Hi. My name is... Bruce

Posted by brucerh80 1 year, 5 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I'm very happy to have landed in the Gulch...
Things are more like they are today than they ever were before, but imagine what they will be... Avionics Technician by day, layman conspiracy theory depth gauge researcher/critic by evening. A fixer of things most people would throw away.
Everything is literally all about the money, and the money, turns out, isn't real.

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  • Posted by $ Commander 1 year, 5 months ago
    Welcome Bruce
    Former USAF Jet Mech. Multiple spread of disciplines came from this. 35 years manufacturing business ownership .... not quite retired, but Gone Galt on my former customer base. After I quit they started offering 2 to 3 times previous. Pound Sand!
    "If you can't fix it, "F" it!" Was on a bike repair business condom/card at Sturgis in 2012.
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