie is out of the bottle.
          Side note , BuyDem and Pocohaauntus are blaming Trump for Signature bank failure. They claim he weakened Dodd -Frank. Funny thing Barney the flaming fag Frank is on the board of Directors of the Bank. You just can’t make this shit up.
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 4 months ago
    I also love beer and chewing tobacco and fully agree with Earl’s comment to Bubba.
    The only thing better is to have the ‘anchor’ as an ex and don’t repeat the mistake.
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